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the acts of the apostles-第44部分

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their minds were striving to grasp doctrines that seemed new and strange;
and it is not surprising that the force of some points had not been vividly
impressed on their minds。 But they were hungering for truth; and Paul's
epistle gave them new hope and strength; and a firmer faith in; and a deeper
affection for; the One who through His death had brought life and
immortality to light。

Now they rejoiced in the knowledge that their believing friends would be
raised from the grave to live forever in the kingdom of God。 The darkness
that had enshrouded the resting place of the dead was dispelled。 A new
splendor crowned the Christian faith; and they saw a new glory in the life;
death; and resurrection of Christ。

〃Even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him;〃 Paul
wrote。 Many interpret this passage to mean that the sleeping ones will be
brought with Christ from heaven; but Paul meant that as Christ was raised
from the dead; so God will call the sleeping saints from their graves and
take them with Him to heaven。 Precious consolation! glorious hope! not only
to the church of Thessalonica; but to all Christians wherever they may be。

While laboring at Thessalonica; Paul had so fully covered the subject of the
signs of the times; showing what events would occur prior to the revelation
of the Son of man in


the clouds of heaven; that he did not think it necessary to write at length
regarding this subject。 He; however; pointedly referred to his former
teachings。 〃Of the times and the seasons;〃 he said; 〃ye have no need that I
write unto you。 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so
cometh as a thief in the night。 For when they shall say; Peace and safety;
then sudden destruction cometh upon them。〃

There are in the world today many who close their eyes to the evidences that
Christ has given to warn men of His coming。 They seek to quiet all
apprehension; while at the same time the signs of the end are rapidly
fulfilling; and the world is hastening to the time when the Son of man shall
be revealed in the clouds of heaven。 Paul teaches that it is sinful to be
indifferent to the signs which are to precede the second coming of Christ。
Those guilty of this neglect he calls children of the night and of darkness。
He encourages the vigilant and watchful with these words: 〃But ye; brethren;
are not in darkness; that that day should overtake you as a thief。 Ye are
all the children of light; and the children of the day: we are not of the
night; nor of darkness。 Therefore let us not sleep; as do others; but let us
watch and be sober。〃

Especially important to the church in our time are the teachings of the
apostle upon this point。 To those living so near the great consummation; the
words of Paul should come with telling force: 〃Let us; who are of the day;
be sober; putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet;
the hope of salvation。 For God hath not appointed


us to wrath; but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ; who died for
us; that; whether we wake or sleep; we should live together with Him。〃

The watchful Christian is a working Christian; seeking zealously to do all
in his power for the advancement of the gospel。 As love for his Redeemer
increases; so also does love for his fellow men。 He has severe trials; as
had his Master; but he does not allow affliction to sour his temper or
destroy his peace of mind。 He knows that trial; if well borne; will refine
and purify him; and bring him into closer fellowship with Christ。 Those who
are partakers of Christ's sufferings will also be partakers of His
consolation and at last sharers of His glory。

〃We beseech you; brethren;〃 Paul continued in his letter to the
Thessalonians; 〃to know them which labor among you; and are over you in the
Lord; and admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love for their
work's sake。 And be at peace among yourselves。〃

The Thessalonian believers were greatly annoyed by men coming among them
with fanatical ideas and doctrines。 Some were 〃disorderly; working not at
all; but 。 。 。 busy…bodies。〃 The church had been properly organized; and
officers had been appointed to act as ministers and deacons。 But there were
some; self…willed and impetuous; who refused to be subordinate to those who
held positions of authority in the church。 They claimed not only the right
of private judgment; but that of publicly urging their views upon the
church。 In view of this; Paul called the attention of the Thessalonians to
the respect and deference due to those who


had been chosen to occupy positions of authority in the church。

In his anxiety that the believers at Thessalonica should walk in the fear of
God; the apostle pleaded with them to reveal practical godliness in the
daily life。 〃We beseech you; brethren;〃 he wrote; 〃and exhort you by the
Lord Jesus; that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to
please God; so ye would abound more and more。 For ye know what commandments
we gave you by the Lord Jesus。 For this is the will of God; even your
sanctification; that ye should abstain from fornication。〃 〃For God hath not
called us unto uncleanness; but unto holiness。〃

The apostle felt that he was to a large extent responsible for the spiritual
welfare of those converted under his labors。 His desire for them was that
they might increase in a knowledge of the only true God; and Jesus Christ;
whom He had sent。 Often in his ministry he would meet with little companies
of men and women who loved Jesus; and bow with them in prayer; asking God to
teach them how to maintain a living connection with Him。 Often he took
counsel with them as to the best methods of giving to others the light of
gospel truth。 And often; when separated from those for whom he had thus
labored; he pleaded with God to keep them from evil and help them to be
earnest; active missionaries。

One of the strongest evidences of true conversion is love to God and man。
Those who accept Jesus as their Redeemer have a deep; sincere love for
others of like precious faith。 Thus it was with the believers at
Thessalonica。 〃As touching


brotherly love;〃 the apostle wrote; 〃ye need not that I write unto you: for
ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another。 And indeed ye do it
toward all the brethren which are in all Macedonia: but we beseech you;
brethren; that ye increase more and more; and that ye study to be quiet; and
to do your own business; and to work with your own hands; as we commanded
you; that ye may walk honestly toward them that are without; and that ye may
have lack of nothing。〃

〃The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another; and
toward all men; even as we do toward you: to the end He may stablish your
hearts unblamable in holiness before God; even our Father; at the coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints。〃

〃Now we exhort you; brethren; warn them that are unruly; comfort the
feeble…minded; support the weak; be patient toward all men。 See that none
render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good; both
among yourselves; and to all men。 Rejoice evermore。 Pray without ceasing。 In
everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you。〃
    The apostle cautioned the Thessalonians not to despise
the gift of prophecy; and in the words; 〃Quench not the Spirit; despise not
prophesyings; prove all things; hold fast that which is good;〃 he enjoined a
careful discrimination in distinguishing the false from the true。 He
besought them to 〃abstain from all appearance of evil;〃 and closed his
letter with the prayer that God would sanctify them wholly;


that in 〃Spirit and soul and body〃 they might 〃be preserved blameless unto
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ。 Faithful is He that calleth you;〃 he
added; 〃who also will do it。〃

The instruction that Paul sent the Thessalonians in his first epistle
regarding the second coming of Christ; was in perfect harmony with his
former teaching。 Yet his words were misapprehended by some of the
Thessalonian brethren。 They understood him to express the hope that he
himself would live to witness the Saviour's advent。 This belief served to
increase their enthusiasm and excitement。 Those who had previously neglected
their responsibilities and duties; now became more persistent in urging
their erroneous views。

In his second letter Paul sought to correct their misunderstanding of his
teaching and to set before them his true position。 He again expressed his
confidence in their integrity; and his gratitude that their faith was
strong; and that their love abounded for one another and for the cause of
their Master。 He told them that he presented them to other churches as an
example of the patient; persevering faith that bravely withstands
persecution and tribulation; and he carried their minds forward to the time
of the second coming of Christ; when the people of God shall rest from all
their cares and perplexities。

〃We ourselves;〃 he w
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