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简介:Joan of Naples1343-1382By ALEXANDER DUMAS, PERECHAPTER IIn the night of the 15th of January 1343, while the inhabitants of Naples lay wrapped in peaceful slumber, they were suddenly awakened by the bells of the three hundred churches that this thrice blessed capital contains. In the midst of the disturbance caused by so rude a call the first bought in the mind of all was that the town was on fire, or that the army of some enemy had mysteriously landed under cover of night and could put the citizens to the edge of the sword. But the doleful, intermittent sounds of all these fills, which disturbed the silence at regular and distant intervals, were an invitation
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1、本站提供了《joan of naples》TXT格式电子书免费下载,直接点击即可下载,为保证下载速度和下载稳定性推荐使用迅雷下载。
3、本站提供的《joan of naples》来自于网友上传分享,仅作为阅读交流,版权归作者或出版社所有。如作者、出版社认为本站行为侵权,请联系本站ee5w_com$$换成@) ,们会立即删除。