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the acts of the apostles-第10部分

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pleadings at last induced some friends to bear him to the gate of the


but upon arriving there; he found that the One upon whom his hopes were
centered; had been put to a cruel death。

His disappointment excited the sympathy of those who knew for how long he
had eagerly hoped to be healed by Jesus; and daily they brought him to the
temple; in order that passers…by might be induced by pity to give him a
trifle to relieve his wants。 As Peter and John passed; he asked an alms from
them。 The disciples regarded him compassionately; and Peter said; 〃Look on
us。 And he gave heed unto them; expecting to receive something of them。 Then
Peter said; Silver and gold have I none。〃 As Peter thus declared his
poverty; the countenance of the cripple fell; but it grew bright with hope
as the apostle continued; 〃But such as I have give I thee: In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk。

〃And he took him by the right hand; and lifted him up: and immediately his
feet and anklebones received strength。 And he leaping up stood; and walked;
and entered with them into the temple; walking; and leaping; and praising
God。 And all the people saw him walking and praising God: and they knew that
it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple: and they
were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened。〃

〃And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John; all the people
ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon's; greatly
wondering。〃 They were astonished that the disciples could perform miracles
similar to those performed by Jesus。 Yet here was this man; for


forty years a helpless cripple; now rejoicing in the full use of his limbs;
free from pain; and happy in believing in Jesus。

When the disciples saw the amazement of the people; Peter asked; 〃Why marvel
ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us; as though by our own power or
holiness we had made this man to walk?〃 He assured them that the cure had
been wrought in the name and through the merits of Jesus of Nazareth; whom
God had raised from the dead。 〃His name through faith in His name;〃 the
apostle declared; 〃hath made this man strong; whom ye see and know: yea; the
faith which is by Him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence
of you all。〃

The apostles spoke plainly of the great sin of the Jews in rejecting and
putting to death the Prince of life; but they were careful not to drive
their hearers to despair。 〃Ye denied the Holy One and the Just;〃 Peter said;
〃and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; and killed the Prince of
life; whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses。〃 〃And
now; brethren; I wot that through ignorance ye did it; as did also your
rulers。 But those things; which God before had showed by the mouth of all
His prophets; that Christ should suffer; He hath so fulfilled。〃 He declared
that the Holy Spirit was calling upon them to repent and be converted; and
assured them that there was no hope of salvation except through the mercy of
the One whom they had crucified。 Only through faith in Him could their sins
be forgiven。

〃Repent ye therefore; and be converted;〃 he cried; 〃that


your sins may be blotted out; when the times of refreshing shall come from
the presence of the Lord。〃

〃Ye are the children of the prophets; and of the covenant which God made
with our fathers; saying unto Abraham; And in thy seed shall all the
kindreds of the earth be blessed。 Unto you first God; having raised up His
Son Jesus; sent Him to bless you; in turning away every one of you from his

Thus the disciples preached the resurrection of Christ。 Many among those who
listened were waiting for this testimony; and when they heard it they
believed。 It brought to their minds the words that Christ had spoken; and
they took their stand in the ranks of those who accepted the gospel。 The
seed that the Saviour had sown sprang up and bore fruit。

While the disciples were speaking to the people; 〃the priests; and the
captain of the temple; and the Sadducees; came upon them; being grieved that
they taught the people; and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the

After Christ's resurrection the priests had spread far and near the lying
report that His body had been stolen by the disciples while the Roman guard
slept。 It is not surprising that they were displeased when they hear Peter
and John preaching the resurrection of the One they had murdered。 The
Sadducees especially were greatly aroused。 They felt that their most
cherished doctrine was in danger; and their reputation at stake。

Converts to the new faith were rapidly increasing; and both Pharisees and
Sadducees agreed that if these new


teachers were suffered to go unchecked; their own influence would be in
greater danger than when Jesus was upon the earth。 Accordingly; the captain
of the temple; with the help of a number of Sadducees; arrested Peter and
John; and put them in prison; as it was too late that day for them to be

The enemies of the disciples could not but be convinced that Christ had
risen from the dead。 The evidence was too clear to be doubted。 Nevertheless;
they hardened their hearts; refusing to repent of the terrible deed they had
committed in putting Jesus to death。 Abundant evidence that the apostles
were speaking and acting under divine inspiration had been given the Jewish
rulers; but they firmly resisted the message of truth。 Christ had not come
in the manner that they expected; and though at times they had been
convinced that He was the Son of God; yet they had stifled conviction; and
crucified Him。 In mercy God gave them still further evidence; and now
another opportunity was granted them to turn to Him。 He sent the disciples
to tell them that they had killed the Prince of life; and in this terrible
charge He gave them another call to repentance。 But feeling secure in their
own righteousness; the Jewish teachers refused to admit that the men
charging them with crucifying Christ were speaking by the direction of the
Holy Spirit。

Having committed themselves to a course of opposition to Christ; every act
of resistance became to the priests an additional incentive to pursue the
same course。 Their obstinacy became more and more determined。 It was not
that they could not yield; they could; but would not。 It was not


alone because they were guilty and deserving of death; not alone because
they had put to death the Son of God; that they were cut off from salvation;
it was because they armed themselves with opposition to God。 They
persistently rejected light and stifled the convictions of the Spirit。 The
influence that controls the children of disobedience worked in them; leading
them to abuse the men through whom God was working。 The malignity of their
rebellion was intensified by each successive act of resistance against God
and the message He had given His servants to declare。 Every day; in their
refusal to repent; the Jewish leaders took up their rebellion afresh;
preparing to reap that which they had sown。

The wrath of God is not declared against unrepentant sinners merely because
of the sins they have committed; but because; when called to repent; they
choose to continue in resistance; repeating the sins of the past in defiance
of the light given them。 If the Jewish leaders had submitted to the
convicting power of the Holy Spirit; they would have been pardoned; but they
were determined not to yield。 In the same way; the sinner; by continued
resistance; places himself where the Holy Spirit cannot influence him。

On the day following the healing of the cripple; Annas and Caiaphas; with
the other dignitaries of the temple; met together for the trial; and the
prisoners were brought before them。 In that very room and before some of
those very men; Peter had shamefully denied his Lord。 This came distinctly
to his mind as he appeared for his own trial。 He now had an opportunity of
redeeming his cowardice。

Those present who remembered the part that Peter had


acted at the trial of his Master; flattered themselves that he could now be
intimidated by the threat of imprisonment and death。 But the Peter who
denied Christ in the hour of His greatest need was impulsive and
self…confident; differing widely from the Peter who was brought before the
Sanhedrin for examination。 Since his fall he had been converted。 He was no
longer proud and boastful; but modest and self…distrustful。 He was filled
with the Holy Spirit; and by the help of this power he was resolved to
remove the stain of his apostasy by honoring the name he had once disowned。

Hitherto the priests had avoided mentioning the crucifixion or the
resurrection of Jesus。 But now; in fulfillment of their purpose; they were
forced to inquire of the accused how the cure of the impotent man had been
accomplished。 〃By what power; or by what name; have ye done this?〃 they
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