ACKNOWLEDGMENTS锝涘皬锝濓經璇达綕锝泃锝濓經xt锝濓經澶╋綕锝涘爞as i sit here, in early 2003, i have before me several pages of manuscript bearing majesticallyencouraging and tactful notes from ian tattersal of the american museum of natural historypointing out, inter alia, that perigueux is not a wineproducing region, that it is inventive but atouch unorthodox of me to italicize taxonomic divisions above the level of genus and species,that i have persistently misspelled olorgesaille, a place that i recently visited, and so on insimilar vein through two chapters of text covering his area of expertise, early humans.goodness knows how many other inky embarrassments may lurk in these pag。...
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