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the essays of montaigne, v3-第1部分

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The Essays of Montaigne; V3

by Michel de Montaigne

Translated by Charles Cotton

Edited by William Carew Hazilitt



XIII。     The ceremony of the interview of princes。
XIV。      That men are justly punished for being obstinate in the defence
          of a fort that is not in reason to be defended
XV。       Of the punishment of cowardice。
XVI。      A proceeding of some ambassadors。
XVII。     Of fear。
XVIII。    That men are not to judge of our happiness till after death。
XIX。      That to study philosophy is to learn to die。
XX。       Of the force of imagination。
XXI。      That the profit of one man is the damage of another。



There is no subject so frivolous that does not merit a place in this
rhapsody。  According to our common rule of civility; it would be a
notable affront to an equal; and much more to a superior; to fail being
at home when he has given you notice he will come to visit you。  Nay;
Queen Margaret of Navarre 'Marguerite de Valois; authoress of the
'Heptameron'' further adds; that it would be a rudeness in a gentleman
to go out; as we so often do; to meet any that is coming to see him; let
him be of what high condition soever; and that it is more respectful and
more civil to stay at home to receive him; if only upon the account of
missing him by the way; and that it is enough to receive him at the door;
and to wait upon him。  For my part; who as much as I can endeavour to
reduce the ceremonies of my house; I very often forget both the one and
the other of these vain offices。  If; peradventure; some one may take
offence at this; I can't help it; it is much better to offend him once
than myself every day; for it would be a perpetual slavery。  To what end
do we avoid the servile attendance of courts; if we bring the same
trouble home to our own private houses?  It is also a common rule in all
assemblies; that those of less quality are to be first upon the place; by
reason that it is more due to the better sort to make others wait and
expect them。

Nevertheless; at the interview betwixt Pope Clement and King Francis at
Marseilles;'in 1533。' the King; after he had taken order for the
necessary preparations for his reception and entertainment; withdrew out
of the town; and gave the Pope two or three days' respite for his entry;
and to repose and refresh himself; before he came to him。  And in like
manner; at the assignation of the Pope and the Emperor;'Charles V。  in
1532。' at Bologna; the Emperor gave the Pope opportunity to come thither
first; and came himself after; for which the reason given was this; that
at all the interviews of such princes; the greater ought to be first at
the appointed place; especially before the other in whose territories the
interview is appointed to be; intimating thereby a kind of deference to
the other; it appearing proper for the less to seek out and to apply
themselves to the greater; and not the greater to them。

Not every country only; but every city and every society has its
particular forms of civility。  There was care enough to this taken in my
education; and I have lived in good company enough to know the
formalities of our own nation; and am able to give lessons in it。  I love
to follow them; but not to be so servilely tied to their observation that
my whole life should be enslaved to ceremonies; of which there are some
so troublesome that; provided a man omits them out of discretion; and not
for want of breeding; it will be every whit as handsome。  I have seen
some people rude; by being overcivil and troublesome in their courtesy。

Still; these excesses excepted; the knowledge of courtesy and good
manners is a very necessary study。  It is; like grace and beauty; that
which begets liking and an inclination to love one another at the first
sight; and in the very beginning of acquaintance; and; consequently; that
which first opens the door and intromits us to instruct ourselves by the
example of others; and to give examples ourselves; if we have any worth
taking notice of and communicating。



Valour has its bounds as well as other virtues; which; once transgressed;
the next step is into the territories of vice; so that by having too
large a proportion of this heroic virtue; unless a man be very perfect in
its limits; which upon the confines are very hard to discern; he may very
easily unawares run into temerity; obstinacy; and folly。  From this
consideration it is that we have derived the custom; in times of war; to
punish; even with death; those who are obstinate to defend a place that
by the rules of war is not tenable; otherwise men would be so confident
upon the hope of impunity; that not a henroost but would resist and seek
to stop an army。

The Constable Monsieur de Montmorenci; having at the siege of Pavia been
ordered to pass the Ticino; and to take up his quarters in the Faubourg
St。 Antonio; being hindered by a tower at the end of the bridge; which
was so obstinate as to endure a battery; hanged every man he found within
it for their labour。  And again; accompanying the Dauphin in his
expedition beyond the Alps; and taking the Castle of Villano by assault;
and all within it being put to the sword by the fury of the soldiers; the
governor and his ensign only excepted; he caused them both to be trussed
up for the same reason; as also did the Captain Martin du Bellay; then
governor of Turin; with the governor of San Buono; in the same country;
all his people having been cut to pieces at the taking of the place。

But forasmuch as the strength or weakness of a fortress is always
measured by the estimate and counterpoise of the forces that attack it
for a man might reasonably enough despise two culverins; that would be a
madman to abide a battery of thirty pieces of cannonwhere also the
greatness of the prince who is master of the field; his reputation; and
the respect that is due unto him; are also put into the balance; there is
danger that the balance be pressed too much in that direction。  And it
may happen that a man is possessed with so great an opinion of himself
and his power; that thinking it unreasonable any place should dare to
shut its gates against him; he puts all to the sword where he meets with
any opposition; whilst his fortune continues; as is plain in the fierce
and arrogant forms of summoning towns and denouncing war; savouring so
much of barbarian pride and insolence; in use amongst the Oriental
princes; and which their successors to this day do yet retain and
practise。  And in that part of the world where the Portuguese subdued the
Indians; they found some states where it was a universal and inviolable
law amongst them that every enemy overcome by the king in person; or by
his lieutenant; was out of composition。

So above all both of ransom and mercy a man should take heed; if he can;
of falling into the hands of a judge who is an enemy and victorious。



I once heard of a prince; and a great captain; having a narration given
him as he sat at table of the proceeding against Monsieur de Vervins; who
was sentenced to death for having surrendered Boulogne to the English;
'To Henry VIII。 in 1544' openly maintaining that a soldier could not
justly be put to death for want of courage。  And; in truth; 'tis reason
that a man should make a great difference betwixt faults that merely
proceed from infirmity; and those that are visibly the effects of
treachery and malice: for; in the last; we act against the rules of
reason that nature has imprinted in us; whereas; in the former; it seems
as if we might produce the same nature; who left us in such a state of
imperfection and weakness of courage; for our justification。  Insomuch
that many have thought we are not fairly questionable for anything but
what we commit against our conscience; and it is partly upon this rule
that those ground their opinion who disapprove of capital or sanguinary
punishments inflicted upon heretics and misbelievers; and theirs also who
advocate or a judge is not accountable for having from mere ignorance
failed in his administration。

But as to cowardice; it is certain that the most usual way of chastising
it is by ignominy and and it is supposed that this practice brought into
use by the legislator Charondas; and that; before his time; the laws of
Greece punished those with death who fled from a battle; whereas he
ordained only that they be for three days exposed in the public dressed
in woman's attire; hoping yet for some service from them; having awakened
their courage by this open shame:

          〃Suffundere malis homims sanguinem; quam effundere。〃

     '〃Rather bring the blood into a man's cheek than let it out of his
     body。〃  Tertullian in his Apologetics。'

It appears also that the Roman laws did anciently punish those with death
who had run away; for Ammianus Marcellinus says that the Emperor Julian
commanded ten of his soldiers; who ha
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