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the acts of the apostles-第33部分

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uncircumcised Gentiles。 This was God's warning that Peter was not to regard
one as inferior to the other; for the blood of Christ could cleanse from all

Once before; Peter had reasoned with his brethren concerning the conversion
of Cornelius and his friends; and his fellowship with them。 As he on that
occasion related how the Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles he declared;
〃Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as He did unto us; who
believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I; that I could withstand God?〃
Acts 11:17。 Now; with equal fervor and force; he said: 〃God; which knoweth
the hearts;


bare them witness; giving them the Holy Ghost; even as He did unto us; and
put no difference between us and them; purifying their hearts by faith。 Now
therefore why tempt ye God; to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples;
which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?〃 This yoke was not the
law of Ten Commandments; as some who oppose the binding claims of the law
assert; Peter here referred to the law of ceremonies; which was made null
and void by the crucifixion of Christ。

Peter's address brought the assembly to a point where they could listen with
patience to Paul and Barnabas; who related their experience in working for
the Gentiles。 〃All the multitude kept silence; and gave audience to Barnabas
and Paul; declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the
Gentiles by them。〃

James also bore his testimony with decision; declaring that it was God's
purpose to bestow upon the Gentiles the same privileges and blessings that
had been granted to the Jews。

The Holy Spirit saw good not to impose the ceremonial law on the Gentile
converts; and the mind of the apostles regarding this matter was as the mind
of the Spirit of God。 James presided at the council; and his final decision
was; 〃Wherefore my sentence is; that we trouble not them; which from among
the Gentiles are turned to God。〃

This ended the discussion。 In this instance we have a refutation of the
doctrine held by the Roman Catholic Church that Peter was the head of the
church。 Those who; as popes; have claimed to be his successors; have no
Scriptural foundation for their pretensions。 Nothing in the life of Peter


gives sanction to the claim that he was elevated above his brethren as the
vicegerent of the Most High。 If those who are declared to be the successors
of Peter had followed his example; they would always have been content to
remain on an equality with their brethren。

In this instance James seems to have been chosen as the one to announce the
decision arrived at by the council。 It was his sentence that the ceremonial
law; and especially the ordinance of circumcision; should not be urged upon
the Gentiles; or even recommended to them。 James sought to impress the minds
of his brethren with the fact that; in turning to God; the Gentiles had made
a great change in their lives and that much caution should be used not to
trouble them with perplexing and doubtful questions of minor importance;
lest they be discouraged in following Christ。

The Gentile converts; however; were to give up the customs that were
inconsistent with the principles of Christianity。 The apostles and elders
therefore agreed to instruct the Gentiles by letter to abstain from meats
offered to idols; from fornication; from things strangled; and from blood。
They were to be urged to keep the commandments and to lead holy lives。 They
were also to be assured that the men who had declared circumcision to be
binding were not authorized to do so by the apostles。

Paul and Barnabas were recommended to them as men who had hazarded their
lives for the Lord。 Judas and Silas were sent with these apostles to declare
to the Gentiles by word of mouth the decision of the council: 〃It seemed
good to the Holy Ghost; and to us; to lay upon you no greater


burden than these necessary things; that ye abstain from meats offered to
idols; and from blood; and from things strangled; and from fornication: from
which if ye keep yourselves; ye shall do well。〃 The four servants of God
were sent to Antioch with the epistle and message that was to put an end to
all controversy; for it was the voice of the highest authority upon the

The council which decided this case was composed of apostles and teachers
who had been prominent in raising up the Jewish and Gentile Christian
churches; with chosen delegates from various places。 Elders from Jerusalem
and deputies from Antioch were present; and the most influential churches
were represented。 The council moved in accordance with the dictates of
enlightened judgment; and with the dignity of a church established by the
divine will。 As a result of their deliberations they all saw that God
Himself had answered the question at issue by bestowing upon the Gentiles
the Holy Ghost; and they realized that it was their part to follow the
guidance of the Spirit。

The entire body of Christians was not called to vote upon the question。 The
〃apostles and elders;〃 men of influence and judgment; framed and issued the
decree; which was thereupon generally accepted by the Christian churches。
Not all; however; were pleased with the decision; there was a faction of
ambitious and self…confident brethren who disagreed with it。 These men
assumed to engage in the work on their own responsibility。 They indulged in
much murmuring and faultfinding; proposing new plans and seeking to pull
down the work of the men whom God had ordained to teach the gospel message。
From the first the church has


had such obstacles to meet and ever will have till the close of time。

Jerusalem was the metropolis of the Jews; and it was there that the greatest
exclusiveness and bigotry were found。 The Jewish Christians living within
sight of the temple naturally allowed their minds to revert to the peculiar
privileges of the Jews as a nation。 When they saw the Christian church
departing from the ceremonies and traditions of Judaism; and perceived that
the peculiar sacredness with which the Jewish customs had been invested
would soon be lost sight of in the light of the new faith; many grew
indignant with Paul as the one who had; in a large measure; caused this
change。 Even the disciples were not all prepared to accept willingly the
decision of the council。 Some were zealous for the ceremonial law; and they
regarded Paul with disfavor because they thought that his principles in
regard to the obligations of the Jewish law were lax。

The broad and far…reaching decisions of the general council brought
confidence into the ranks of the Gentile believers; and the cause of God
prospered。 In Antioch the church was favored with the presence of Judas and
Silas; the special messengers who had returned with the apostles from the
meeting in Jerusalem。 〃Being prophets also themselves;〃 Judas and Silas;
〃exhorted the brethren with many words; and confirmed them。〃 These godly men
tarried in Antioch for a time。 〃Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioch;
teaching and preaching the word of the Lord; with many others also。〃

When Peter; at a later date; visited Antioch; he won the confidence of many
by his prudent conduct toward the


Gentile converts。 For a time he acted in accordance with the light given
from heaven。 He so far overcame his natural prejudice as to sit at table
with the Gentile converts。 But when certain Jews who were zealous for the
ceremonial law; came from Jerusalem; Peter injudiciously changed his
deportment toward the converts from paganism。 A number of the Jews
〃dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away
with their dissimulation。〃 This revelation of weakness on the part of those
who had been respected and loved as leaders; left a most painful impression
on the minds of the Gentile believers。 The church was threatened with
division。 But Paul; who saw the subverting influence of the wrong done to
the church through the double part acted by Peter; openly rebuked him for
thus disguising his true sentiments。 In the presence of the church; Paul
inquired of Peter; 〃If thou; being a Jew; livest after the manner of
Gentiles; and not as do the Jews; why compellest thou the Gentiles to live
as do the Jews?〃 Galatians 2:13; 14。

Peter saw the error into which he had fallen; and immediately set about
repairing the evil that had been wrought; so far as was in his power。 God;
who knows the end from the beginning; permitted Peter to reveal this
weakness of character in order that the tried apostle might see that there
was nothing in himself whereof he might boast。 Even the best of men; if left
to themselves; will err in judgment。 God also saw that in time to come some
would be so deluded as to claim for Peter and his pretended successors the
exalted prerogatives that belong to God alone。 And this record of


the apostle's weakness was to remain as a proof of his fallibility and of
the fact that he
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