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the acts of the apostles-第50部分

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and by virtue of his office obtained a hearing。 He met the people on their
own ground and showed that there was no cause for the present tumult。 He
appealed to their reason。 〃Ye men of Ephesus;〃 he said; 〃what man is there
that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshiper of the
great goddess Diana; and of the image which fell down from Jupiter? Seeing
then that these things cannot be spoken against; ye ought to be quiet; and
to do nothing rashly。 For ye have brought hither these men; which are


neither robbers of churches; nor yet blasphemers of your goddess。 Wherefore
if Demetrius; and the craftsmen which are with him; have a matter against
any man; the law is open; and there are deputies: let them implead one
another。 But if ye inquire anything concerning other matters; it shall be
determined in a lawful assembly。 For we are in danger to be called in
question for this day's uproar; there being no cause whereby we may give an
account of this concourse。 And when he had thus spoken; he dismissed the

In his speech Demetrius had said; 〃This our craft is in danger。〃 These words
reveal the real cause of the tumult at Ephesus; and also the cause of much
of the persecution which followed the apostles in their work。 Demetrius and
his fellow craftsmen saw that by the teaching and spread of the gospel the
business of image making was endangered。 The income of pagan priests and
artisans was at stake; and for this reason they aroused against Paul the
most bitter opposition。

The decision of the recorder and of others holding honorable offices in the
city had set Paul before the people as one innocent of any unlawful act。
This was another triumph of Christianity over error and superstition。 God
had raised up a great magistrate to vindicate His apostle and hold the
tumultuous mob in check。 Paul's heart was filled with gratitude to God that
his life had been preserved and that Christianity had not been brought into
disrepute by the tumult at Ephesus。

〃After the uproar was ceased; Paul called unto him the disciples; and
embraced them; and departed for to go into


Macedonia。〃 On this journey he was accompanied by two faithful Ephesian
brethren; Tychicus and Trophimus。

Paul's labors in Ephesus were concluded。 His ministry there had been a
season of incessant labor; of many trials; and of deep anguish。 He had
taught the people in public and from house to house; with many tears
instructing and warning them。 Continually he had been opposed by the Jews;
who lost no opportunity to stir up the popular feeling against him。

And while thus battling against opposition; pushing forward with untiring
zeal the gospel work; and guarding the interests of a church yet young in
the faith; Paul was bearing upon his soul a heavy burden for all the

News of apostasy in some of the churches of his planting caused him deep
sorrow。 He feared that his efforts in their behalf might prove to be in
vain。 Many a sleepless night was spent in prayer and earnest thought as he
learned of the methods employed to counteract his work。 As he had
opportunity and as their condition demanded; he wrote to the churches;
giving reproof; counsel; admonition; and encouragement。 In these letters the
apostle does not dwell on his own trials; yet there are occasional glimpses
of his labors and sufferings in the cause of Christ。 Stripes and
imprisonment; cold and hunger and thirst; perils by land and by sea; in the
city and in the wilderness; from his own countrymen; from the heathen; and
from false brethren all this he endured for the sake of the gospel。 He was
〃defamed;〃 〃reviled;〃 made 〃the offscouring of all things;〃


〃perplexed;〃 〃persecuted;〃 〃troubled on every side;〃 〃in jeopardy every
hour;〃 〃alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake。〃

Amidst the constant storm of opposition; the clamor of enemies; and the
desertion of friends the intrepid apostle almost lost heart。 But he looked
back to Calvary and with new ardor pressed on to spread the knowledge of the
Crucified。 He was but treading the blood…stained path that Christ had
trodden before him。 He sought no discharge from the warfare till he should
lay off his armor at the feet of his Redeemer。


                              Chapter 29

                              A Message of Warning and Entreaty

The first epistle to the Corinthian church was written by the apostle Paul
during the latter part of his stay at Ephesus。 For no others had he felt a
deeper interest or put forth more untiring effort than for the believers in
Corinth。 For a year and a half he had labored among them; pointing them to a
crucified and risen Saviour as the only means of salvation; and urging them
to rely implicitly on the transforming power of His grace。 Before accepting
into church fellowship those who made a profession of Christianity; he had
been careful to give them special instruction as to the privileges and
duties of the Christian believer; and he had earnestly endeavored to help
them to be faithful to their baptismal vows。

Paul had a keen sense of the conflict which every soul must wage with the
agencies of evil that are continually seeking to deceive and ensnare; and he
had worked untiringly


to strengthen and confirm those who were young in the faith。 He had
entreated them to make an entire surrender to God; for he knew that when the
soul fails to make this surrender; then sin is not forsaken; the appetites
and passions still strive for the mastery; and temptations confuse the

The surrender must be complete。 Every weak; doubting; struggling soul who
yields fully to the Lord is placed in direct touch with agencies that enable
him to overcome。 Heaven is near to him; and he has the support and help of
angels of mercy in every time of trial and need。

The members of the church at Corinth were surrounded by idolatry and
sensuality of the most alluring form。 While the apostle was with them; these
influences had but little power over them。 Paul's firm faith; his fervent
prayers and earnest words of instruction; and; above all; his godly life had
helped them to deny self for Christ's sake rather than to enjoy the
pleasures of sin。

After the departure of Paul; however; unfavorable conditions arose; tares
that had been sown by the enemy appeared among the wheat; and erelong these
began to bring forth their evil fruit。 This was a time of severe trial to
the Corinthian church。 The apostle was no longer with them to quicken their
zeal and aid them in their endeavors to live in harmony with God; and little
by little many became careless and indifferent; and allowed natural tastes
and inclinations to control them。 He who had so often urged them to high
ideals of purity and uprightness was no longer with them; and not a few who;
at the time of their conversion;


had put away their evil habits; returned to the debasing sins of heathenism。

Paul had written briefly to the church; admonishing them 〃not to company〃
with members who should persist in profligacy; but many of the believers
perverted the apostle's meaning; quibbled over his words; and excused
themselves for disregarding his instruction。

A letter was sent to Paul by the church; asking for counsel concerning
various matters; but saying nothing of the grievous sins existing among
them。 The apostle was; however; forcibly impressed by the Holy Spirit that
the true state of the church had been concealed and that this letter was an
attempt to draw from him statements which the writers could construe to
serve their own purposes。

About this time there came to Ephesus members of the household of Chloe; a
Christian family of high repute in Corinth。 Paul asked them regarding the
condition of things; and they told him that the church was rent by
divisions。 The dissensions that had prevailed at the time of Apollos's visit
had greatly increased。 False teachers were leading the members to despise
the instructions of Paul。 The doctrines and ordinances of the gospel had
been perverted。 Pride; idolatry; and sensualism; were steadily increasing
among those who had once been zealous in the Christian life。

As this picture was presented before him; Paul saw that his worst fears were
more than realized。 But he did not because of this give way to the thought
that his work had been a failure。 With 〃anguish of heart〃 and with 〃many


tears〃 he sought counsel from God。 Gladly would he have visited Corinth at
once; had this been the wisest course to pursue。 But he knew that in their
present condition the believers would not profit by his labors; and
therefore he sent Titus to prepare the way for a visit from himself later
on。 Then; putting aside all personal feelings over the course of those whose
conduct revealed such strange perverseness; and keeping his soul stayed upon
God; the apostle wrote to the 
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