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the origin of the distinction of ranks
类 别:其他类型 |
是否完成:全本 |
更新时间:2019-08-15 |
报告错误 |
小说大小:396K |
作 者:未知 |
收 藏 数:0 |
上传者:缘圆 |
总点击数:15 |
本月点击:15 |
本周点击:15 |
首发状态:他站首发 |
总推荐数:0 |
本月推荐:0 |
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The Origin of the Distinction of Ranksby John Millar (1735-1801)1771The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks:or, An Inquiry into the Circumstanceswhich give rise to Influence and Authority,In the Different Members of Society.by John Millar, Esq.Professor of Law in the University of GlasgowThe fourth edition, corrected.Edinburgh:Printed for William Blackwood, South-Bridge Street;And Longman, Huest, Rees, & Orme, Paternoster-Row,London, 1806.IntroductionThose who have examined the manners and custom of nations have had chiefly two objects in view. By observing the system of law established in different parts of the world, and by remarking the consequences with whic。...
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