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the acts of the apostles-第42部分

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of the Jewish priesthood。


Paul 〃testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ。〃 From the Old Testament
Scriptures he showed that according to the prophecies and the universal
expectation of the Jews; the Messiah would be of the lineage of Abraham and
of David; then he traced the descent of Jesus from the patriarch Abraham
through the royal psalmist。 He read the testimony of the prophets regarding
the character and work of the promised Messiah; and His reception and
treatment on the earth; then he showed that all these predictions had been
fulfilled in the life; ministry; and death of Jesus of Nazareth。

Paul showed that Christ had come to offer salvation first of all to the
nation that was looking for the Messiah's coming as the consummation and
glory of their national existence。 But that nation had rejected Him who
would have given them life; and had chosen another leader; whose reign would
end in death。 He endeavored to bring home to his hearers the fact that
repentance alone could save the Jewish nation from impending ruin。 He
revealed their ignorance concerning the meaning of those Scriptures which it
was their chief boast and glory that they fully understood。 He rebuked their
worldliness; their love of station; titles; and display; and their
inordinate selfishness。

In the power of the Spirit; Paul related the story of his own miraculous
conversion and of his confidence in the Old Testament Scriptures; which had
been so completely fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth。 His words were spoken
with solemn earnestness; and his hearers could not but discern


that he loved with all his heart the crucified and risen Saviour。 They saw
that his mind was centered in Christ; that his whole life was bound up with
his Lord。 So impressive were his words; that only those who were filled with
the bitterest hatred against the Christian religion could stand unmoved by

But the Jews of Corinth closed their eyes to the evidence so clearly
presented by the apostle; and refused to listen to his appeals。 The same
spirit that had led them to reject Christ; filled them with wrath and fury
against His servant; and had not God especially protected him; that he might
continue to bear the gospel message to the Gentiles; they would have put an
end to his life。

〃And when they opposed themselves; and blasphemed; he shook his raiment; and
said unto them; Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean: from
henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles。 And he departed thence; and entered
into a certain man's house; named Justus; one that worshiped God; whose
house joined hard to the synagogue。〃

Silas and Timothy had 〃come from Macedonia〃 to help Paul; and together they
labored for the Gentiles。 To the heathen; as well as to the Jews; Paul and
his companions preached Christ as the Saviour of the fallen race。 Avoiding
complicated; far…fetched reasoning; the messengers of the cross dwelt upon
the attributes of the Creator of the world; the Supreme Ruler of the
universe。 Their hearts aglow with the love of God and of His Son; they
appealed to the heathen to behold the infinite sacrifice made in man's
behalf。 They knew that if those who had long been groping


in the darkness of heathenism could but see the light streaming from
Calvary's cross; they would be drawn to the Redeemer。 〃I; if I be lifted
up;〃 the Saviour had declared; 〃will draw all men unto Me。〃 John 12:32。

The gospel workers in Corinth realized the terrible dangers threatening the
souls of those for whom they were laboring; and it was with a sense of the
responsibility resting on them that they presented the truth as it is in
Jesus。 Clear; plain; and decided was their messagea savor of life unto
life; or of death unto death。 And not only in their words; but in the daily
life; was the gospel revealed。 Angels co…operated with them; and the grace
and power of God was shown in the conversion of many。 〃Crispus; the chief
ruler of the synagogue; believed on the Lord with all his house; and many of
the Corinthians hearing believed; and were baptized。〃

The hatred with which the Jews had always regarded the apostles was now
intensified。 The conversion and baptism of Crispus had the effect of
exasperating instead of convincing these stubborn opposers。 They could not
bring arguments to disprove Paul's preaching; and for lack of such evidence
they resorted to deception and malignant attack。 They blasphemed the gospel
and the name of Jesus。 In their blind anger no words were too bitter; no
device too low; for them to use。 They could not deny that Christ had worked
miracles; but they declared that He had performed them through the power of
Satan; and they boldly affirmed that the wonderful works wrought by Paul
were accomplished through the same agency。


Though Paul had a measure of success in Corinth; yet the wickedness that he
saw and heard in that corrupt city almost disheartened him。 The depravity
that he witnessed among the Gentiles; and the contempt and insult that he
received from the Jews; caused him great anguish of spirit。 He doubted the
wisdom of trying to build up a church from the material that he found there。

As he was planning to leave the city for a more promising field; and seeking
earnestly to understand his duty; the Lord appeared to him in a vision and
said; 〃Be not afraid; but speak; and hold not thy peace: for I am with thee;
and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this
city。〃 Paul understood this to be a command to remain in Corinth and a
guarantee that the Lord would give increase to the seed sown。 Strengthened
and encouraged; he continued to labor there with zeal and perseverance。

The apostle's efforts were not confined to public speaking; there were many
who could not have been reached in that way。 He spent much time in
house…to…house labor; thus availing himself of the familiar intercourse of
the home circle。 He visited the sick and the sorrowing; comforted the
afflicted; and lifted up the oppressed。 And in all that he said and did he
magnified the name of Jesus。 Thus he labored; 〃in weakness; and in fear; and
in much trembling。〃
1 Corinthians 2:3。 He trembled lest his teaching should
reveal the impress of the human rather than the divine。

〃We speak wisdom among them that are perfect;〃 Paul afterward declared; 〃yet
not the wisdom of this world; nor of the princes of this world; that come to
nought: but


we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery; even the hidden wisdom; which God
ordained before the world unto our glory: which none of the princes of this
world knew: for had they known it; they would not have crucified the Lord of
glory。 But as it is written; Eye hath not seen; nor ear heard; neither have
entered into the heart of man; the things which God hath prepared for them
that love Him。 But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: for the
Spirit searcheth all things; yea; the deep things of God。 For what man
knoweth the things of a man; save the spirit of man which is in him? even so
the things of God knoweth no man; but the Spirit of God。

〃Now we have received; not the spirit of the world; but the spirit which is
of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God。
Which things also we speak; not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth;
but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with
spiritual。〃 1 Corinthians 2:6…13。

Paul realized that his sufficiency was not in himself; but in the presence
of the Holy Spirit; whose gracious influence filled his heart; bringing
every thought into subjection to Christ。 He spoke of himself as 〃always
bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus; that the life also of
Jesus might be made manifest in our body。〃 2 Corinthians 4:10。 In the
apostle's teachings Christ was the central figure。 〃I live;〃 he declared;
〃yet not I; but Christ liveth in me。〃 Galatians 2:20。 Self was hidden;
Christ was revealed and exalted。

Paul was an eloquent speaker。 Before his conversion he


had often sought to impress his hearers by flights of oratory。 But now he
set all this aside。 Instead of indulging in poetic descriptions and fanciful
representations; which might please the senses and feed the imagination; but
which would not touch the daily experience; Paul sought by the use of simple
language to bring home to the heart the truths that are of vital importance。
Fanciful representations of truth may cause an ecstasy of feeling; but all
too often truths presented in this way do not supply the food necessary to
strengthen and fortify the believer for the battles of life。 The immediate
needs; the present trials; of struggling soulsthese must be met with
sound; practical instruction in the fundamental principles of Christianity。

Paul's efforts in Corinth were not without fruit。 Many turned from the
worship of idols to serve the living God; and a large church was enrolled
under the banner of Christ。 Some wer
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