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king henry iv part 1(亨利四世i)-第5部分

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Ost。 'within' Anon; anon。 1。 Car。 I prithee; Tom; beat Cut's saddle; put a 

few flocks in the point。 Poor jade is wrung in the withers out of all cess。 

Enter another Carrier。 

       2。 Car。 Peas and beans are as dank here as a dog; and that is the next 

way to give poor jades the bots。 This house is turned upside down since 

Robin Ostler died。 1。 Car。 Poor fellow never joyed since the price of oats 

rose。   It   was   the   death   of   him。   2。   Car。   I   think   this   be   the   most   villanous 

house in all London road for fleas。 I am stung like a tench。 1。 Car。 Like a 

tench I By the mass; there is ne'er a king christen could be better bit than I 

have   been   since   the   first   cock。   2。   Car。   Why;   they   will   allow   us   ne'er   a 

jordan; and then we leak in your chimney; and your chamber…lye   breeds 

fleas like a loach。 1。 Car。 What; ostler! come away and be hang'd! come 

away! 2。 Car。 I have a gammon of bacon and two razes of ginger; to be 

delivered as far as Charing Cross。 1。 Car。 God's body! the turkeys in my 

pannier are quite starved。 What; ostler! A plague on thee! hast thou never 

an eye in thy head? Canst not hear? An 'twere not as good deed as drink to 

break the pate on thee; I am a very villain。 Come; and be hang'd! Hast no 

faith in thee? 

       Enter Gadshill。 

       Gads。 Good morrow; carriers。 What's o'clock? 1。 Car。 I think it be two 

o'clock。 Gads。 I prithee lend me this lantern to see my gelding in the stable。 

 1。 Car。 Nay; by God; soft! I know a trick worth two of that; i' faith。 Gads。 I 

pray thee lend me thine。 2。 Car。 Ay; when? canst tell? Lend me thy lantern; 

quoth he? Marry; I'll see thee hang'd first! Gads。 Sirrah carrier; what time 

do you mean to come to London? 2。 Car。 Time enough to go to bed with a 

candle; I warrant thee。 Come; neighbour Mugs; we'll call up the gentlemen。 

They     will   along   with   company;      for  they   have    great   charge。   Exeunt 

'Carriers'。 Gads。 What; ho! chamberlain! 

       Enter Chamberlain。 


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                              KING HENRY THE FOURTH Part 1 

       Cham。   At   hand;   quoth   pickpurse。   Gads。   That's   even   as   fair   as…   'at 

hand;   quoth   the   chamberlain';   for   thou   variest   no   more   from   picking   of 

purses than giving direction doth from labouring: thou layest the plot how。 

Cham。   Good   morrow;   Master   Gadshill。   It   holds   current   that   I   told   you 

yesternight。   There's   a   franklin   in   the   Wild   of   Kent   hath   brought   three 

hundred marks with him in gold。 I heard him tell it to one of his company 

last night at supper… a kind of auditor; one that hath abundance of charge 

too; God   knows what。 They  are up   already and   call   for eggs   and   butter。 

They     will   away     presently。    Gads。    Sirrah;   if  they   meet    not   with   Saint 

Nicholas' clerks; I'll give thee this neck。 Cham。 No; I'll none of it。 I pray 

thee    keep    that   for  the   hangman;      for   I  know    thou    worshippest      Saint 

Nicholas as truly as a man of falsehood may。 Gads。 What talkest thou to 

me of the hangman? If I hang; I'll make a fat pair of gallows; for if I hang; 

old   Sir   John   hangs   with   me;   and   thou   knowest   he   is   no   starveling。  Tut! 

there are other Troyans that thou dream'st not of; the which for sport sake 

are content to do the profession some grace; that would (if matters should 

be look'd into) for their own credit sake make all whole。 I am joined with 

no   foot   land…rakers;   no   long…staff   sixpenny   strikers;   none   of   these   mad 

mustachio       purple…hued      maltworms;       but   with   nobility;    and   tranquillity; 

burgomasters and   great oneyers; such   as   can hold   in;   such as   will   strike 

sooner   than   speak;   and   speak   sooner   than   drink;   and   drink   sooner   than 

pray; and yet; zounds; I lie; for they pray continually to their saint; the 

       commonwealth; or rather; not pray to her; but prey on her; for they 

ride   up   and   down   on   her   and   make   her   their   boots。   Cham。   What;   the 

commonwealth   their   boots? Will   she   hold   out   water   in   foul   way?   Gads。 

She     will;  she   will!   Justice   hath   liquor'd    her。  We    steal  as   in  a  castle; 

cocksure。 We have the receipt of fernseed; we walk invisible。 Cham。 Nay; 

by my faith; I think you are more beholding to the night than to fernseed 

for   your   walking   invisible。   Gads。   Give   me   thy   hand。   Thou   shalt   have   a 

share in our purchase; as I and a true man。 Cham。 Nay; rather let me have 

it; as you are a false thief。 Gads。 Go to; 'homo' is a common name to all 

men。   Bid   the   ostler   bring   my   gelding   out   of   the   stable。   Farewell;   you 

muddy knave。 Exeunt。 


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                             KING HENRY THE FOURTH Part 1 

                SCENE II。 The highway near Gadshill。 

     Enter Prince and Poins。 

       Poins。 Come; shelter; shelter! I have remov'd Falstaff's horse; and he 

frets like a gumm'd velvet。 Prince。 Stand close。 'They step aside。' 

       Enter Falstaff。 

       Fal。   Poins!   Poins;   and   be   hang'd!   Poins!   Prince。   I   comes   forward   I 

Peace;     ye  fat…kidney'd     rascal!   What    a  brawling     dost   thou   keep!    Fal。 

Where's Poins; Hal? Prince。 He is walk'd up to the top of the hill。 I'll go 

seek him。 'Steps aside。' Fal。 I am accurs'd to rob in that thief's company。 

The   rascal   hath   removed   my   horse   and   tied   him  I   know   not   where。   If   I 

travel but four foot by the squire further afoot; I shall break my wind。 Well; 

I doubt not but to die a fair death for all this; if I scape hanging for killing 

that   rogue。   I   have   forsworn   his   company   hourly   any   time   this   two…and… 

twenty   years;   and   yet   I   am   bewitch'd   with   the   rogue's   company。   If   the 

rascal have not given me medicines to make me love him; I'll be hang'd。 It 

could not be else。 I have drunk medicines。 Poins! Hal! A plague upon you 

both! Bardolph! Peto! I'll starve ere I'll rob a foot further。 An 'twere not as 

good a deed as drink to turn true man and to leave these rogues; I am the 

veriest varlet that ever chewed with a tooth。 Eight yards of uneven ground 

is threescore and ten miles afoot with me; and the stony…hearted villains 

know it well enough。 A plague upon it when thieves cannot be true one to 

another! (They whistle。) Whew! A plague upon you all! Give me my horse; 

you   rogues!   give   me   my   horse   and   be   hang'd!   Prince。   'comes   forward' 

Peace; ye fat…guts! Lie down; lay thine ear close to the ground; and list if 

thou canst hear the tread of travellers。 Fal。 Have you any levers to lift me 

up again; being down? 'Sblood; I'll not bear mine own flesh so far afoot 

again for all the coin in thy father's exchequer。 What a plague mean ye to 

colt me thus? Prince。 Thou liest; thou art not colted; thou art uncolted。 Fal。 

I prithee; good Prince Hal; help me to my horse; good king's son。 Prince。 

Out; ye rogue! Shall I be your ostler? Fal。 Go hang thyself in thine own 

heir…apparent garters! If I be ta'en; I'll peach for this。 An I have not ballads 

made on you all; and sung to filthy tunes; let a cup of sack be my poison。 

When a jest is so forward… and afoot too… I hate it。 


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                            KING HENRY THE FOURTH Part 1 

       Enter Gadshill; 'Bardolph and Peto with him'。 

       Gads。 Stand! Fal。 So I do; against my will。 Poins。 'comes fortward' O; 

'tis our setter。 I know his voice。 Bardolph; what news? Bar。 Case ye; case 

ye! On with your vizards! There's money of the King's coming down the 

hill; 'tis going to the King's exchequer。 Fal。 You lie; ye rogue! 'Tis going to 

the King's tavern。 Gads。 There's enough to make us all。 Fal。 To be hang'd。 

Prince。 Sirs; you four shall front them in the narrow lane; Ned Poins and I 

will walk lower。 If they scape from your encounter; then they light on us。 

Peto。 How many be there of them? Gads。 Some eight or ten。 Fal。 Zounds; 

will   they   not   rob   us?   Prince。   What;   a   coward;   Sir   John  Paunch?    Fal。 

Indeed; I am not John of Gaunt; your grandfather; but yet no coward; Hal。 

Prince。   Well;   we   leave   that   to   the   proof。   Poins。   Sirrah   Jack;   thy   horse 

stands behind the hedge。 When thou need'st him; there thou shalt find him。 

Farewell and stand fast。 Fal。 Now cannot I strike him; if I should be hang'd。 

Prince。   'aside   to   Poins'   Ned;   where   are   our   disguises?   Poins。   'aside   to 

Prince' Here
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