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the countess of saint geran-第10部分

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〃But what is it?〃 insisted the countess; seeing that she blushed。

The marchioness; no longer able to evade the question; and feeling

her difficulties increase; replied

〃Dame Louise is praising my brother for bearing no ill…will to her。〃

〃Why?〃 said the countess; turning to the midwife;〃why should you

fear any ill…will on the part of my husband?〃

〃I was afraid;〃 said Louise Goillard awkwardly; 〃that he might have

taken a dislike to me on account of all that happened when you

expected to be confined。〃

The obscurity of these words and embarrassment of the two women

produced a lively effect upon the countess; but she controlled

herself and let the subject drop。  Her agitation; however; did not

escape the notice of the marchioness; who the next day had horses put

to her coach and retired to hey estate of Lavoine。  This clumsy

proceeding strengthened suspicion。

The first determination of the countess was to arrest Louise

Goillard; but she saw that in so serious a matter every step must be

taken with precaution。  She consulted the count and the countess

dowager。  They quietly summoned the midwife; to question her without

any preliminaries。  She prevaricated and contradicted herself over

and over again; moreover; her state of terror alone sufficed to

convict her of a crime。  They handed her over to the law; and the

Count de Saint…Geran filed an information before the vice…seneschal

of Moulins。

The midwife underwent a first interrogatory。  She confessed the truth

of the accouchement; but she added that the countess had given birth

to a still…born daughter; which she had buried under a stone near the

step of the barn in the back yard。  The judge; accompanied by a

physician and a surgeon; repaired to the place; where he found

neither stone; nor foetus; nor any indications of an interment。  They

searched unsuccessfully in other places。

When the dowager countess heard this statement; she demanded that

this horrible woman should be put on her trial。  The civil

lieutenant; in the absence of the criminal lieutenant; commenced the


In a second interrogation; Louise Goillard positively declared that

the countess had never been confined;

In a third; that she had been delivered of a mole;

In a fourth; that she had been confined of a male infant; which

Baulieu had carried away in a basket;

And in a fifth; in which she answered from the dock; she maintained

that her evidence of the countess's accouchement had been extorted

from her by violence。  She made no charges against either Madame de

Bouille or the Marquis de Saint Maixent。  On the other hand; no

sooner was she under lock and key than she despatched her son

Guillemin to the marchioness to inform her that she was arrested。

The marchioness recognised how threatening things were; and was in a

state of consternation; she immediately sent the sieur de la

Foresterie; her steward; to the lieutenant…general; her counsel;

a mortal enemy of the count; that he might advise her in this

conjuncture; and suggest a means for helping the matron without

appearing openly in the matter。  The lieutenant's advice was to quash

the proceedings and obtain an injunction against the continuance of

the preliminaries to the action。  The marchioness spent a large sum

of money; and obtained this injunction; but it was immediately

reversed; and the bar to the suit removed。

La Foresterie was then ordered to pass to Riom; where the sisters

Quinet lived; and to bribe them heavily to secrecy。  The elder one;

on leaving the marchioness's service; had shaken her fist in her

face; feeling secure with the secrets in her knowledge; and told her

that she would repent having dismissed her and her sister; and that

she would make a clean breast of the whole affair; even were she to

be hung first。  These girls then sent word that they wished to enter

her service again; that the countess had promised them handsome terms

if they would speak; and that they had even been questioned in her

name by a Capuchin superior; but that they said nothing; in order to

give time to prepare an answer for them。  The marchioness found

herself obliged to take back the girls; she kept the younger; and

married the elder to Delisle; her house steward。  But la Foresterie;

finding himself in this network of intrigue; grew disgusted at

serving such a mistress; and left her house。  The marchioness told

him on his departure that if he were so indiscreet as to repeat a

word of what he had learned from the Quinet girls; she would punish

him with a hundred poniard stabs from her major…domo Delisle。  Having

thus fortified her position; she thought herself secure against any

hostile steps; but it happened that a certain prudent Berger;

gentleman and page to the Marquis de Saint…Maixent; who enjoyed his

master's confidence and went to see him in the Conciergerie; where he

was imprisoned; threw some strange light on this affair。  His master

had narrated to him all the particulars of the accouchement of the

countess and of the abduction of the child。

〃I am astonished; my lord;〃 replied the page; 〃that having so many

dangerous affairs on hand; you did not relieve your conscience of

this one。〃

〃I intend;〃 replied the marquis; 〃to restore this child to his

father: I have been ordered to do so by a Capuchin to whom I

confessed having carried off from the midst of the family; without

their knowing it; a grandson of a marshal of France and son of a

governor of a province。〃

The marquis had at that time permission to go out from prison

occasionally on his parole。  This will not surprise anyone acquainted

with the ideas which prevailed at that period on the honour of a

nobleman; even the greatest criminal。  The marquis; profiting by this

facility; took the page to see a child of about seven years of age;

fair and with a beautiful countenance。

〃Page;〃 said he; 〃look well at this child; so that you may know him

again when I shall send you to inquire about him。〃

He then informed him that this was the Count de Saint…Geran's son

whom he had carried away。

Information of these matters coming to the ears of justice; decisive

proofs were hoped for; but this happened just when other criminal

informations were lodged against the marquis; which left him helpless

to prevent the exposure of his crimes。  Police officers were

despatched in all haste to the Conciergerie; they were stopped by the

gaolers; who told them that the marquis; feeling ill; was engaged

with a priest who was administering the sacraments; to him。  As they

insisted on seeing him; the warders approached the cell: the priest

came out; crying that persons must be sought to whom the sick man had

a secret to reveal; that he was in a desperate state; and said he had

just poisoned himself; all entered the cell。

M。 de Saint…Maixent was writhing on a pallet; in a pitiable

condition; sometimes shrieking like a wild beast; sometimes

stammering disconnected words。  All that the officers could hear was

〃Monsieur le Comte 。  。  。  call 。  。  。  the Countess 。  。  。  de

Saint…Geran 。  。  。  let them come。  。  。  。〃  The officers earnestly

begged him to try to be more explicit。

The marquis had another fit; when he opened his eyes; he said

〃Send for the countess 。  。  。  let them forgive me 。  。  。  I wish

to tell them everything。〃  The police officers asked him to speak;

one even told him that the count was there。  The marquis feebly


〃I am going to tell you〃  Then he gave a loud cry and fell back


It thus seemed as if fate took pains to close every mouth from which

the truth might escape。  Still; this avowal of a deathbed revelation

to be made to the Count de Saint…Geran and the deposition of the

priest who had administered the last sacraments formed a strong link

in the chain of evidence。

The judge of first instruction; collecting all the information he had

got; made a report the weight of which was overwhelming。  The

carters; the nurse; the domestic servants; all gave accounts

consistent with each other; the route and the various adventures of

the child were plainly detailed; from its birth till its arrival at

the village of Descoutoux。

Justice; thus tracing crime to its sources; had no option but to

issue a warrant for the arrest of the Marchioness de Bouilie; but it

seems probable that it was not served owing to the strenuous efforts

of the Count de Saint…Geran; who could not bring himself to ruin his

sister; seeing that her dishonour would have been reflected on him。

The marchioness hid her remorse in solitude; and appeared again no

more。  She died shortly after; carrying the weight of her secret till

she drew her last breath。

The judge of Moulins at length pronounced sentence on the midwife;

whom he declared arraigned and convicted of having suppressed the

child born to the countess;
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