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简介:Vera, The Mediumby Richard Harding DavisPart IHappy in the hope that the news was "exclusive", the Despatchhad thrown the name of Stephen Hallowell, his portrait, apicture of his house, and the words, "At Point of Death!" acrossthree columns. The announcement was heavy, lachrymose, bristlingwith the melancholy self-importance of the man who "saw thedeceased, just two minutes before the train hit him."But the effect of the news fell short of the effort. Save thatcity editors were irritated that the presidents of certainrailroads figured hastily on slips of paper, the fact that anold man and his millions would soon be parted, left New York...
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1、本站提供了《vera, the medium》TXT格式电子书免费下载,直接点击即可下载,为保证下载速度和下载稳定性推荐使用迅雷下载。
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