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the acts of the apostles-第43部分

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under the banner of Christ。 Some were rescued from among the most dissipated
of the Gentiles and became monuments of the mercy of God and the efficacy of
the blood of Christ to cleanse from sin。

The increased success that Paul had in presenting Christ; roused the
unbelieving Jews to more determined opposition。 They rose in a body and
〃made insurrection with one accord against Paul; and brought him to the
judgment seat〃 of Gallio; who was then proconsul of Achaia。 They expected
that the authorities; as on former occasions; would side with them; and with
loud; angry voices they uttered their complaints against the apostle;
saying; 〃This fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law。〃


The Jewish religion was under the protection of the Roman power; and the
accusers of Paul thought that if they could fasten upon him the charge of
violating the laws of their religion; he would probably be delivered to them
for trial and sentence。 They hoped thus to compass his death。 But Gallio was
a man of integrity; and he refused to become the dupe of the jealous;
intriguing Jews。 Disgusted with their bigotry and self…righteousness; he
would take no notice of the charge。 As Paul prepared to speak in
self…defense; Gallio told him that it was not necessary。 Then turning to the
angry accusers; he said; 〃If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness; O
ye Jews; reason would that I should bear with you: but if it be a question
of words and names; and of your law; look ye to it; for I will be no judge
of such matters。 And he drave them from the judgment seat。〃

Both Jews and Greeks had waited eagerly for Gallio's decision; and his
immediate dismissal of the case; as one that had no bearing upon the public
interest; was the signal for the Jews to retire; baffled and angry。 The
proconsul's decided course opened the eyes of the clamorous crowd who had
been abetting the Jews。 For the first time during Paul's labors in Europe;
the mob turned to his side; under the very eye of the proconsul; and without
interference from him; they violently beset the most prominent accusers of
the apostle。 〃All the Greeks took Sosthenes; the chief ruler of the
synagogue; and beat him before the judgment seat。 And Gallio cared for none
of those things。〃 Thus Christianity obtained a signal victory。


〃Paul after this tarried there yet a good while。〃 If the apostle had at this
time been compelled to leave Corinth; the converts to the faith of Jesus
would have been placed in a perilous position。 The Jews would have
endeavored to follow up the advantage gained; even to the extermination of
Christianity in that region。


                              Chapter 25

                              The Thessalonian Letters

The arrival of Silas and Timothy from Macedonia; during Paul's sojourn in
Corinth; had greatly cheered the apostle。 They brought him 〃good tidings〃 of
the 〃faith and charity〃 of those who had accepted the truth during the first
visit of the gospel messengers to Thessalonica。 Paul's heart went out in
tender sympathy toward these believers; who; in the midst of trial and
adversity; had remained true to God。 He longed to visit them in person; but
as this was not then possible; he wrote to them。

In this letter to the church at Thessalonica the apostle expresses his
gratitude to God for the joyful news of their increase of faith。 〃Brethren;〃
he wrote; 〃we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by
your faith: for now we live; if ye stand fast in the Lord。 For what thanks
can we render to God again for you; for all the joy wherewith we joy for
your sakes before our God; night and day praying exceedingly that we might
see your face; and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?〃


〃We give thanks to God always for you all; making mention of you in our
prayers; remembering without ceasing your work of faith; and labor of love;
and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ; in the sight of God and our

Many of the believers in Thessalonica had 〃turned 。 。 。 from idols to serve
the living and true God。〃 They had 〃received the word in much affliction;〃
and their hearts were filled with 〃joy of the Holy Ghost。〃 The apostle
declared that in their faithfulness in following the Lord they were
〃ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia。〃 These words of
commendation were not unmerited; 〃for from you;〃 he wrote; 〃sounded out the
word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia; but also in every place
your faith to Godward is spread abroad。〃

The Thessalonian believers were true missionaries。 Their hearts burned with
zeal for their Saviour; who had delivered them from fear of 〃the wrath to
come。〃 Through the grace of Christ a marvelous transformation had taken
place in their lives; and the word of the Lord; as spoken through them; was
accompanied with power。 Hearts were won by the truths presented; and souls
were added to the number of believers。

In this first epistle; Paul referred to his manner of labor among the
Thessalonians。 He declared that he had not sought to win converts through
deception or guile。 〃As we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the
gospel; even so we speak; not as pleasing men; but God; which


trieth our hearts。 For neither at any time used we flattering words; as ye
know; nor a cloak of covetousness; God is witness: nor of men sought we
glory; neither of you; nor yet of others; when we might have been
burdensome; as the apostles of Christ。 But we were gentle among you; even as
a nurse cherisheth her children: so being affectionately desirous of you; we
were willing to have imparted unto you; not the gospel of God only; but also
our own souls; because ye were dear unto us。〃

〃Ye are witnesses; and God also;〃 the apostle continued; 〃how holily and
justly and unblamably we behaved ourselves among you that believe: as ye
know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you; as a father
doth his children; that ye would walk worthy of God; who hath called you
unto His kingdom and glory。

〃For this cause also thank we God without ceasing; because; when ye receive
the word of God which ye heard of us; ye received it not as the word of men;
but as it is in truth; the word of God; which effectually worketh also in
you that believe。〃 〃What is our hope; or joy; or crown of rejoicing? Are not
even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For ye are
our glory and joy。〃

In his first epistle to the Thessalonian believers; Paul endeavored to
instruct them regarding the true state of the dead。 He spoke of those who
die as being asleepin a state of unconsciousness: 〃I would not have you to
be ignorant; brethren; concerning them which are asleep; that ye sorrow not;
even as others which have no hope。 For if we believe


that Jesus died and rose again; even so them also which sleep in Jesus will
God bring with Him。 。 。 。 For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven
with a shout; with the voice of the Archangel; and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain
shall be caught up together with them in the clouds; to meet the Lord in the
air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord。〃

The Thessalonians had eagerly grasped the idea that Christ was coming to
change the faithful who were alive; and to take them to Himself。 They had
carefully guarded the lives of their friends; lest they should die and lose
the blessing which they looked forward to receiving at the coming of their
Lord。 But one after another their loved ones had been taken from them; and
with anguish the Thessalonians had looked for the last time upon the faces
of their dead; hardly daring to hope to meet them in a future life。

As Paul's epistle was opened and read; great joy and consolation was brought
to the church by the words revealing the true state of the dead。 Paul showed
that those living when Christ should come would not go to meet their Lord in
advance of those who had fallen asleep in Jesus。 The voice of the Archangel
and the trump of God would reach the sleeping ones; and the dead in Christ
should rise first; before the touch of immortality should be given to the
living。 〃Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with
them in the clouds; to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be
with the Lord。 Wherefore comfort one another with these words。〃


The hope and joy that this assurance brought to the young church at
Thessalonica can scarcely be appreciated by us。 They believed and cherished
the letter sent to them by their father in the gospel; and their hearts went
out in love to him。 He had told them these things before; but at that time
their minds were striving to grasp doctrines that seemed new and strange;
and it is not surprising that the force of some poi
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