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the acts of the apostles-第37部分

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their lives; and with peculiar force the words of the spirit…possessed woman
came to his mind: 〃These men are the servants of the most high God; which
show unto us the way of salvation。


With deep humility he asked the apostles to show him the way of life。
〃Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; and thou shalt be saved; and thy house;〃
they answered; and 〃they spake unto him the word of the Lord; and to all
that were in his house。〃 The jailer then washed the wounds of the apostles
and ministered to them; after which he was baptized by them; with all his
household。 A sanctifying influence diffused itself among the inmates of the
prison; and the minds of all were opened to listen to the truths spoken by
the apostles。 They were convinced that the God whom these men served had
miraculously released them from bondage。

The citizens of Philippi had been greatly terrified by the earthquake; and
when in the morning the officers of the prison told the magistrates of what
had occurred during the night; they were alarmed and sent the sergeants to
liberate the apostles。 But Paul declared; 〃They have beaten us openly
uncondemned; being Romans; and have cast us into prison; and now do they
thrust us out privily? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us

The apostles were Roman citizens; and it was unlawful to scourge a Roman;
save for the most flagrant crime; or to deprive him of his liberty without a
fair trial。 Paul and Silas had been publicly imprisoned; and they now
refused to be privately released without the proper explanation on the part
of the magistrates。

When this word was brought to the authorities; they were alarmed for fear
that the apostles would complain to the emperor; and going at once to the
prison; they apologized


to Paul and Silas for the injustice and cruelty done them and personally
conducted them out of the prison; entreating them to depart from the city。
The magistrates feared the apostles' influence over the people; and they
also feared the Power that had interposed in behalf of these innocent men。

Acting upon the instruction given by Christ; the apostles would not urge
their presence where it was not desired。 〃They went out of the prison; and
entered into the house of Lydia: and when they had seen the brethren; they
comforted them; and departed。〃

The apostles did not regard as in vain their labors in Philippi。 They had
met much opposition and persecution; but the intervention of Providence in
their behalf; and the conversion of the jailer and his household; more than
atoned for the disgrace and suffering they had endured。 The news of their
unjust imprisonment and miraculous deliverance became known through all that
region; and this brought the work of the apostles to the notice of a large
number who otherwise would not have been reached。

Paul's labors at Philippi resulted in the establishment of a church whose
membership steadily increased。 His zeal and devotion; and; above all; his
willingness to suffer for Christ's sake; exerted a deep and lasting
influence upon the converts。 They prized the precious truths for which the
apostles had sacrificed so much; and gave themselves with wholehearted
devotion to the cause of their Redeemer。

That this church did not escape persecution is shown by an expression in
Paul's letter to them。 He says; 〃Unto you


it is given in the behalf of Christ; not only to believe on Him; but also to
suffer for His sake; having the same conflict which ye saw in me。〃 Yet such
was their steadfastness in the faith that he declares; 〃I thank my God upon
every remembrance of you; always in every prayer of mine for you all making
request with joy; for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until
now。〃 Philippians 1:29;
30; 3…5。

Terrible is the struggle that takes place between the forces of good and of
evil in important centers where the messengers of truth are called upon to
labor。 〃We wrestle not against flesh and blood;〃 declares Paul; 〃but against
principalities; against powers; against the rulers of the darkness of this
world。〃 Ephesians 6:12。 Till the close of time there will be a conflict
between the church of God and those who are under the control of evil

The early Christians were often called to meet the powers of darkness face
to face。 By sophistry and by persecution the enemy endeavored to turn them
from the true faith。 At the present time; when the end of all things earthly
is rapidly approaching; Satan is putting forth desperate efforts to ensnare
the world。 He is devising many plans to occupy minds and to divert attention
from the truths essential to salvation。 In every city his agencies are
busily organizing into parties those who are opposed to the law of God。 The
archdeceiver is at work to introduce elements of confusion and rebellion;
and men are being fired with a zeal that is not according to knowledge。


Wickedness is reaching a height never before attained; and yet many
ministers of the gospel are crying; 〃Peace and safety。〃 But God's faithful
messengers are to go steadily forward with their work。 Clothed with the
panoply of heaven; they are to advance fearlessly and victoriously; never
ceasing their warfare until every soul within their reach shall have
received the message of truth for this time。


                              Chapter 22


After leaving Philippi; Paul and Silas made their way to Thessalonica。 Here
they were given the privilege of addressing large congregations in the
Jewish synagogue。 Their appearance bore evidence of the shameful treatment
they had recently received; and necessitated an explanation of what had
taken place。 This they made without exalting themselves; but magnified the
One who had wrought their deliverance。

In preaching to the Thessalonians; Paul appealed to the Old Testament
prophecies concerning the Messiah。 Christ in His ministry had opened the
minds of His disciples to these prophecies; 〃beginning at Moses and all the
prophets; He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning
Himself。〃 Luke 24:27。 Peter in preaching Christ had produced his evidence
from the Old Testament。 Stephen had pursued the same course。 And Paul also
in his ministry appealed to the scriptures foretelling the birth;


death; resurrection; and ascension of Christ。 By the inspired testimony of
Moses and the prophets he clearly proved the identity of Jesus of Nazareth
with the Messiah and showed that from the days of Adam it was the voice of
Christ which had been speaking through patriarchs and prophets。

Plain and specific prophecies had been given regarding the appearance of the
Promised One。 To Adam was given an assurance of the coming of the Redeemer。
The sentence pronounced on Satan; 〃I will put enmity between thee and the
woman; and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head; and thou
shalt bruise his heel〃 (Genesis 3:15); was to our first parents a promise of
the redemption to be wrought out through Christ。

To Abraham was given the promise that of his line of Saviour of the world
should come: 〃In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed。〃
〃He saith not; And to seeds; as of many; but as of one; And to thy seed;
which is Christ。〃 Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:16。

Moses; near the close of his work as a leader and teacher of Israel; plainly
prophesied of the Messiah to come。 〃The Lord thy God;〃 he declared to the
assembled hosts of Israel; 〃will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst
of thee; of thy brethren; like unto me; unto Him ye shall hearken。〃 And
Moses assured the Israelites that God Himself had revealed this to him while
in Mount Horeb; saying; 〃I will raise them up a Prophet from among their
brethren; like unto thee; and will put My words in His mouth; and He shall
speak unto them all that I shall command Him。〃 Deuteronomy 18:15; 18。


The Messiah was to be of the royal line; for in the prophecy uttered by
Jacob the Lord said; 〃The scepter shall not depart from Judah; nor a
lawgiver from between his feet; until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the
gathering of the people be。〃 Genesis 49:10。

Isaiah prophesied: 〃There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse;
and a Branch shall grow out of his roots。〃 〃Incline your ear; and come unto
Me: hear; and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant
with you; even the sure mercies of David。 Behold; I have given Him for a
witness to the people; a leader and commander to the people。 Behold; thou
shalt call a nation that thou knowest not; and nations that knew not thee
shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God; and for the Holy One of
Israel; for He hath glorified thee。〃 Isaiah 11:1; 55:3…5。

Jeremiah also bore witness of the coming Redeemer as a Prince of the house
of David
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