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是否完成:全本 |
更新时间:2019-08-15 |
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小说大小:13K |
作 者:未知 |
收 藏 数:0 |
上传者:津股巡览 |
总点击数:18 |
本月点击:18 |
本周点击:18 |
首发状态:他站首发 |
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APPENDIX CThe College PrisonIt seems that the student may break a good many of the publiclaws without having to answer to the public authorities.His case must come before the University for trialand punishment. If a policeman catches him in an unlawfulact and proceeds to arrest him, the offender proclaims thathe is a student, and perhaps shows his matriculation card,whereupon the officer asks for his address, then goeshis way, and reports the matter at headquarters. If theoffense is one over which the city has no jurisdiction,the authorities report the case officially to the University,and give themselves no further concern about it....。...
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