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the acts of the apostles-第29部分

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cross。 He had yet to learn to face danger and persecution and adversity with
a brave heart。 As the apostles advanced; and still greater difficulties were
apprehended; Mark was intimidated and; losing all courage; refused to go
farther and returned to Jerusalem。

This desertion caused Paul to judge Mark unfavorably; and even severely; for
a time。 Barnabas; on the other hand; was inclined to excuse him because of
his inexperience。 He felt anxious that Mark should not abandon the ministry;
for he saw in him qualifications that would fit him to be a useful worker
for Christ。 In after years his solicitude in Mark's behalf was richly
rewarded; for the young man gave himself unreservedly to the Lord and to the
work of proclaiming the gospel message in difficult fields。 Under the
blessing of God; and the wise training of Barnabas; he developed into a
valuable worker。

Paul was afterward reconciled to Mark and received him as a fellow laborer。
He also recommended him to the Colossians as one who was a fellow worker
〃unto the kingdom of God;〃 and 〃a comfort unto me。〃 Colossians 4:11。 Again;
not long before his own death; he spoke of Mark as 〃profitable〃 to him 〃for
the ministry。〃 2 Timothy 4:11。

After the departure of Mark; Paul and Barnabas visited Antioch in Pisidia
and on the Sabbath day went into the Jewish synagogue and sat down。 〃After
the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent


them; saying; Ye men and brethren; if ye have any word of exhortation for
the people; say on。〃 Being thus invited to speak; 〃Paul stood up; and
beckoning with his hand said; Men of Israel; and ye that fear God; give
audience。〃 Then followed a wonderful discourse。 He proceeded to give a
history of the manner in which the Lord had dealt with the Jews from the
time of their deliverance from Egyptian bondage; and how a Saviour had been
promised; of the seed of David; and he boldly declared that 〃of this man's
seed hath God according to His promise raised unto Israel a Saviour; Jesus:
when John had first preached before His coming the baptism of repentance to
all the people of Israel。 And as John fulfilled his course; he said; Whom
think ye that I am? I am not He。 But; behold; there cometh One after me;
whose shoes of His feet I am not worthy to loose。〃 Thus with power he
preached Jesus as the Saviour of men; the Messiah of prophecy。

Having made this declaration; Paul said; 〃Men and brethren; children of the
stock of Abraham; and whosoever among you feareth God; to you is the word of
this salvation sent。 For they that dwell at Jerusalem; and their rulers;
because they knew Him not; nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read
every Sabbath day; they have fulfilled them in condemning Him。〃

Paul did not hesitate to speak the plain truth concerning the rejection of
the Saviour by the Jewish leaders。 〃Though they found no cause of death in
Him;〃 the apostle declared; 〃yet desired they Pilate that He should be
slain。 And when


they had fulfilled all that was written of Him; they took Him down from the
tree; and laid Him in a sepulcher。 But God raised Him from the dead: and He
was seen many days of them which came up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem;
who are His witnesses unto the people。〃

〃We declare unto you glad tidings;〃 the apostle continued; 〃how that the
promise which was made unto the fathers; God hath fulfilled the same unto us
their children; in that He hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written
in the second psalm; Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee。 And as
concerning that He raised Him up from the dead; now no more to return to
corruption; He said on this wise; I will give you the sure mercies of David。
Wherefore He saith also in another psalm; Thou shalt not suffer Thine Holy
One to see corruption。 For David; after he had served his own generation by
the will of God; fell on sleep; and was laid unto his fathers; and saw
corruption: but He; whom God raised again; saw no corruption。〃

And now; having spoken plainly of the fulfillment of familiar prophecies
concerning the Messiah; Paul preached unto them repentance and the remission
of sin through the merits of Jesus their Saviour。 〃Be it known unto you;〃 he
said; 〃that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:
and by Him all that believe are justified from all things; from which ye
could not be justified by the law of Moses。〃

The Spirit of God accompanied the words that were spoken; and hearts were
touched。 The apostle's appeal to Old Testament prophecies; and his
declaration that these had been fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus of


carried conviction to many a soul longing for the advent of the promised
Messiah。 And the speaker's words of assurance that the 〃glad tidings〃 of
salvation were for Jew and Gentile alike; brought hope and joy to those who
had not been numbered among the children of Abraham according to the flesh。

〃When the Jews were gone out of the synagogue; the Gentiles besought that
these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath。〃 The congregation
having finally broken up; 〃many of the Jews and religious proselytes;〃 who
had accepted the glad tidings borne to them that day; 〃followed Paul and
Barnabas: who; speaking to them; persuaded them to continue in the grace of

The interest aroused in Antioch of Pisidia by Paul's discourse brought
together on the next Sabbath day; 〃almost the whole city 。 。 。 to hear the
word of God。 But when the Jews saw the multitudes; they were filled with
envy; and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul;
contradicting and blaspheming。

〃Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold; and said; It was necessary that the word
of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you;
and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life; lo; we turn to the
Gentiles。 For so hath the Lord commanded us; saying; I have set thee to be a
light of the Gentiles; that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of
the earth。〃

〃When the Gentiles heard this; they were glad; and glorified the word of the
Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed。〃 They rejoiced
exceedingly that


Christ recognized them as the children of God; and with grateful hearts they
listened to the word preached。 Those who believed were zealous in
communicating the gospel message to others; and thus 〃the word of the Lord
was published throughout all the region。〃

Centuries before; the pen of inspiration had traced this ingathering of the
Gentiles; but those prophetic utterances had been but dimly understood。
Hosea had said: 〃Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the
sand of the sea; which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to
pass; that in the place where it was said unto them; Ye are not My people;
there it shall be said unto them; Ye are the sons of the living God。〃 And
again: I will sow her unto Me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her
that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not My
people; Thou art My people; and they shall say; Thou art my God。〃 Hosea
1:10; 2:23。

The Saviour Himself; during His earthly ministry; foretold the spread of the
gospel among the Gentiles。 In the parable of the vineyard He declared to the
impenitent Jews; 〃The kingdom of God shall be taken from you; and given to a
nation bringing forth the fruits thereof。〃 Matthew 21:43。 And after His
resurrection He commissioned His disciples to go 〃into all the world〃 and
〃teach all nations。〃 They were to leave none unwarned; but were to 〃preach
the gospel to every creature。〃 Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15。

In turning to the Gentiles in Antioch of Pisidia; Paul and Barnabas did not
cease laboring for the Jews elsewhere; wherever there was a favorable
opportunity to gain a hearing。


Later; in Thessalonica; in Corinth; in Ephesus; and in other important
centers; Paul and his companions in labor preached the gospel to both Jews
and Gentiles。 But their chief energies were henceforth directed toward the
building up of the kingdom of God in heathen territory; among peoples who
had but little or no knowledge of the true God and of His Son。

The hearts of Paul and his associate workers were drawn out in behalf of
those who were 〃without Christ; being aliens from the commonwealth of
Israel; and strangers from the covenants of promise; having no hope; and
without God in the world。〃 Through the untiring ministrations of the
apostles to the Gentiles; the 〃strangers and foreigners;〃 who 〃sometimes
were far off;〃 learned that they had been 〃made nigh by the blood of
Christ;〃 and that through faith in His atoning sacrifice they might become
〃fellow citizens with the saints; and of the household of God。〃 Ephesians
2:12; 13; 19。

Advancing in faith; Paul labored unceasingly for the upbuilding of God's
kingdom among those who had been neglected by the teachers in Israel。
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