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简介:The Age of Invention, A Chronicle of Mechanical Conquestby Holland ThompsonPREFATORY NOTEThis volume is not intended to be a complete record of inventive genius and mechanical progress in the United States. A bare catalogue of notable American inventions in the nineteenth century alone could not be compressed into these pages. Nor is it any part of the purpose of this book to trespass on the ground of the many mechanical works and encyclopedias which give technical descriptions and explain in detail the principle of every invention. All this book seeks to do is to outline the personalities of some of the outstanding American inventors and indicate the significa
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1、本站提供了《the age of invention》TXT格式电子书免费下载,直接点击即可下载,为保证下载速度和下载稳定性推荐使用迅雷下载。
3、本站提供的《the age of invention》来自于网友上传分享,仅作为阅读交流,版权归作者或出版社所有。如作者、出版社认为本站行为侵权,请联系本站ee5w_com$$换成@) ,们会立即删除。