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the acts of the apostles-第16部分

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worn away under them; he was counseled by Jethro to plan for a wise
distribution of responsibilities。 〃Be thou for the people to Godward;〃
Jethro advised; 〃that thou mayest bring the causes unto God: and thou shalt
teach them ordinances and laws; and shalt show them the way wherein they
must walk; and the work that they must do。〃 Jethro further advised that men
be appointed to act as 〃rulers of thousands; and rulers of hundreds; rulers
of fifties; and rulers of tens。〃 These were to be 〃able men; such as fear
God; men of truth; hating covetousness。〃 They were to 〃judge the people at
all seasons;〃 thus relieving Moses of the wearing responsibility of giving
consideration to many minor matters that could be dealt with wisely by
consecrated helpers。

The time and strength of those who in the providence of God have been placed
in leading positions of responsibility in the church; should be spent in
dealing with the weightier matters demanding special wisdom and largeness of
heart。 It is not in the order of God that such men should be appealed to for
the adjustment of minor matters that others are well qualified to handle。
〃Every great matter they shall bring unto thee;〃 Jethro proposed to Moses;
〃but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself;
and they shall bear the burden with thee。 If thou shalt do this thing; and
God command thee so; then thou shalt be able to endure; and all this people
shall also go to their place in peace。〃

In harmony with this plan; 〃Moses chose able men out of all Israel; and made
them heads over the people; rulers of thousands; rulers of hundreds; rulers
of fifties; and rulers


of tens。 And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they
brought unto Moses; but every small matter they judged themselves。〃 Exodus

Later; when choosing seventy elders to share with him the responsibilities
of leadership; Moses was careful to select; as his helpers; men possessing
dignity; sound judgment; and experience。 In his charge to these elders at
the time of their ordination; he outlined some of the qualifications that
fit a man to be a wise ruler in the church。 〃Hear the causes between your
brethren;〃 said Moses; 〃and judge righteously between every man and his
brother; and the stranger that is with him。 Ye shall not respect persons in
judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be
afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's。〃 Deuteronomy 1:16; 17。

King David; toward the close of his reign; delivered a solemn charge to
those bearing the burden of the work of God in his day。 Summoning to
Jerusalem 〃all the princes of Israel; the princes of the tribes; and the
captains of the companies that ministered to the king by course; and the
captains over the thousands; and captains over the hundreds; and the
stewards over all the substance and possession of the king; and of his sons;
with the officers; and with the mighty men; and with all the valiant men;〃
the aged king solemnly charged them; 〃in the sight of all Israel the
congregation of the Lord; and in the audience of our God;〃 to 〃keep and seek
for all the commandments of the Lord your God。〃 I Chronicles 28:1; 8。


To Solomon; as one called to occupy a position of leading responsibility;
David gave a special charge: 〃Thou; Solomon my son; know thou the God of thy
father; and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the
Lord searcheth all hearts; and understandeth all the imaginations of the
thoughts: if thou seek Him; He will be found of thee; but if thou forsake
Him; He will cast thee off forever。 Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen
thee: 。 。 。 be strong。〃 I Chronicles 28:9; 10。

The same principles of piety and justice that were to guide the rulers among
God's people in the time of Moses and of David; were also to be followed by
those given the oversight of the newly organized church of God in the gospel
dispensation。 In the work of setting things in order in all the churches;
and ordaining suitable men to act as officers; the apostles held to the high
standards of leadership outlined in the Old Testament Scriptures。 They
maintained that he who is called to stand in a position of leading
responsibility in the church 〃must be blameless; as the steward of God; not
self…willed; not soon angry; not given to wine; no striker; not given to
filthy lucre; but a lover of hospitality; a lover of good men; sober; just;
holy; temperate; holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught; that
he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the
gainsayers。〃 Titus 1:7…9。

The order that was maintained in the early Christian church made it possible
for them to move forward solidly as a well…disciplined army clad with the
armor of God。 The


companies of believers; though scattered over a large territory; were all
members of one body; all moved in concert and in harmony with one another。
When dissension arose in a local church; as later it did arise in Antioch
and elsewhere; and the believers were unable to come to an agreement among
themselves; such matters were not permitted to create a division in the
church; but were referred to a general council of the entire body of
believers; made up of appointed delegates from the various local churches;
with the apostles and elders in positions of leading responsibility。 Thus
the efforts of Satan to attack the church in isolated places were met by
concerted action on the part of all; and the plans of the enemy to disrupt
and destroy were thwarted。

〃God is not the author of confusion; but of peace; as in all churches of the
saints。〃 I Corinthians 14:33。 He requires that order and system be observed
in the conduct of church affairs today no less than in the days of old。 He
desires His work to be carried forward with thoroughness and exactness so
that He may place upon it the seal of His approval。 Christian is to be
united with Christian; church with church; the human instrumentality
co…operating with the divine; every agency subordinate to the Holy Spirit;
and all combined in giving to the world the good tidings of the grace of


                              Chapter 10

                              The First Christian Martyr

Stephen; the foremost of the seven deacons; was a man of deep piety and
broad faith。 Though a Jew by birth; he spoke the Greek language and was
familiar with the customs and manners of the Greeks。 He therefore found
opportunity to preach the gospel in the synagogues of the Greek Jews。 He was
very active in the cause of Christ and boldly proclaimed his faith。 Learned
rabbis and doctors of the law engaged in public discussion with him;
confidently expecting an easy victory。 But 〃they were not able to resist the
wisdom and the spirit by which he spake。〃 Not only did he speak in the power
of the Holy Spirit; but it was plain that he was a student of the prophecies
and learned in all matters of the law。 He ably defended the truths that he
advocated and utterly defeated his opponents。 To him was the promise
fulfilled; 〃Settle it therefore in your hearts; not to meditate before what
ye shall answer: for I will give


you a mouth and wisdom; which all your adversaries shall not be able to
gainsay nor resist。〃 Luke 21:14; 15。

As the priests and rulers saw the power that attended the preaching of
Stephen; they were filled with bitter hatred。 Instead of yielding to the
evidence that he presented; they determined to silence his voice by putting
him to death。 On several occasions they had bribed the Roman authorities to
pass over without comment instances where the Jews had taken the law into
their own hands and had tried; condemned; and executed prisoners in
accordance with their national custom。 The enemies of Stephen did not doubt
that they could again pursue such a course without danger to themselves。
They determined to risk the consequences and therefore seized Stephen and
brought him before the Sanhedrin council for trial。

Learned Jews from the surrounding countries were summoned for the purpose of
refuting the arguments of the prisoner。 Saul of Tarsus was present and took
a leading part against Stephen。 He brought the weight of eloquence and the
logic of the rabbis to bear upon the case; to convince the people that
Stephen was preaching delusive and dangerous doctrines; but in Stephen he
met one who had a full understanding of the purpose of God in the spreading
of the gospel to other nations。

Because the priests and rulers could not prevail against the clear; calm
wisdom of Stephen; they determined to make an example of him; and while thus
satisfying their revengeful hatred; they would prevent others; through fear;
from adopting his belief。 Witnesses were hired to bear false testimony


that they had heard him speak blasphemous w
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