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the acts of the apostles-第5部分

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go to the people with their message。

The disciples were to carry their work forward in Christ's name。 Their every
word and act was to fasten attention on His name; as possessing that vital
power by which sinners may be saved。 Their faith was to center in Him who is
the source of mercy and power。 In His name they were to present their
petitions to the Father; and they would receive answer。 They were to baptize
in the name of the Father; the Son; and the Holy Spirit。 Christ's name was
to be their watchword; their badge of distinction; their bond of union; the
authority for their course of action; and the source of their success。
Nothing was to be recognized in His kingdom that did not bear His name and

When Christ said to the disciples; Go forth in My name to gather into the
church all who believe; He plainly set before them the necessity of
maintaining simplicity。 The less ostentation and show; the greater would be
their influence for good。 The disciples were to speak with the same
simplicity with which Christ had spoken。 They were to


impress upon their hearers the lessons He had taught them。

Christ did not tell His disciples that their work would be easy。 He showed
them the vast confederacy of evil arrayed against them。 They would have to
fight 〃against principalities; against powers; against the rulers of the
darkness of this world; against spiritual wickedness in high places。〃
Ephesians 6:12。 But they would not be left to fight alone。 He assured them
that He would be with them; and that if they would go forth in faith; they
should move under the shield of Omnipotence。 He bade them be brave and
strong; for One mightier than angels would be in their ranksthe General of
the armies of heaven。 He made full provision for the prosecution of their
work and took upon Himself the responsibility of its success。 So long as
they obeyed His word; and worked in connection with Him; they could not
fail。 Go to all nations; He bade them。 Go to the farthest part of the
habitable globe and be assured that My presence will be with you even there。
Labor in faith and confidence; for the time will never come when I will
forsake you。 I will be with you always; helping you to perform your duty;
guiding; comforting; sanctifying; sustaining you; giving you success in
speaking words that shall draw the attention of others to heaven。

Christ's sacrifice in behalf of man was full and complete。 The condition of
the atonement had been fulfilled。 The work for which He had come to this
world had been accomplished。 He had won the kingdom。 He had wrested it from
Satan and had become heir of all things。 He was on His way


to the throne of God; to be honored by the heavenly host。 Clothed with
boundless authority; He gave His disciples their commission; 〃Go ye
therefore; and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father;
and of the Son; and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you: and; lo; I am with you alway; even unto the
end。〃 Matthew 28:19; 20。

Just before leaving His disciples; Christ once more plainly stated the
nature of His kingdom。 He recalled to their remembrance things He had
previously told them regarding it。 He declared that it was not His purpose
to establish in this world a temporal kingdom。 He was not appointed to reign
as an earthly monarch on David's throne。 When the disciples asked Him;
〃Lord; wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?〃 He
answered; 〃It is not for you to know the times or the seasons; which the
Father hath put in His own power。〃 Acts 1:6; 7。 It was not necessary for
them to see farther into the future than the revelations He had made enabled
them to see。 Their work was to proclaim the gospel message。

Christ's visible presence was about to be withdrawn from the disciples; but
a new endowment of power was to be theirs。 The Holy Spirit was to be given
them in its fullness; sealing them for their work。 〃Behold;〃 the Saviour
said; 〃I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of
Jerusalem; until ye be endued with power from on high。〃 Luke 24:49。 〃For
John truly baptized with


water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence。〃
〃Ye shall receive power; after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye
shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem; and in all Judea; and in
Samaria; and unto the uttermost part of the earth。〃 Acts 1:5; 8。

The Saviour knew that no argument; however logical; would melt hard hearts
or break through the crust of worldliness and selfishness。 He knew that His
disciples must receive the heavenly endowment; that the gospel would be
effective only as it was proclaimed by hearts made warm and lips made
eloquent by a living knowledge of Him who is the way; the truth; and the
life。 The work committed to the disciples would require great efficiency;
for the tide of evil ran deep and strong against them。 A vigilant;
determined leader was in command of the forces of darkness; and the
followers of Christ could battle for the right only through the help that
God; by His Spirit; would give them。

Christ told His disciples that they were to begin their work at Jerusalem。
That city had been the scene of His amazing sacrifice for the human race。
There; clad in the garb of humanity; He had walked and talked with men; and
few had discerned how near heaven came to earth。 There He had been condemned
and crucified。 In Jerusalem were many who secretly believed Jesus of
Nazareth to be the Messiah; and many who had been deceived by priests and
rulers。 To these the gospel must be proclaimed。 They were to be called to
repentance。 The wonderful truth that


through Christ alone could remission of sins be obtained; was to be made
plain。 And it was while all Jerusalem was stirred by the thrilling events of
the past few weeks; that the preaching of the disciples would make the
deepest impression。

During His ministry; Jesus had kept constantly before the disciples the fact
that they were to be one with Him in His work for the recovery of the world
from the slavery of sin。 When He sent forth the Twelve and afterward the
Seventy; to proclaim the kingdom of God; He was teaching them their duty to
impart to others what He had made known to them。 In all His work He was
training them for individual labor; to be extended as their numbers
increased; and eventually to reach to the uttermost parts of the earth。 The
last lesson He gave His followers was that they held in trust for the world
the glad tidings of salvation。

When the time came for Christ to ascend to His Father; He led the disciples
out as far as Bethany。 Here He paused; and they gathered about Him。 With
hands outstretched in blessing; as if in assurance of His protecting care;
He slowly ascended from among them。 〃It came to pass; while He blessed them;
He was parted from them; and carried up into heaven。〃 Luke 24:51。

While the disciples were gazing upward to catch the last glimpse of their
ascending Lord; He was received into the rejoicing ranks of heavenly angels。
As these angels escorted Him to the courts above; they sang in triumph;
〃Sing unto God; ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises


unto the Lord; to Him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens。 。 。 。 Ascribe
ye strength unto God: His excellency is over Israel; and His strength is in
the heavens。〃 Psalm 68:32…34; margin。

The disciples were still looking earnestly toward heaven when; 〃behold; two
men stood by them in white apparel; which also said; Ye men of Galilee; why
stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus; which is taken up from you
into heaven; shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into
heaven。〃 Acts 1:10; 11。

The promise of Christ's second coming was ever to be kept fresh in the minds
of His disciples。 The same Jesus whom they had seen ascending into heaven;
would come again; to take to Himself those who here below give themselves to
His service。 The same voice that had said to them; 〃Lo; I am with you alway;
even unto the end;〃 would bid them welcome to His presence in the heavenly

As in the typical service the high priest laid aside his pontifical robes
and officiated in the white linen dress of an ordinary priest; so Christ
laid aside His royal robes and garbed Himself with humanity and offered
sacrifice; Himself the priest; Himself the victim。 As the high priest; after
performing his service in the holy of holies; came forth to the waiting
congregation in his pontifical robes; so Christ will come the second time;
clothed in garments of whitest white; 〃so as no fuller on earth can white
them。〃 Mark 9:3。 He will come in His own glory; and in the glory of His
Father; and all the angelic host will escort Him on His way。


Thus will be fulfilled Christ's promise to His disciples; 〃I will come
again; and receive you unto Myself。〃 John 14:3。 Those who have loved Him and
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