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the acts of the apostles-第32部分

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newly organized churches to the Lord; the apostles went to Pamphylia; 〃and
when they had preached the word in Perga; they went down into Attalia; and
thence sailed to Antioch。〃


                              Chapter 19

                              Jew and Gentile

On reaching Antioch in Syria; from which place they had been sent forth on
their mission; Paul and Barnabas took advantage of an early opportunity to
assemble the believers and rehearse 〃all that God had done with them; and
how He had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles。〃 Acts 14:27。 The
church at Antioch was a large and growing one。 A center of missionary
activity; it was one of the most important of the groups of Christian
believers。 Its membership was made up of many classes of people from among
both Jews and Gentiles。

While the apostles united with the ministers and lay members at Antioch in
an earnest effort to win many souls to Christ; certain Jewish believers from
Judea 〃of the sect of the Pharisees〃 succeeded in introducing a question
that soon led to wide…spread controversy in the church and brought
consternation to the believing Gentiles。 With great assurance these
Judaizing teachers asserted that in order


to be saved; one must be circumcised and must keep the entire ceremonial

Paul and Barnabas met this false doctrine with promptness and opposed the
introduction of the subject to the Gentiles。 On the other hand; many of the
believing Jews of Antioch favored the position of the brethren recently come
from Judea。

The Jewish converts generally were not inclined to move as rapidly as the
providence of God opened the way。 From the result of the apostles' labors
among the Gentiles it was evident that the converts among the latter people
would far exceed the Jewish converts in number。 The Jews feared that if the
restrictions and ceremonies of their law were not made obligatory upon the
Gentiles as a condition of church fellowship; the national peculiarities of
the Jews; which had hitherto kept them distinct from all other people; would
finally disappear from among those who received the gospel message。

The Jews had always prided themselves upon their divinely appointed
services; and many of those who had been converted to the faith of Christ
still felt that since God had once clearly outlined the Hebrew manner of
worship; it was improbable that He would ever authorize a change in any of
its specifications。 They insisted that the Jewish laws and ceremonies should
be incorporated into the rites of the Christian religion。 They were slow to
discern that all the sacrificial offerings had but prefigured the death of
the Son of God; in which type met antitype; and after which the rites and
ceremonies of the Mosaic dispensation were no longer binding。


Before his conversion Paul had regarded himself as blameless 〃touching the
righteousness which is in the law。〃 Philippians 3:6。 But since his change of
heart he had gained a clear conception of the mission of the Saviour as the
Redeemer of the entire race; Gentile as well as Jew; and had learned the
difference between a living faith and a dead formalism。 In the light of the
gospel the ancient rites and ceremonies committed to Israel had gained a new
and deeper significance。 That which they shadowed forth had come to pass;
and those who were living under the gospel dispensation had been freed from
their observance。 God's unchangeable law of Ten Commandments; however; Paul
still kept in spirit as well as in letter。

In the church at Antioch the consideration of the question of circumcision
resulted in much discussion and contention。 Finally; the members of the
church; fearing that a division among them would be the outcome of continued
discussion; decided to send Paul and Barnabas; with some responsible men
from the church; to Jerusalem to lay the matter before the apostles and
elders。 There they were to meet delegates from the different churches and
those who had come to Jerusalem to attend the approaching festivals。
Meanwhile all controversy was to cease until a final decision should be
given in general council。 This decision was then to be universally accepted
by the different churches throughout the country。

On the way to Jerusalem the apostles visited the believers in the cities
through which they passed; and encouraged them by relating their experience
in the work of God and the conversion of the Gentiles。


At Jerusalem the delegates from Antioch met the brethren of the various
churches; who had gathered for a general meeting; and to them they related
the success that had attended their ministry among the Gentiles。 They then
gave a clear outline of the confusion that had resulted because certain
converted Pharisees had gone to Antioch declaring that; in order to be
saved; the Gentile converts must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses。

This question was warmly discussed in the assembly。 Intimately connected
with the question of circumcision were several others demanding careful
study。 One was the problem as to what attitude should be taken toward the
use of meats offered to idols。 Many of the Gentile converts were living
among ignorant and superstitious people who made frequent sacrifices and
offerings to idols。 The priests of this heathen worship carried on an
extensive merchandise with the offerings brought to them; and the Jews
feared that the Gentile converts would bring Christianity into disrepute by
purchasing that which had been offered to idols; thereby sanctioning; in
some measure; idolatrous customs。

Again; the Gentiles were accustomed to eat the flesh of animals that has
been strangled; while the Jews had been divinely instructed that when beasts
were killed for food; particular care was to be taken that the blood should
flow from the body; otherwise the meat would not be regarded as wholesome。
God had given these injunctions to the Jews for the purpose of preserving
their health。 The Jews regarded it as sinful to use blood as an article of
diet。 They held that the blood was the life; and that the shedding of blood
was in consequence of sin。


The Gentiles; on the contrary; practiced catching the blood that flowed from
the sacrificial victim and using it in the preparation of food。 The Jews
could not believe that they ought to change the customs they had adopted
under the special direction of God。 Therefore; as things then stood; if Jew
and Gentile should attempt to eat at the same table; the former would be
shocked and outraged by the latter。

The Gentiles; and especially the Greeks; were extremely licentious; and
there was danger that some; unconverted in heart; would make a profession of
faith without renouncing their evil practices。 The Jewish Christians could
not tolerate the immorality that was not even regarded as criminal by the
heathen。 The Jews therefore held it as highly proper that circumcision and
the observance of the ceremonial law should be enjoined on the Gentile
converts as a test of their sincerity and devotion。 This; they believed;
would prevent the addition to the church of those who; adopting the faith
without true conversion of heart; might afterward bring reproach upon the
cause by immorality and excess。

The various points involved in the settlement of the main question at issue
seemed to present before the council insurmountable difficulties。 But the
Holy Spirit had; in reality; already settled this question; upon the
decision of which seemed to depend the prosperity; if not the very
existence; of the Christian church。

〃When there had been much disputing; Peter rose up; and said unto them; Men
and brethren; ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us;
that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel; and


believe。〃 He reasoned that the Holy Spirit had decided the matter under
dispute by descending with equal power upon the uncircumcised Gentiles and
the circumcised Jews。 He recounted his vision; in which God had presented
before him a sheet filled with all manner of four…footed beasts and had
bidden him kill and eat。 When he refused; affirming that he had never eaten
that which was common or unclean; the answer had been; 〃What God hath
cleansed; that call not thou common。〃 Acts 10:15。

Peter related the plain interpretation of these words; which was given him
almost immediately in his summons to go to the centurion and instruct him in
the faith of Christ。 This message showed that God was no respecter of
persons; but accepted and acknowledged all who feared Him。 Peter told of his
astonishment when; in speaking the words of truth to those assembled at the
home of Cornelius; he witnessed the Holy Spirit taking possession of his
hearers; Gentiles as well as Jews。 The same light and glory that was
reflected upon the circumcised Jews shone also upon the faces of the
uncircumcised Gentiles。 This was God's warning that Peter was not to reg
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