marcus brutus
类 别:其他类型 |
是否完成:全本 |
更新时间:2021-04-06 |
报告错误 |
小说大小:107K |
作 者:未知 |
收 藏 数:0 |
上传者:季 |
总点击数:89 |
本月点击:89 |
本周点击:89 |
首发状态:他站首发 |
总推荐数:1 |
本月推荐:1 |
本周推荐:1 |
MARCUS BRUTUS85?-42 Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenMARCUS Brutus was descended from that Junius Brutus to whom theancient Romans erected a statue of brass in the capitol among theimages of their kings with a drawn sword in his hand, in remembranceof his courage and resolution in expelling the Tarquins and destroyingthe monarchy. But that ancient Brutus was of a severe and inflexiblenature, like steel of too hard a temper, and having never had hischaracter softened by study and thought, he let himself be so far...。...
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