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And when they had set the people; even all the host that was on the north of the city; and their liers in wait on the west of the city; Joshua went that night into the midst of the valley。
And it came to pass; when the king of Ai saw it; that they hasted and rose up early; and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle; he and all his people; at a time appointed; before the plain; but he wist not that there were liers in ambush against him behind the city。
And Joshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before them; and fled by the way of the wilderness。
And all the people that were in Ai were called together to pursue after them: and they pursued after Joshua; and were drawn away from the city。
And there was not a man left in Ai or Bethel; that went not out after Israel: and they left the city open; and pursued after Israel。
And the LORD said unto Joshua; Stretch out the spear that is in thy hand toward Ai; for I will give it into thine hand。 And Joshua stretched out the spear that he had in his hand toward the city。
And the ambush arose quickly out of their place; and they ran as soon as he had stretched out his hand: and they entered into the city; and took it; and hasted and set the city on fire。
And when the men of Ai looked behind them; they saw; and; behold; the smoke of the city ascended up to heaven; and they had no power to flee this way or that way: and the people that fled to the wilderness turned back upon the pursuers。
And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city; and that the smoke of the city ascended; then they turned again; and slew the men of Ai。
And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel; some on this side; and some on that side: and they smote them; so that they let none of them remain or escape。
And the king of Ai they took alive; and brought him to Joshua。
And it came to pass; when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai in the field; in the wilderness wherein they chased them; and when they were all fallen on the edge of the sword; until they were consumed; that all the Israelites returned unto Ai; and smote it with the edge of the sword。
And so it was; that all that fell that day; both of men and women; were twelve thousand; even all the men of Ai。
For Joshua drew not his hand back; wherewith he stretched out the spear; until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai。
Only the cattle and the spoil of that city Israel took for a prey unto themselves; according unto the word of the LORD which he manded Joshua。
And Joshua burnt Ai; and made it an heap for ever; even a desolation unto this day。
And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon as the sun was down; Joshua manded that they should take his carcase down from the tree; and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city; and raise thereon a great heap of stones; that remaineth unto this day。
Then Joshua built an altar unto the LORD God of Israel in mount Ebal;
As Moses the servant of the LORD manded the children of Israel; as it is written in the book of the law of Moses; an altar of whole stones; over which no man hath lift up any iron: and they offered thereon burnt offerings unto the LORD; and sacrificed peace offerings。
And he wrote there upon the stones a copy of the law of Moses; which he wrote in the presence of the children of Israel。
And all Israel; and their elders; and officers; and their judges; stood on this side the ark and on that side before the priests the Levites; which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD; as well the stranger; as he that was born among them; half of them over against mount Gerizim; and half of them over against mount Ebal; as Moses the servant of the LORD had manded before; that they should bless the people of Israel。
And afterward he read all the words of the law; the blessings and cursings; according to all that is written in the book of the law。
There was not a word of all that Moses manded; which Joshua read not before all the congregation of Israel; with the women; and the little ones; and the strangers that were conversant among them。

旧约  约书亚记(Joshua)  第 9 章 ( 本篇共有 24 章 ) 7上一章 下一章8 目录
And it came to pass; when all the kings which were on this side Jordan; in the hills; and in the valleys; and in all the coasts of the great sea over against Lebanon; the Hittite; and the Amorite; the Canaanite; the Perizzite; the Hivite; and the Jebusite; heard thereof;
That they gathered themselves together; to fight with Joshua and with Israel; with one accord。
And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to Ai;
They did work wilily; and went and made as if they had been ambassadors; and took old sacks upon their asses; and wine bottles; old; and rent; and bound up;
And old shoes and clouted upon their feet; and old garments upon them; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy。
And they went to Joshua unto the camp at Gilgal; and said unto him; and to the men of Israel; We be e from a far country: now therefore make ye a league with us。
And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites; Peradventure ye dwell among us; and how shall we make a league with you?
And they said unto Joshua; We are thy servants。 And Joshua said unto them; Who are ye? and from whence e ye?
And they said unto him; From a very far country thy servants are e because of the name of the LORD thy God: for we have heard the fame of him; and all that he did in Egypt;
And all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites; that were beyond Jordan; to Sihon king of Heshbon; and to Og king of Bashan; which was at Ashtaroth。
Wherefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spake to us; saying; Take victuals with you for the journey; and go to meet them; and say unto them; We are your servants: therefore now make ye a league with us。
This our bread we took hot for our provision out of our houses on the day we came forth to go unto you; but now; behold; it is dry; and it is mouldy:
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