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the acts of the apostles-第11部分

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forced to inquire of the accused how the cure of the impotent man had been
accomplished。 〃By what power; or by what name; have ye done this?〃 they

With holy boldness and in the power of the Spirit Peter fearlessly declared:
〃Be it known unto you all; and to all the people of Israel; that by the name
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth; whom ye crucified; whom God raised from the
dead; even by Him doth this man stand here before you whole。 This is the
stone which was set at nought of you builders; which is become the head of
the corner。 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other
name under heaven given among men; whereby we must be saved。〃

This courageous defense appalled the Jewish leaders。 They had supposed that
the disciples would be overcome with fear and confusion when brought before
the Sanhedrin。


But; instead; these witnesses spoke as Christ had spoken; with a convincing
power that silenced their adversaries。 There was no trace of fear in Peter's
voice as he declared of Christ; 〃This is the stone which was set at nought
of you builders; which is become the head of the corner。〃

Peter here used a figure of speech familiar to the priests。 The prophets had
spoken of the rejected stone; and Christ Himself; speaking on one occasion
to the priests and elders; said: 〃Did ye never read in the Scriptures; The
stone which the builders rejected; the same is become the head of the
corner: this is the Lord's doing; and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore
say I unto you; The kingdom of God shall be taken from you; and given to a
nation bringing forth the fruits thereof。 And whosoever shall fall on this
stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall; it will grind him to
powder。〃 Matthew 21:42…44。

As the priests listened to the apostles' fearless words; 〃they took
knowledge of them; that they had been with Jesus。〃

Of the disciples after the transfiguration of Christ it is written that at
the close of that wonderful scene 〃they saw no man; save Jesus only。〃
Matthew 17:8。 〃Jesus only〃 in these words is contained the secret of the
life and power that marked the history of the early church。 When the
disciples first heard the words of Christ; they felt their need of Him。 They
sought; they found; they followed Him。 They were with Him in the temple; at
the table; on the mountainside; in the field。 They were as pupils with a
teacher; daily receiving from Him lessons of eternal truth。


After the Saviour's ascension; the sense of the divine presence; full of
love and light; was still with them。 It was a personal presence。 Jesus; the
Saviour; who had walked and talked and prayed with them; who had spoken hope
and comfort to their hearts; had; while the message of peace was upon His
lips; been taken from them into heaven。 As the chariot of angels received
Him; His words had come to them; 〃Lo; I am with you alway; even unto the
end。〃 Matthew 28:20。 He had ascended to heaven in the form of humanity。 They
knew that He was before the throne of God; their Friend and Saviour still;
that His sympathies were unchanged; that He would forever be identified with
suffering humanity。 They knew that He was presenting before God the merit of
His blood; showing His wounded hands and feet as a remembrance of the price
He had paid for His redeemed ones; and this thought strengthened them to
endure reproach for His sake。 Their union with Him was stronger now than
when He was with them in person。 The light and love and power of an
indwelling Christ shone out through them; so that men; beholding; marveled。

Christ placed His seal on the words that Peter spoke in His defense。 Close
beside the disciple; as a convincing witness; stood the man who had been so
miraculously healed。 The appearance of this man; a few hours before a
helpless cripple; but now restored to soundness of health; added a weight of
testimony to Peter's words。 Priests and rulers were silent。 They were unable
to refute Peter's statement; but they were nonetheless determined to put a
stop to the teaching of the disciples。


Christ's crowning miraclethe raising of Lazarushad sealed the
determination of the priests to rid the world of Jesus and His wonderful
works; which were fast destroying their influence over the people。 They had
crucified Him; but here was a convincing proof that they had not put a stop
to the working of miracles in His name; nor to the proclamation of the truth
He taught。 Already the healing of the cripple and the preaching of the
apostles had filled Jerusalem with excitement。

In order to conceal their perplexity; the priests and rulers ordered the
apostles to be taken away; that they might counsel among themselves。 They
all agreed that it would be useless to deny that the man had been healed。
Gladly would they have covered up the miracle by falsehoods; but this was
impossible; for it had been wrought in the full light of day; before a
multitude of people; and had already come to the knowledge of thousands。
They felt that the work of the disciples must be stopped or Jesus would gain
many followers。 Their own disgrace would follow; for they would be held
guilty of the murder of the Son of God。

But notwithstanding their desire to destroy the disciples; the priests dared
not do more than threaten them with the severest punishment if they
continued to speak or to work in the name of Jesus。 Calling them again
before the Sanhedrin; they commanded them not to speak or teach in the name
of Jesus。 But Peter and John answered: 〃Whether it be right in the sight of
God to hearken unto you more than unto God; judge ye。 For we cannot but
speak the things which we have seen and heard。〃


Gladly would the priests have punished these men for their unswerving
fidelity to their sacred calling; but they feared the people; 〃for all men
glorified God for that which was done。〃 So; with repeated threats and
injunctions; the apostles were set at liberty。

While Peter and John were prisoners; the other disciples; knowing the
malignity of the Jews; had prayed unceasingly for their brethren; fearing
that the cruelty shown to Christ might be repeated。 As soon as the apostles
were released; they sought the rest of the disciples and reported to them
the result of the examination。 Great was the joy of the believers。 〃They
lifted up their voice to God with one accord; and said; Lord; Thou art God;
which hast made heaven; and earth; and the sea; and all that in them is: who
by the mouth of Thy servant David hast said; Why did the heathen rage; and
the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth stood up; and the
rulers were gathered together against the Lord; and against His Christ。 For
of a truth against Thy Holy Child Jesus; whom Thou hast anointed; both
Herod; and Pontius Pilate; with the Gentiles; and the people of Israel; were
gathered together; for to do whatsoever Thy hand and Thy counsel determined
before to be done。

〃And now; Lord; behold their threatenings: and grant unto Thy servants; that
with all boldness they may speak Thy word; by stretching forth Thine hand to
heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of Thy Holy Child

The disciples prayed that greater strength might be imparted to them in the
work of the ministry; for they saw


that they would meet the same determined opposition that Christ had
encountered when upon the earth。 While their united prayers were ascending
in faith to heaven; the answer came。 The place where they were assembled was
shaken; and they were endowed anew with the Holy Spirit。 Their hearts filled
with courage; they again went forth to proclaim the word of God in
Jerusalem。 〃With great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection
of the Lord Jesus;〃 and God marvelously blessed their efforts。

The principle for which the disciples stood so fearlessly when; in answer to
the command not to speak any more in the name of Jesus; they declared;
〃Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto
God; judge ye;〃 is the same that the adherents of the gospel struggled to
maintain in the days of the Reformation。 When in 1529 the German princes
assembled at the Diet of Spires; there was presented the emperor's decree
restricting religious liberty; and prohibiting all further dissemination of
the reformed doctrines。 It seemed that the hope of the world was about to be
crushed out。 Would the princes accept the decree? Should the light of the
gospel be shut out from the multitudes still in darkness? Mighty issues for
the world were at stake。 Those who had accepted the reformed faith met
together; and their unanimous decision was; 〃Let us reject this decree。 In
matters of conscience the majority has no power。〃Merle d'Aubigne; History
of the Reformation; b。 13; ch。 5。

This principle we in our day are firmly to maintain。 The banner of truth and
religious liberty held aloft by the founders


of the gospel church and by 
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