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是否完成:全本 |
更新时间:2023-11-29 |
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小说大小:28K |
作 者:未知 |
收 藏 数:0 |
上传者:暖暖 |
总点击数:11 |
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本周点击:11 |
首发状态:他站首发 |
总推荐数:0 |
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奴役ENSLAVED 奴役原著:Xanthe翻译:Madeline(主马甲Ralph的猫。汗……仅仅为写信,任何论坛上看见的,都不是我。)Xanthe授权书:Dear Madeline,Many thanks. I’m happy for you to translate my stories into Chinese - I only ask that you send me the link when you’re done so I can put it on my site. I’ve got a feeling someone has already done Enslaved but I might be wrong - it’ll be listed in the translation section on my site if that’s the case.Xanthe本篇说明:BDSM. 厌恶者慎入。摘要:Mulder被从他的寓所拐走,遭受了严酷的折磨。有BDSM的性行为描述。等级:NC17奖项:1999年紫心奖最佳短篇。Mulder被一只在他口腔里滑动的手惊醒了。他扭了一下,试图挣脱开来,却突然发现他的手被胡乱地铐在一副金属手铐里。...。...
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