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the acts of the apostles-第24部分

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earth are not beyond the power of a wonder…working God。 If those who are
workers together with Him will be men of opportunity; doing their duty
bravely and faithfully; God will convert men who occupy responsible
positions; men of intellect and influence。 Through the power of the Holy
Spirit many will accept the divine principles。 Converted to the truth; they
will become agencies in the hand of God to communicate the light。 They will
have a special burden for other souls of this neglected class。 Time and
money will be consecrated to the work of the Lord; and new efficiency and
power will be added to the church。

Because Cornelius was living in obedience to all the instruction he had
received; God so ordered events that he was given more truth。 A messenger
from the courts of heaven was sent to the Roman officer and to Peter in
order that Cornelius might be brought into touch with one who could lead him
into greater light。

There are in our world many who are nearer the kingdom of God than we
suppose。 In this dark world of sin the Lord has many precious jewels; to
whom He will guide His messengers。 Everywhere there are those who will take
their stand for Christ。 Many will prize the wisdom of God above any earthly
advantage; and will become faithful light


bearers。 Constrained by the love of Christ; they will constrain others to
come to Him。

When the brethren in Judea heard that Peter had gone to the house of a
Gentile and preached to those assembled; they were surprised and offended。
They feared that such a course; which looked to them presumptuous; would
have the effect of counteracting his own teaching。 When they next saw Peter
they met him with severe censure; saying; 〃Thou wentest in to men
uncircumcised; and didst eat with them。〃

Peter laid the whole matter before them。 He related his experience in regard
to the vision and pleaded that it admonished him to observe no longer the
ceremonial distinction of circumcision and uncircumcision; nor to look upon
the Gentiles as unclean。 He told them of the command given him to go to the
Gentiles; of the coming of the messengers; of his journey to Caesarea; and
of the meeting with Cornelius。 He recounted the substance of his interview
with the centurion; in which the latter had told him of the vision by which
he had been directed to send for Peter。

〃As I began to speak;〃 he said; in relating his experience; 〃the Holy Ghost
fell on them; as on us at the beginning。 Then remembered I the word of the
Lord; how that He said; John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be
baptized with the Holy Ghost。 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift
as He did unto us; who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I; that I
could withstand God?〃


On hearing this account; the brethren were silenced。 Convinced that Peter's
course was in direct fulfillment of the plan of God; and that their
prejudices and exclusiveness were utterly contrary to the spirit of the
gospel; they glorified God; saying; 〃Then hath God also to the Gentiles
granted repentance unto life。〃

Thus; without controversy; prejudice was broken down; the exclusiveness
established by the custom of ages was abandoned; and the way was opened for
the gospel to be proclaimed to the Gentiles。


                              Chapter 15

                              Delivered From Prison

〃Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain
of the church。〃 The government of Judea was then in the hands of Herod
Agrippa; subject to Claudius; the Roman emperor。 Herod also held the
position of tetrarch of Galilee。 He was professedly a proselyte to the
Jewish faith; and apparently very zealous in carrying out the ceremonies of
the Jewish law。 Desirous of obtaining the favor of the Jews; hoping thus to
make secure his offices and honors; he proceeded to carry out their desires
by persecuting the church of Christ; spoiling the houses and goods of the
believers; and imprisoning the leading members of the church。 He cast James;
the brother of John; into prison; and sent an executioner to kill him with
the sword; as another Herod had caused the prophet John to be beheaded。
Seeing that the Jews were well pleased with these efforts; he imprisoned
Peter also。


It was during the Passover that these cruelties were practiced。 While the
Jews were celebrating their deliverance from Egypt and pretending great zeal
for the law of God; they were at the same time transgressing every principle
of that law by persecuting and murdering the believers in Christ。

The death of James caused great grief and consternation among the believers。
When Peter also was imprisoned; the entire church engaged in fasting and

Herod's act in putting James to death was applauded by the Jews; though some
complained of the private manner in which it was accomplished; maintaining
that a public execution would have more thoroughly intimidated the believers
and those sympathizing with them。 Herod therefore held Peter in custody;
meaning still further to gratify the Jews by the public spectacle of his
death。 But it was suggested that it would not be safe to bring the veteran
apostle out for execution before all the people then assembled in Jerusalem。
It was feared that the sight of him being led out to die might excite the
pity of the multitude。

The priests and elders also feared lest Peter might make one of those
powerful appeals which had frequently aroused the people to study the life
and character of Jesusappeals which they; with all their arguments; had
been unable to controvert。 Peter's zeal in advocating the cause of Christ
had led many to take their stand for the gospel; and the rulers feared that
should he be given an opportunity to defend his faith in the presence of the
multitude who had come to


the city to worship; his release would be demanded at the hands of the king。

While; upon various pretexts; the execution of Peter was being delayed until
after the Passover; the members of the church had time for deep searching of
heart and earnest prayer。 They prayed without ceasing for Peter; for they
felt that he could not be spared from the cause。 They realized that they had
reached a place where; without the special help of God; the church of Christ
would be destroyed。

Meanwhile worshipers from every nation sought the temple which had been
dedicated to the worship of God。 Glittering with gold and precious stones;
it was a vision of beauty and grandeur。 But Jehovah was no longer to be
found in that palace of loveliness。 Israel as a nation had divorced herself
from God。 When Christ; near the close of His earthly ministry; looked for
the last time upon the interior of the temple; He said; 〃Behold; your house
is left unto you desolate。〃 Matthew 23:38。 Hitherto He had called the temple
His Father's house; but as the Son of God passed our from those walls; God's
presence was withdrawn forever from the temple built to His glory。

The day of Peter's execution was at last appointed; but still the prayers of
the believers ascended to heaven; and while all their energies and
sympathies were called out in fervent appeals for help; angels of God were
watching over the imprisoned apostle。

Remembering the former escape of the apostles from prison; Herod on this
occasion had taken double precautions。


To prevent all possibility of release; Peter had been put under the charge
of sixteen soldiers; who; in different watches; guarded him day and night。
In his cell he was placed between two soldiers and was bound by two chains;
each chain being fastened to the wrist of one of the soldiers。 He was unable
to move without their knowledge。 With the prison doors securely fastened;
and a strong guard before them; all chance of rescue or escape through human
means was cut off。 But man's extremity is God's opportunity。

Peter was confined in a rock…hewn cell; the doors of which were strongly
bolted and barred; and the soldiers on guard were made answerable for the
safekeeping of the prisoner。 But the bolts and bars and the Roman guard;
which effectually cut off all possibility of human aid; were but to make
more complete the triumph of God in the deliverance of Peter。 Herod was
lifting his hand against Omnipotence; and he was to be utterly defeated。 By
the putting forth of His might; God was about to save the precious life that
the Jews were plotting to destroy。

It is the last night before the proposed execution。 A mighty angel is sent
from heaven to rescue Peter。 The strong gates that shut in the saint of God
open without the aid of human hands。 The angel of the Most High passes
through; and the gates close noiselessly behind him。 He enters the cell; and
there lies Peter; sleeping the peaceful sleep of perfect trust。

The light that surrounds the angel fills the cell; but does not rouse the
apostle。 Not until he feels the touch of the angel's hand and hears a voice
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