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简介:Some Reminiscencesby Joseph ConradA Familiar Preface.As a general rule we do not want much encouragement to talk aboutourselves; yet this little book is the result of a friendlysuggestion, and even of a little friendly pressure. I defendedmyself with some spirit; but, with characteristic tenacity, thefriendly voice insisted: "You know, you really must."It was not an argument, but I submitted at once. If one must!. . .You perceive the force of a word. He who wants to persuadeshould put his trust, not in the right argument, but in the right...
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1、本站提供了《some reminiscences》TXT格式电子书免费下载,直接点击即可下载,为保证下载速度和下载稳定性推荐使用迅雷下载。
3、本站提供的《some reminiscences》来自于网友上传分享,仅作为阅读交流,版权归作者或出版社所有。如作者、出版社认为本站行为侵权,请联系本站ee5w_com$$换成@) ,们会立即删除。