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the acts of the apostles-第17部分

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that they had heard him speak blasphemous words against the temple and the
law。 〃We have heard him say;〃 these witnesses declared; 〃that this Jesus of
Nazareth shall destroy this place; and shall change the customs which Moses
delivered us。〃

As Stephen stood face to face with his judges to answer to the charge of
blasphemy; a holy radiance shone upon his countenance; and 〃all that sat in
the council; looking steadfastly on him; saw his face as it had been the
face of an angel。〃 Many who beheld this light trembled and veiled their
faces; but the stubborn unbelief and prejudice of the rulers did not waver。

When Stephen was questioned as to the truth of the charges against him; he
began his defense in a clear; thrilling voice; which rang through the
council hall。 In words that held the assembly spellbound; he proceeded to
rehearse the history of the chosen people of God。 He showed a thorough
knowledge of the Jewish economy and the spiritual interpretation of it now
made manifest through Christ。 He repeated the words of Moses that foretold
of the Messiah: 〃A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your
brethren; like unto me; Him shall ye hear。〃 He made plain his own loyalty to
God and to the Jewish faith; while he showed that the law in which the Jews
trusted for salvation had not been able to save Israel from idolatry。 He
connected Jesus Christ with all the Jewish history。 He referred to the
building of the temple by Solomon; and to the words of both Solomon and
Isaiah: 〃Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as
saith the prophet; Heaven is


My throne; and earth is My footstool: what house will ye build Me? saith the
Lord: or what is the place of My rest? Hath not My hand made all these

When Stephen reached this point; there was a tumult among the people。 When
he connected Christ with the prophecies and spoke as he did of the temple;
the priest; pretending to be horror…stricken; rent his robe。 To Stephen this
act was a signal that his voice would soon be silenced forever。 He saw the
resistance that met his words and knew that he was giving his last
testimony。 Although in the midst of his sermon; he abruptly concluded it。

Suddenly breaking away from the train of history that he was following; and
turning upon his infuriated judges; he cried: 〃Ye stiff…necked and
uncircumcised in heart and ears; ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your
fathers did; so do ye。 Which of the prophets have not your fathers
persecuted? and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of
the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: who have
received the law by the disposition of angels; and have not kept it。〃

At this; priests and rulers were beside themselves with anger。 Acting more
like beasts of prey than human beings; they rushed upon Stephen; gnashing
their teeth。 In the cruel faces about him the prisoner read his fate; but he
did not waver。 For him the fear of death was gone。 For him the enraged
priests and the excited mob had no terror。 The scene before him faded from
his vision。 To him the gates of heaven were ajar; and; looking in; he saw
the glory of the courts of God; and Christ; as if just risen from His


throne; standing ready to sustain His servant。 In words of triumph Stephen
exclaimed; 〃Behold; I see the heavens opened; and the Son of man standing on
the right hand of God。〃

As he described the glorious scene upon which his eyes were gazing; it was
more than his persecutors could endure。 Stopping their ears; that they might
not hear his words; and uttering loud cries; they ran furiously upon him
with one accord 〃and cast him out of the city。〃 〃And they stoned Stephen;
calling upon God; and saying; Lord Jesus; receive my spirit。 And he kneeled
down; and cried with a loud voice; Lord; lay not this sin to their charge。
And when he had said this; he fell asleep。〃

No legal sentence had been passed upon Stephen; but the Roman authorities
were bribed by large sums of money to make no investigation into the case。

The martyrdom of Stephen made a deep impression upon all who witnessed it。
The memory of the signet of God upon his face; his words; which touched the
very souls of those who heard them; remained in the minds of the beholders;
and testified to the truth of that which he had proclaimed。 His death was a
sore trial to the church; but it resulted in the conviction of Saul; who
could not efface from his memory the faith and constancy of the martyr; and
the glory that had rested on his countenance。

At the scene of Stephen's trial and death; Saul had seemed to be imbued with
a frenzied zeal。 Afterward he was angered by his own secret conviction that
Stephen had been honored by God at the very time when he was dishonored


by men。 Saul continued to persecute the church of God; hunting them down;
seizing them in their houses; and delivering them up to the priests and
rulers for imprisonment and death。 His zeal in carrying forward this
persecution brought terror to the Christians at Jerusalem。 The Roman
authorities made no special effort to stay the cruel work and secretly aided
the Jews in order to conciliate them and to secure their favor。

After the death of Stephen; Saul was elected a member of the Sanhedrin
council in consideration of the part he had acted on that occasion。 For a
time he was a mighty instrument in the hands of Satan to carry out his
rebellion against the Son of God。 But soon this relentless persecutor was to
be employed in building up the church that he was now tearing down。 A
Mightier than Satan had chosen Saul to take the place of the martyred
Stephen; to preach and suffer for His name; and to spread far and wide the
tidings of salvation through His blood。


                              Chapter 11

                              The Gospel in Samaria

After the death of Stephen there arose against the believers in Jerusalem a
persecution so relentless that 〃they were all scattered abroad throughout
the regions of Judea and Samaria。〃 Saul 〃made havoc of the church; entering
into every house; and haling men and women committed them to prison。〃 Of his
zeal in this cruel work he said at a later date: 〃I verily thought with
myself; that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of
Nazareth。 Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I
shut up in prison。 。 。 。 And I punished them oft in every synagogue; and
compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them; I
persecuted them even unto strange cities。〃 That Stephen was not the only one
who suffered death may be seen from Saul's own words; 〃And when they were
put to death; I gave my voice against them。〃 Acts 26:9…11。


At this time of peril Nicodemus came forward in fearless avowal of his faith
in the crucified Saviour。 Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin and with
others had been stirred by the teaching of Jesus。 As he had witnessed
Christ's wonderful works; the conviction had fastened itself upon his mind
that this was the Sent of God。 Too proud openly to acknowledge himself in
sympathy with the Galilean Teacher; he had sought a secret interview。 In
this interview Jesus had unfolded to him the plan of salvation and His
mission to the world; yet still Nicodemus had hesitated。 He hid the truth in
his heart; and for three years there was little apparent fruit。 But while
Nicodemus had not publicly acknowledged Christ; he had in the Sanhedrin
council repeatedly thwarted the schemes of the priests to destroy Him。 When
at last Christ had been lifted up on the cross; Nicodemus remembered the
words that He had spoken to him in the night interview on the Mount of
Olives; 〃As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness; even so must the
Son of man be lifted up〃 (John 3:14); and he saw in Jesus the world's

With Joseph of Arimathea; Nicodemus had borne the expense of the burial of
Jesus。 The disciples had been afraid to show themselves openly as Christ's
followers; but Nicodemus and Joseph had come boldly to their aid。 The help
of these rich and honored men was greatly needed in that hour of darkness。
They had been able to do for their dead Master what it would have been
impossible for the poor disciples to do; and their wealth and influence had
protected them; in a great measure; from the malice of the priests and


Now; when the Jews were trying to destroy the infant church; Nicodemus came
forward in its defense。 No longer cautious and questioning; he encouraged
the faith of the disciples and used his wealth in helping to sustain the
church at Jerusalem and in advancing the work of the gospel。 Those who in
other days had paid him reverence; now scorned and persecuted him; and he
became poor in this world's goods; yet he faltered not in the defense of his

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