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the acts of the apostles-第4部分

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house are many mansions: if it were not so; I would have told you。 I go to
prepare a place for you。 And if I go and prepare a place for you; I will
come again; and receive you unto Myself; that where I am; there ye may be
also。 And whither I go ye know; and the way ye know。〃 John 14:1…4。 For your
sake I came into the world; for you I have been working。


When I go away I shall still work earnestly for you。 I came to the world to
reveal Myself to you; that you might believe。 I go to My Father and yours to
co…operate with Him in your behalf。

〃Verily; verily; I say unto you; He that believeth on Me; the works that I
do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go
unto My Father。〃 John 14:12。 By this; Christ did not mean that the disciples
would make more exalted exertions than He had made; but that their work
would have greater magnitude。 He did not refer merely to miracle working;
but to all that would take place under the agency of the Holy Spirit。 〃When
the Comforter is come;〃 He said; 〃whom I will send unto you from the Father;
even the Spirit of truth; which proceedeth from the Father; He shall testify
of Me: and ye also shall bear witness; because ye have been with Me from the
beginning。〃 John 15:26; 27。

Wonderfully were these words fulfilled。 After the descent of the Holy
Spirit; the disciples were so filled with love for Him and for those for
whom He died; that hearts were melted by the words they spoke and the
prayers they offered。 They spoke in the power of the Spirit; and under the
influence of that power; thousands were converted。

As Christ's representatives the apostles were to make a decided impression
on the world。 The fact that they were humble men would not diminish their
influence; but increase it; for the minds of their hearers would be carried
from them to the Saviour; who; though unseen; was still working with them。
The wonderful teaching of the apostles; their


words of courage and trust; would assure all that it was not in their own
power that they worked; but in the power of Christ。 Humbling themselves;
they would declare that He whom the Jews had crucified was the Prince of
life; the Son of the living God; and that in His name they did the works
that He had done。

In His parting conversation with His disciples on the night before the
crucifixion the Saviour made no reference to the suffering that He had
endured and must yet endure。 He did not speak of the humiliation that was
before Him; but sought to bring to their minds that which would strengthen
their faith; leading them to look forward to the joys that await the
overcomer。 He rejoiced in the consciousness that He could and would do more
for His followers than He had promised; that from Him would flow forth love
and compassion; cleansing the soul temple; and making men like Him in
character; that His truth; armed with the power of the Spirit; would go
forth conquering and to conquer。

〃These things I have spoken unto you;〃 He said; 〃that in Me ye might have
peace。 In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have
overcome the world。〃 John 16:33。 Christ did not fail; neither was He
discouraged; and the disciples were to show a faith of the same enduring
nature。 They were to work as He had worked; depending on Him for strength。
Though their way would be obstructed by apparent impossibilities; yet by His
grace they were to go forward; despairing of nothing and hoping for


Christ had finished the work that was given Him to do。 He had gathered out
those who were to continue His work among men。 And He said: 〃I am glorified
in them。 And now I am no more in the world; but these are in the world; and
I come to Thee。 Holy Father; keep through Thine own name those whom Thou
hast given Me; that they may be one; as We are。〃 〃Neither pray I for these
alone; but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; that
they all may be one; 。 。 。 I in them and Thou in Me; that they may be made
perfect in one; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me; and hast
loved them; as Thou hast loved Me。〃 John 17:10; 11; 20…23。


                              Chapter 3

                              The Great Commission

After the death of Christ the disciples were well…nigh overcome by
discouragement。 Their Master had been rejected; condemned; and crucified。
The priests and rulers had declared scornfully; 〃He saved others; Himself He
cannot save。 If He be the King of Israel; let Him now come down from the
cross; and we will believe Him。〃 Matthew 27:42。 The sun of the disciples'
hope had set; and night settled down upon their hearts。 Often they repeated
the words; 〃We trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed
Israel。〃 Luke 24:21。 Lonely and sick at heart; they remembered His words;
〃If they do these things in a green tree; what shall be done in the dry?〃
Luke 23:31。

Jesus had several times attempted to open the future to His disciples; but
they had not cared to think about what He said。 Because of this His death
had come to them as a surprise; and afterward; as they reviewed the past and
saw the result of their unbelief; they were filled with sorrow。


When Christ was crucified; they did not believe that He would rise。 He had
stated plainly that He was to rise on the third day; but they were perplexed
to know what He meant。 This lack of comprehension left them at the time of
His death in utter hopelessness。 They were bitterly disappointed。 Their
faith did not penetrate beyond the shadow that Satan had cast athwart their
horizon。 All seemed vague and mysterious to them。 If they had believed the
Saviour's words; how much sorrow they might have been spared!

Crushed by despondency; grief; and despair; the disciples met together in
the upper chamber; and closed and fastened the doors; fearing that the fate
of their beloved Teacher might be theirs。 It was here that the Saviour;
after His resurrection; appeared to them。

For forty days Christ remained on the earth; preparing the disciples for the
work before them and explaining that which heretofore they had been unable
to comprehend。 He spoke of the prophecies concerning His advent; His
rejection by the Jews; and His death; showing that every specification of
these prophecies had been fulfilled。 He told them that they were to regard
this fulfillment of prophecy as an assurance of the power that would attend
them in their future labors。 〃Then opened He their understanding;〃 we read;
〃that they might understand the Scriptures; and said unto them; Thus it is
written; and thus it behooved Christ to suffer; and to rise from the dead
the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached
in His name among all nations; beginning at Jerusalem。〃


And He added; 〃Ye are witnesses of these things。〃 Luke 24:45…48。

During these days that Christ spent with His disciples; they gained a new
experience。 As they heard their beloved Master explaining the Scriptures in
the light of all that had happened; their faith in Him was fully
established。 They reached the place where they could say; 〃I know whom I
have believed。〃 2 Timothy 1:12。 They began to realize the nature and extent
of their work; to see that they were to proclaim to the world the truths
entrusted to them。 The events of Christ's life; His death and resurrection;
the prophecies pointing to these events; the mysteries of the plan of
salvation; the power of Jesus for the remission of sinsto all these things
they had been witnesses; and they were to make them known to the world。 They
were to proclaim the gospel of peace and salvation through repentance and
the power of the Saviour。

Before ascending to heaven; Christ gave His disciples their commission。 He
told them that they were to be the executors of the will in which He
bequeathed to the world the treasures of eternal life。 You have been
witnesses of My life of sacrifice in behalf of the world; He said to them。
You have seen My labors for Israel。 And although My people would not come to
Me that they might have life; although priests and rulers have done unto Me
as they listed; although they have rejected Me; they shall have still
another opportunity of accepting the Son of God。 You have seen that all who
come to Me confessing their sins; I freely receive。


Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out。 To you; My disciples; I
commit this message of mercy。 It is to be given to both Jews and
Gentilesto Israel; first; and then to all nations; tongues; and peoples。
All who believe are to be gathered into one church。

The gospel commission is the great missionary charter of Christ's kingdom。
The disciples were to work earnestly for souls; giving to all the invitation
of mercy。 They were not to wait for the people to come to them; they were to
go to the people with their message。

The disciples were to carry their work forward in Christ's n
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