类 别:经管教育 |
是否完成:全本 |
更新时间:2019-08-15 |
报告错误 |
小说大小:95K |
作 者:未知 |
收 藏 数:0 |
上传者:恐龙王 |
总点击数:16 |
本月点击:16 |
本周点击:16 |
首发状态:他站首发 |
总推荐数:0 |
本月推荐:0 |
本周推荐:0 |
第一卷 第一章(一)Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。As soon as the price picks upenquiries will revive.一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous.对地毯的询盘日益增加。Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases.询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。Enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在减少。Enquiries are dried up.询盘正在绝迹。They promised to transfer their future enquiries to Chinese Corporations.他们答应将以后的询盘转给中国公司Generally speakinginquiries are made by the buyers.询盘一般由买方发出。Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation....。...
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