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the acts of the apostles-第35部分

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taught him how to do successful work。 Both Paul and Silas; in all their
association with Timothy; sought to deepen the impression that had already
been made upon his mind; of the sacred; serious nature of the work of the
gospel minister。


In his work; Timothy constantly sought Paul's advice and instruction。 He did
not move from impulse; but exercised consideration and calm thought;
inquiring at every step; Is this the way of the Lord? The Holy Spirit found
in him one who could be molded and fashioned as a temple for the indwelling
of the divine Presence。

As the lessons of the Bible are wrought into the daily life; they have a
deep and lasting influence upon the character。 These lessons Timothy learned
and practiced。 He had no specially brilliant talents; but his work was
valuable because he used his God…given abilities in the Master's service。
His knowledge of experimental piety distinguished him from other believers
and gave him influence。

Those who labor for souls must attain to a deeper; fuller; clearer knowledge
of God than can be gained by ordinary effort。 They must throw all their
energies into the work of the Master。 They are engaged in a high and holy
calling; and if they gain souls for their hire they must lay firm hold upon
God; daily receiving grace and power from the Source of all blessing。 〃For
the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men; teaching
us that; denying ungodliness and worldly lusts; we should live soberly;
righteously; and godly; in this present world; looking for that blessed
hope; and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus
Christ; who gave Himself for us; that He might redeem us from all iniquity;
and purify unto Himself a peculiar people; zealous of good works。〃 Titus

Before pressing forward into new territory; Paul and his companions visited
the churches that had been


established in Pisidia and the regions round about。 〃As they went through
the cities; they delivered them the decrees for to keep; that were ordained
of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem。 And so were the churches
established in the faith; and increased in number daily。〃

The apostle Paul felt a deep responsibility for those converted under his
labors。 Above all things; he longed that they should be faithful; 〃that I
may rejoice in the day of Christ;〃 he said; 〃that I have not run in vain;
neither labored in vain。〃 Philippians 2:16。 He trembled for the result of
his ministry。 He felt that even his own salvation might be imperiled if he
should fail of fulfilling his duty and the church should fail of
co…operating with him in the work of saving souls。 He knew that preaching
alone would not suffice to educate the believers to hold forth the word of
life。 He knew that line upon line; precept upon precept; here a little and
there a little; they must be taught to advance in the work of Christ。

It is a universal principle that whenever one refuses to use his God…given
powers; these powers decay and perish。 Truth that is not lived; that is not
imparted; loses its life…giving power; its healing virtue。 Hence the
apostle's fear that he might fail of presenting every man perfect in Christ。
Paul's hope of heaven grew dim when he contemplated any failure on his part
that would result in giving the church the mold of the human instead of the
divine。 His knowledge; his eloquence; his miracles; his view of eternal
scenes when caught up to the third heavenall would be unavailing if
through unfaithfulness in his work those for whom he


labored should fail of the grace of God。 And so; by word of mouth and by
letter; he pleaded with those who had accepted Christ; to pursue a course
that would enable them to be 〃blameless and harmless; the sons of God;
without rebuke; in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation; 。 。 。 as
lights in the world; holding forth the word of life。〃 Philippians 2:15; 16。

Every true minister feels a heavy responsibility for the spiritual
advancement of the believers entrusted to his care; a longing desire that
they shall be laborers together with God。 He realizes that upon the faithful
performance of his God…given work depends in a large degree the well…being
of the church。 Earnestly and untiringly he seeks to inspire the believers
with a desire to win souls for Christ; remembering that every addition to
the church should be one more agency for the carrying out of the plan of

Having visited the churches in Pisidia and the neighboring region; Paul and
Silas; with Timothy; pressed on into 〃Phrygia and the region of Galatia;〃
where with mighty power they proclaimed the glad tidings of salvation。 The
Galatians were given up to the worship of idols; but; as the apostles
preached to them; they rejoiced in the message that promised freedom from
the thralldom of sin。 Paul and his fellow workers proclaimed the doctrine of
righteousness by faith in the atoning sacrifice of Christ。 They presented
Christ as the one who; seeing the helpless condition of the fallen race;
came to redeem men and women by living a life of obedience to God's law and
by paying the penalty of disobedience。 And in the light of the cross many
who had


never before known of the true God; began to comprehend the greatness of the
Father's love。

Thus the Galatians were taught the fundamental truths concerning 〃God the
Father〃 and 〃our Lord Jesus Christ; who gave Himself for our sins; that He
might deliver us from this present evil world; according to the will of God
and our Father。〃 〃By the hearing of faith〃 they received the Spirit of God
and became 〃the children of God by faith in Christ。〃 Galatians 1:3; 4; 3:2;

Paul's manner of life while among the Galatians was such that he could
afterward say; 〃I beseech you; be as I am。〃 Galatians 4:12。 His lips had
been touched with a live coal from off the altar; and he was enabled to rise
above bodily infirmities and to present Jesus as the sinner's only hope。
Those who heard him knew that he had been with Jesus。 Endued with power from
on high; he was able to compare spiritual things with spiritual and to tear
down the strongholds of Satan。 Hearts were broken by his presentation of the
love of God; as revealed in the sacrifice of His only…begotten Son; and many
were led to inquire; What must I do to be saved?

This method of presenting the gospel characterized the labors of the apostle
throughout his ministry among the Gentiles。 Always he kept before them the
cross of Calvary。 〃We preach not ourselves;〃 he declared in the later years
of his experience; 〃but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants
for Jesus' sake。 For God; who commanded the light to shine out of darkness;
hath shined in our hearts; to give


the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ。〃
2 Corinthians 4:5; 6。

The consecrated messengers who in the early days of Christianity carried to
a perishing world the glad tidings of salvation; allowed no thought of
self…exaltation to mar their presentation of Christ and Him crucified。 They
coveted neither authority nor pre…eminence。 Hiding self in the Saviour; they
exalted the great plan of salvation; and the life of Christ; the Author and
Finisher of this plan。 Christ; the same yesterday; today; and forever; was
the burden of their teaching。

If those who today are teaching the word of God; would uplift the cross of
Christ higher and still higher; their ministry would be far more successful。
If sinners can be led to give one earnest look at the cross; if they can
obtain a full view of the crucified Saviour; they will realize the depth of
God's compassion and the sinfulness of sin。

Christ's death proves God's great love for man。 It is our pledge of
salvation。 To remove the cross from the Christian would be like blotting the
sun from the sky。 The cross brings us near to God; reconciling us to Him。
With the relenting compassion of a father's love; Jehovah looks upon the
suffering that His Son endured in order to save the race from eternal death;
and accepts us in the Beloved。

Without the cross; man could have no union with the Father。 On it depends
our every hope。 From it shines the light of the Saviour's love; and when at
the foot of the cross the sinner looks up to the One who died to save him;


may rejoice with fullness of joy; for his sins are pardoned。 Kneeling in
faith at the cross; he has reached the highest place to which man can

Through the cross we learn that the heavenly Father loves us with a love
that is infinite。 Can we wonder that Paul exclaimed; 〃God forbid that I
should glory; save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ〃? Galatians 6:14。
It is our privilege also to glory in the cross; our privilege to give
ourselves wholly to Him who gave Himself for us。 Then; with the light that
streams from Calvary shining in our faces; we may go forth to reveal this
light to those in darkness。
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