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简介:The Maintenance of Free Tradeby Gerard de Malynes1622The Maintenance of Free Trade, According to the Three Essentiall Parts of Traffique; Namely Commodities, Moneys and Exchange of Moneys, by Bills of Exchanges for other Countries. Or answer to a Treatise of Free Trade, or the meanes to make Trade floushish, lately Published.Contraria iuxta se Pofita magis Elucescunt.by Gerard Malynes Merchant.London, Printed by I.L. for William Shefford, and are to be sold at his shop, at the entring in of Popes head Allie out of Lumbard Street, 1622.To The Most High and Mighty Monarch, James, by the grace of God, King of great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Fai

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