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the acts of the apostles-第41部分

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witness of his unshaken confidence; his courage in loneliness and adversity;
and the


victory he gained for Christianity in the very heart of paganism。

Paul's words contain a treasure of knowledge for the church。 He was in a
position where he might easily have said that which would have irritated his
proud listeners and brought himself into difficulty。 Had his oration been a
direct attack upon their gods and the great men of the city; he would have
been in danger of meeting the fate of Socrates。 But with a tact born of
divine love; he carefully drew their minds away from heathen deities; by
revealing to them the true God; who was to them unknown。

Today the truths of Scripture are to be brought before the great men of the
world in order that they may choose between obedience to God's law and
allegiance to the prince of evil。 God sets everlasting truth before
themtruth that will make them wise unto salvation; but He does not force
them to accept it。 If they turn from it; He leaves them to themselves; to be
filled with the fruit of their own doings。

〃The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us
which are saved it is the power of God。 For it is written; I will destroy
the wisdom of the wise; and will bring to nothing the understanding of the
prudent。〃 〃God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the
wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the
things which are mighty; and base things of the world; and things which are
despised; hath God chosen; yea; and things which are not; to bring to nought
things that are。〃 1 Corinthians 1:18; 19; 27; 28。 Many of the greatest
scholars and statesmen; the world's most


eminent men; will in these last days turn from the light because the world
by wisdom knows not God。 Yet God's servants are to improve every opportunity
to communicate the truth to these men。 Some will acknowledge their ignorance
of the things of God and will take their place as humble learners at the
feet of Jesus; the Master Teacher。

In every effort to reach the higher classes; the worker for God needs strong
faith。 Appearances may seem forbidding; but in the darkest hour there is
light above。 The strength of those who love and serve God will be renewed
day by day。 The understanding of the Infinite is placed at their service;
that in carrying out His purposes they may not err。 Let these workers hold
the beginning of their confidence firm unto the end; remembering that the
light of God's truth is to shine amid the darkness that enshrouds our world。
There is to be no despondency in connection with God's service。 The faith of
the consecrated worker is to stand every test brought to bear upon it。 God
is able and willing to bestow upon His servants all the strength they need
and to give them the wisdom that their varied necessities demand。 He will
more than fulfill the highest expectations of those who put their trust in


                              Chapter 24


During the first century of the Christian Era; Corinth was one of the
leading cities; not only of Greece; but of the world。 Greeks; Jews; and
Romans; with travelers from every land; thronged its streets; eagerly intent
on business and pleasure。 A great commercial center; situated within easy
access of all parts of the Roman Empire; it was an important place in which
to establish memorials for God and His truth。

Among the Jews who had taken up their residence in Corinth were Aquila and
Priscilla; who afterward became distinguished as earnest workers for Christ。
Becoming acquainted with the character of these persons; Paul 〃abode with

At the very beginning of his labors in this thoroughfare of travel; Paul saw
on every hand serious obstacles to the progress of his work。 The city was
almost wholly given up to idolatry。 Venus was the favorite goddess; and with


worship of Venus were connected many demoralizing rites and ceremonies。 The
Corinthians had become conspicuous; even among the heathen; for their gross
immorality。 They seemed to have little thought or care beyond the pleasures
and gaieties of the hour。

In preaching the gospel in Corinth; the apostle followed a course different
from that which had marked his labors at Athens。 While in the latter place;
he had sought to adapt his style to the character of his audience; he had
met logic with logic; science with science; philosophy with philosophy。 As
he thought of the time thus spent; and realized that his teaching in Athens
had been productive of but little fruit; he decided to follow another plan
of labor in Corinth in his efforts to arrest the attention of the careless
and the indifferent。 He determined to avoid elaborate arguments and
discussions; and 〃not to know anything〃 among the Corinthians 〃save Jesus
Christ; and Him crucified。〃 He would preach to them 〃not with enticing words
of man's wisdom; but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power。〃
1 Corinthians 2:2; 4。

Jesus; whom Paul was about to present before the Greeks in Corinth as the
Christ; was a Jew of lowly origin; reared in a town proverbial for its
wickedness。 He had been rejected by His own nation and at last crucified as
a malefactor。 The Greeks believed that there was need of elevating the human
race; but they regarded the study of philosophy and science as the only
means of attaining to true elevation and honor。 Could Paul lead them to
believe that faith in the power of this obscure Jew would uplift and ennoble
every power of the being?


To the minds of multitudes living at the present time; the cross of Calvary
is surrounded by sacred memories。 Hallowed associations are connected with
the scenes of the crucifixion。 But in Paul's day the cross was regarded with
feelings of repulsion and horror。 To uphold as the Saviour of mankind one
who had met death on the cross; would naturally call forth ridicule and

Paul well knew how his message would be regarded by both the Jews and the
Greeks of Corinth。 〃We preach Christ crucified;〃 he admitted; 〃unto the Jews
a stumbling block; and unto the Greeks foolishness。〃 1 Corinthians 1:23。
Among his Jewish hearers there were many who would be angered by the message
he was about to proclaim。 In the estimation of the Greeks his words would be
absurd folly。 He would be looked upon as weak…minded for attempting to show
how the cross could have any connection with the elevation of the race or
the salvation of mankind。

But to Paul the cross was the one object of supreme interest。 Ever since he
had been arrested in his career of persecution against the followers of the
crucified Nazarene he had never ceased to glory in the cross。 At that time
there had been given him a revelation of the infinite love of God; as
revealed in the death of Christ; and a marvelous transformation had been
wrought in his life; bringing all his plans and purposes into harmony with
heaven。 From that hour he had been a new man in Christ。 He knew by personal
experience that when a sinner once beholds the love of the Father; as seen
in the sacrifice of His Son; and yields to the divine influence; a change of
heart takes place; and henceforth Christ is all and in all。


At the time of his conversion; Paul was inspired with a longing desire to
help his fellow men to behold Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of the living
God; mighty to transform and to save。 Henceforth his life was wholly devoted
to an effort to portray the love and power of the Crucified One。 His great
heart of sympathy took in all classes。 〃I am debtor;〃 he declared; 〃both to
the Greeks; and to the barbarians; both to the wise; and to the unwise。〃
Romans 1:14。 Love for the Lord of glory; whom he had so relentlessly
persecuted in the person of His saints; was the actuating principle of his
conduct; his motive power。 If ever his ardor in the path of duty flagged;
one glance at the cross and the amazing love there revealed; was enough to
cause him to gird up the loins of his mind and press forward in the path of

Behold the apostle preaching in the synagogue at Corinth; reasoning from the
writings of Moses and the prophets; and bringing his hearers down to the
advent of the promised Messiah。 Listen as he makes plain the work of the
Redeemer as the great high priest of mankindthe One who through the
sacrifice of His own life was to make atonement for sin once for all; and
was then to take up His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary。 Paul's hearers
were made to understand that the Messiah for whose advent they had been
longing; had already come; that His death was the antitype of all the
sacrificial offerings; and that His ministry in the sanctuary in heaven was
the great object that cast its shadow backward and made clear the ministry
of the Jewish priesthood。


Paul 〃
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