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简介:Rambling Idle Excursionby Mark TwainSOME RAMBLING NOTES OF AN IDLE EXCURSIONAll the journeyings I had ever done had been purely in the way ofbusiness. The pleasant May weather suggested a novelty namely, a tripfor pure recreation, the bread-and-butter element left out. The Reverendsaid he would go, too; a good man, one of the best of men, although aclergyman. By eleven at night we were in New Haven and on board the NewYork boat. We bought our tickets, and then went wandering around hereand there, in the solid comfort of being free and idle, and of puttingdistance between ourselves and the mails and telegraphs.After a while I went to my stateroom and undress
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3、本站提供的《rambling idle excursion》来自于网友上传分享,仅作为阅读交流,版权归作者或出版社所有。如作者、出版社认为本站行为侵权,请联系本站ee5w_com$163.com($换成@) ,们会立即删除。