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IF the seventeenth century was the golden age of the hightobyman; it
was at the advent of the eighteenth that the burglar and street…robber plied
their trade with the most distinguished success; and it was the good
fortune of both Cartouche and Sheppard to be born in the nick of time。
Rivals in talent; they were also near contemporaries; and the Scourge of
Paris may well have been famous in the purlieus of Clare Market before
Jack the Slip…String paid the last penalty of his crimes。 As each of these
great men harboured a similar ambition; so their careers are closely
parallel。 Born in a humble rank of life; Jack; like Cartouche; was the
architect of his own fortune; Jack; like Cartouche; lived to be flattered by
noble dames and to claim the solicitude of his Sovereign; and each owed
his pre…eminence rather to natural genius than to a sympathetic training。
But; for all the Briton's artistry; the Frenchman was in all points save
one the superior。 Sheppard's brain carried him not beyond the wants of
to…day and the extortions of Poll Maggot。
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Who knows but he might have been a respectable citizen; with never a
chance for the display of his peculiar talent; had not hunger and his
mistress's greed driven him upon the pad? History records no brilliant
robbery of his own planning; and so circumscribed was his imagination
that he must needs pick out his own friends and benefactors for
depredation。 His paltry sense of discipline permitted him to be betrayed
even by his brother and pupil; and there was no cracksman of his time
over whose head he held the rod of terror。 Even his hatred of Jonathan
Wild was the result not of policy but of prejudice。 Cartouche; on the
other hand; was always perfect when at work。 The master of himself; he
was also the master of his fellows。 There was no detail of civil war that
he had not made his own; and he still remains; after nearly two centuries;
the greatest captain the world has seen。 Never did he permit an
enterprise to fail by accident; never was he impelled by hunger or
improvidence to fight a battle unprepared。 His means were always neatly
fitted to their end; as is proved by the truth that; throughout his career; he
was arrested but once; and then not by his own inadvertence but by the
treachery of others。
Yet from the moment of arrest Jack Sheppard asserted his magnificent
superiority。 If Cartouche was a sorry bungler at prison…breaking;
Sheppard was unmatched in this dangerous art。 The sport of the one was
to break in; of the other to break out。 True; the Briton proved his
inferiority by too frequently placing himself under lock and key; but you
will forgive his every weakness for the unexampled skill wherewith he
extricated himself from the stubbornest dungeon。 Cartouche would
scarce have given Sheppard a menial's office in his gang。 How cordially
Sheppard would have despised Cartouche's solitary experiment in escape!
To be foiled by a dog and a boxmaker's daughter! Would not that have
seemed contemptible to the master breaker of those unnumbered doors and
walls which separate the Castle from the freedom of Newgate roof?
Such; then; is the contrast between the heroes。 Sheppard claims our
admiration for one masterpiece。 Cartouche has a sheaf of works; which
shall carry him triumphantly to the remotest future。
And when you forget a while professional rivalry; and consider the
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delicacies of leisure; you will find the Frenchman's greatness still
indisputable。 At all points he was the prettier gentleman。 Sheppard; to
be sure; had a sense of finery; but he was so unused to grandeur that
vulgarity always spoiled his effects。 When he hied him from the
pawnshop; laden with booty; he must e'en cram what he could not wear
into his pockets; and doubtless his vulgar lack of reticence made detection
easier。 Cartouche; on the other hand; had an unfailing sense of
proportion; and was never more dressed than became the perfect dandy。
He was elegant; he was polished; he was joyous。 He drank wine; while
the other soaked himself in beer; he despised whatever was common;
while his rival knew but the coarser flavours of life。
The one was distinguished by a boisterous humour; a swaggering pride
in his own prowess; the wit of the other might be edged like a knife; nor
would he ever appeal for a spectacle to the curiosity of the mob。 Both
were men of many mistresses; but again in his conduct with women
Cartouche showed an honester talent。 Sheppard was at once the prey and
the whipping…block of his two infamous doxies; who agreed in deformity
of feature as in contempt for their lover。 Cartouche; on the other hand;
chose his cabaret for the wit of its patronne; and was always happy in the
elegance and accomplishment of his companions。 One point of likeness
remains。 The two heroes resembled each other not only in their
profession; but in their person。 Though their trade demanded physical
strength; each was small and slender of build。 ‘A little; slight…limbed
lad;' says the historian of Sheppard。 ‘A thin; spare frame;' sings the poet
of Cartouche。 Here; then; neither had the advantage; and if in the shades
Cartouche despises the clumsiness and vulgarity of his rival; Sheppard
may still remember the glory of Newgate; and twit the Frenchman with the
barking of the boxmaker's dog。 But genius is the talent of the dead; and
the wise; who are not partisans; will not deny to the one or to the other the
possession of the rarer gift。
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TO Haggart; who babbled on the Castle Rock of Willie Wallace and
was only nineteen when he danced without the music; to Simms; alias
Gentleman Harry; who showed at Tyburn how a hero could die; to George
Barrington; the incomparably witty and adroitto these a full meed of
honour has been paid。 Even the coarse and dastardly Freney has
achieved; with Thackeray's aid (and Lever's) something of a reputation。
But James Hardy Vaux; despite his eloquent bid for fame; has not found
his rhapsodist。 Yet a more consistent ruffian never pleaded for mercy。
From his early youth until in 1819 he sent forth his Memoirs to the world;
he lived industriously upon the cross。 There was no racket but he worked
it with energy and address。 Though he practised the more glorious crafts
of pickpocket and shoplifter; he did not despise the begging…letter; and he
suffered his last punishment for receiving what another's courage had
conveyed。 His enterprise was not seldom rewarded with success; and for
a decade of years he continued to preserve an appearance of gentility; but
it is plain; even from his own narrative; that he was scarce an artist; and
we shall best understand him if we recognise that he was a Philistine
among thieves。 He lived in an age of pocket… picking; and skill in this
branch is the true test of his time。 A contemporary of Barrington; he had
before him the most brilliant of examples; which might properly have
enforced the worth of a simple method。 But; though he constantly brags
of his success at Drury Lane; we take not his generalities for gospel; and
the one exploit whose credibility is enforced with circumstance was pitiful
both in conception and performance。 A meeting of freeholders at the
‘Mermaid Tavern;' Hackney; was the occasion; and after drawing blank
upon blank; Vaux succeeded at last in extracting a silver snuff…box。 Now;
his clumsiness had suggested the use of the scissors; and the victim not
only discovered the scission in his coat; but caught the thief with the
implements of his art upon him。 By a miracle of impudence Vaux
escaped conviction; but he deserved the gallows for his want of principle;
and not even sympathy could have let drop a tear; had justice seized her
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due。 On the straight or on the cross the canons of art deserve respect; and
a thief is great; not because he is a thief; but because; in filling his own
pocket; he preserves from violence the legitimate traditions of his craft。
But it was in conflict with the jewellers that Vaux best proved his mettle。
It was his wont to clothe himself ‘in the most elegant attire;' and on the
pretence of purchase to rifle the shops of Piccadilly。 For this offence
‘pinching' the Cant Dictionary calls ithe did his longest stretch of time;
and here his admirable qualities of cunning and coolness found their most
generous scope。 A love of fine clothes he shared with all the best