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the acts of the apostles-第34部分

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the apostle's weakness was to remain as a proof of his fallibility and of
the fact that he stood in no way above the level of the other apostles。

The history of this departure from right principles stands as a solemn
warning to men in positions of trust in the cause of God; that they may not
fail in integrity; but firmly adhere to principle。 The greater the
responsibilities placed upon the human agent; and the larger his
opportunities to dictate and control; the more harm he is sure to do if he
does not carefully follow the way of the Lord and labor in harmony with the
decisions arrived at by the general body of believers in united council。

After all Peter's failures; after his fall and restoration; his long course
of service; his intimate acquaintance with Christ; his knowledge of the
Saviour's straightforward practice of right principles; after all the
instruction he had received; all the gifts and knowledge and influence he
had gained by preaching and teaching the wordis it not strange that he
should dissemble and evade the principles of the gospel through fear of man;
or in order to gain esteem? Is it not strange that he should waver in his
adherence to right? May God give every man a realization of his
helplessness; his inability to steer his own vessel straight and safe into
the harbor。

In his ministry; Paul was often compelled to stand alone。 He was specially
taught of God and dared make no concessions that would involve principle。 At
times the burden was heavy; but Paul stood firm for the right。 He realized
that the church must never be brought under the control


of human power。 The traditions and maxims of men must not take the place of
revealed truth。 The advance of the gospel message must not be hindered by
the prejudices and preferences of men; whatever might be their position in
the church。

Paul had dedicated himself and all his powers to the service of God。 He had
received the truths of the gospel direct from heaven; and throughout his
ministry he maintained a vital connection with heavenly agencies。 He had
been taught by God regarding the binding of unnecessary burdens upon the
Gentile Christians; thus when the Judaizing believers introduced into the
Antioch church the question of circumcision; Paul knew the mind of the
Spirit of God concerning such teaching and took a firm and unyielding
position which brought to the churches freedom from Jewish rites and

Notwithstanding the fact that Paul was personally taught by God; he had no
strained ideas of individual responsibility。 While looking to God for direct
guidance; he was ever ready to recognize the authority vested in the body of
believers united in church fellowship。 He felt the need of counsel; and when
matters of importance arose; he was glad to lay these before the church and
to unite with his brethren in seeking God for wisdom to make right
decisions。 Even 〃the spirits of the prophets;〃 he declared; 〃are subject to
the prophets。 For God is not the author of confusion; but of peace; as in
all churches of the saints。〃 1 Corinthians 14:32;
33。 With Peter; he taught that all united in church capacity
should be 〃subject one to another。〃 1 Peter 5:5。


                              Chapter 20

                              Exalting the Cross

After spending some time in ministry at Antioch; Paul proposed to his fellow
worker that they set forth on another missionary journey。 〃Let us go again;〃
he said to Barnabas; 〃and visit our brethren in every city where we have
preached the word of the Lord; and see how they do。〃

Both Paul and Barnabas had a tender regard for those who had recently
accepted the gospel message under their ministry; and they longed to see
them once more。 This solicitude Paul never lost。 Even when in distant
mission fields; far from the scene of his earlier labors; he continued to
bear upon his heart the burden of urging these converts to remain faithful;
〃perfecting holiness in the fear of God。〃
2 Corinthians 7:1。 Constantly he tried to help them to
become self…reliant; growing Christians; strong in faith; ardent in zeal;
and wholehearted in their consecration to God and to the work of advancing
His kingdom。


Barnabas was ready to go with Paul; but wished to take with them Mark; who
had again decided to devote himself to the ministry。 To this Paul objected。
He 〃thought not good to take 。 。 。 with them〃 one who during their first
missionary journey had left them in a time of need。 He was not inclined to
excuse Mark's weakness in deserting the work for the safety and comforts of
home。 He urged that one with so little stamina was unfitted for a work
requiring patience; self…denial; bravery; devotion; faith; and a willingness
to sacrifice; if need be; even life itself。 So sharp was the contention that
Paul and Barnabas separated; the latter following out his convictions and
taking Mark with him。 〃So Barnabas took Mark; and sailed unto Cyprus; and
Paul chose Silas; and departed; being recommended by the brethren unto the
grace of God。〃

Journeying through Syria and Cilicia; where they strengthened the church;
Paul and Silas at length reached Derbe and Lystra in the province of
Lycaonia。 It was at Lystra that Paul had been stoned; yet we find him again
on the scene of his former danger。 He was anxious to see how those who
through his labors had accepted the gospel were enduring the test of trial。
He was not disappointed; for he found that the Lystrian believers had
remained firm in the face of violent opposition。

Here Paul again met Timothy; who had witnessed his sufferings at the close
of his first visit to Lystra and upon whose mind the impression then made
had deepened with the passing of time until he was convinced that it was his
duty to give himself fully to the work of the ministry。 His


heart was knit with the heart of Paul; and he longed to share the apostle's
labors by assisting as the way might open。

Silas; Paul's companion in labor; was a tried worker; gifted with the spirit
of prophecy; but the work to be done was so great that there was need of
training more laborers for active service。 In Timothy Paul saw one who
appreciated the sacredness of the work of a minister; who was not appalled
at the prospect of suffering and persecution; and who was willing to be
taught。 Yet the apostle did not venture to take the responsibility of giving
Timothy; an untried youth; a training in the gospel ministry; without first
fully satisfying himself in regard to his character and his past life。

Timothy's father was a Greek and his mother a Jewess。 From a child he had
known the Scriptures。 The piety that he saw in his home life was sound and
sensible。 The faith of his mother and his grandmother in the sacred oracles
was to him a constant reminder of the blessing in doing God's will。 The word
of God was the rule by which these two godly women had guided Timothy。 The
spiritual power of the lessons that he had received from them kept him pure
in speech and unsullied by the evil influences with which he was surrounded。
Thus his home instructors had co…operated with God in preparing him to bear

Paul saw that Timothy was faithful; steadfast; and true; and he chose him as
a companion in labor and travel。 Those who had taught Timothy in his
childhood were rewarded by seeing the son of their care linked in close
fellowship with the great apostle。 Timothy was a mere youth when he was
chosen by God to be a teacher; but his principles had


been so established by his early education that he was fitted to take his
place as Paul's helper。 And though young; he bore his responsibilities with
Christian meekness。

As a precautionary measure; Paul wisely advised Timothy to be
circumcisednot that God required it; but in order to remove from the minds
of the Jews that which might be an objection to Timothy's ministration。 In
his work Paul was to journey from city to city; in many lands; and often he
would have opportunity to preach Christ in Jewish synagogues; as well as in
other places of assembly。 If it should be known that one of his companions
in labor was uncircumcised; his work might be greatly hindered by the
prejudice and bigotry of the Jews。 Everywhere the apostle met determined
opposition and severe persecution。 He desired to bring to his Jewish
brethren; as well as to the Gentiles; a knowledge of the gospel; and
therefore he sought; so far as was consistent with the faith; to remove
every pretext for opposition。 Yet while he conceded this much to Jewish
prejudice; he believed and taught circumcision or uncircumcision to be
nothing and the gospel of Christ everything。

Paul loved Timothy; his 〃own son in the faith。〃 1 Timothy 1:2。 The great
apostle often drew the younger disciple out; questioning him in regard to
Scripture history; and as they traveled from place to place; he carefully
taught him how to do successful work。 Both Paul and Silas; in all their
association with Timothy; sought to deepen the impression 
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