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the acts of the apostles-第54部分

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genuine love; bestow all his goods to feed the poor; the act would not
commend him to the favor of God。 In his zeal he might even meet a martyr's
death; yet if not actuated by love; he would be regarded by God as a deluded
enthusiast or an ambitious hypocrite。

〃Charity suffereth long; and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth
not itself; is not puffed up。〃 The purest joy springs from the deepest
humiliation。 The strongest and noblest characters are built on the
foundation of patience; love; and submission to God's will。

Charity 〃doth not behave itself unseemly; seeketh not her own; is not easily
provoked; thinketh no evil。〃 Christ…like love places the most favorable
construction on the motives and acts of others。 It does not needlessly
expose their faults; it does not listen eagerly to unfavorable reports; but
seeks rather to bring to mind the good qualities of others。

Love 〃rejoiceth not in iniquity; but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all
things; believeth all things; hopeth all things; endureth all things。〃 This
love 〃never faileth。〃 It can never lose its value; it is a heavenly
attribute。 As a precious treasure; it will be carried by its possessor
through the portals of the city of God。

〃And now abideth faith; hope; charity; these three; but the greatest of
these is charity。〃

In the lowering of the moral standard among the Corinthian believers; there
were those who had given up some of the fundamental features of their faith。
Some had gone so far as to deny the doctrine of the resurrection。 Paul met
this heresy with a very plain testimony regarding the


unmistakable evidence of the resurrection of Christ。 He declared that
Christ; after His death; 〃rose again the third day according to the
Scriptures;〃 after which 〃He was seen of Cephas; then of the Twelve: after
that; He was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the
greater part remain unto this present; but some are fallen asleep。 After
that; He was seen of James; then of all the apostles。 And last of all He was
seen of me also。〃

With convincing power the apostle set forth the great truth of the
resurrection。 〃If there be no resurrection of the dead;〃 he argued; 〃then is
Christ not risen: and if Christ be not risen; then is our preaching vain;
and your faith is also vain。 Yea; and we are found false witnesses of God;
because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ: whom He raised
not up; if so be that the dead rise not。 For if the dead rise not; then is
not Christ raised: and if Christ be not raised; your faith is vain; ye are
yet in your sins。 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are
perished。 If in this life only we have hope in Christ; we are of all men
most miserable。 But now is Christ risen from the dead; and become the first
fruits of them that slept。〃

The apostle carried the minds of the Corinthian brethren forward to the
triumphs of the resurrection morn; when all the sleeping saints are to be
raised; henceforth to live forever with their Lord。 〃Behold;〃 the apostle
declared; 〃I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep; but we shall all be
changed; in a moment; in the twinkling of an eye; at the last trump: for the
trumpet shall sound; and the dead shall be raised incorruptible; and we
shall be changed。 For this


corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on
immortality。 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption; and
this mortal shall have put on immortality; then shall be brought to pass the
saying that is written; Death is swallowed up in victory。 O death; where is
thy sting? O grave; where is thy victory? 。 。 。 Thanks be to God; which
giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ。〃

Glorious is the triumph awaiting the faithful。 The apostle; realizing the
possibilities before the Corinthian believers; sought to set before them
that which uplifts from the selfish and the sensual; and glorifies life with
the hope of immortality。 Earnestly he exhorted them to be true to their high
calling in Christ。 〃My beloved brethren;〃 he pleaded; 〃be ye steadfast;
unmovable; always abounding in the work of the Lord; forasmuch as ye know
that your labor is not in vain in the Lord。〃

Thus the apostle; in the most decided and impressive manner; endeavored to
correct the false and dangerous ideas and practices that were prevailing in
the Corinthian church。 He spoke plainly; yet in love for their souls。 In his
warnings and reproofs; light from the throne of God was shining upon them;
to reveal the hidden sins that were defiling their lives。 How would it be

After the letter had been dispatched; Paul feared lest that which he had
written might wound too deeply those whom he desired to benefit。 He keenly
dreaded a further alienation and sometimes longed to recall his words。 Those
who; like the apostle; have felt a responsibility for beloved


churches or institutions; can best appreciate his depression of spirit and
self…accusing。 The servants of God who bear the burden of His work for this
time know something of the same experience of labor; conflict; and anxious
care that fell to the lot of the great apostle。 Burdened by divisions in the
church; meeting with ingratitude and betrayal from some to whom he looked
for sympathy and support; realizing the peril of the churches that harbored
iniquity; compelled to bear a close; searching testimony in reproof of sin;
he was at the same time weighed down with fear that he might have dealt with
too great severity。 With trembling anxiety he waited to receive some tidings
as to the reception of his message。


                              Chapter 31

                              The Message Heeded

From Ephesus Paul set forth on another missionary tour; during which he
hoped to visit once more the scenes of his former labors in Europe。 Tarrying
for a time at Troas; 〃to preach Christ's gospel;〃 he found some who were
ready to listen to his message。 〃A door was opened unto me of the Lord;〃 he
afterward declared of his labors in this place。 But successful as were his
efforts at Troas; he could not remain there long。 〃The care of all the
churches;〃 and particularly of the church at Corinth; rested heavily on his
heart。 He had hoped to meet Titus at Troas and to learn from him how the
words of counsel and reproof sent to the Corinthian brethren had been
received; but in this he was disappointed。 〃I had no rest in my spirit;〃 he
wrote concerning this experience; 〃because I found not Titus my brother。〃 He
therefore left Troas and crossed over to Macedonia; where; at Philippi he
met Timothy。


During this time of anxiety concerning the church at Corinth; Paul hoped for
the best; yet at times feelings of deep sadness would sweep over his soul;
lest his counsels and admonitions might be misunderstood。 〃Our flesh had no
rest;〃 he afterward wrote; 〃but we were troubled on every side; without were
fightings; within were fears。 Nevertheless God; that comforteth those that
are cast down; comforted us by the coming of Titus。〃

This faithful messenger brought the cheering news that a wonderful change
had taken place among the Corinthian believers。 Many had accepted the
instruction contained in Paul's letter and had repented of their sins。 Their
lives were no longer a reproach to Christianity; but exerted a powerful
influence in favor of practical godliness。

Filled with joy; the apostle sent another letter to the Corinthian
believers; expressing his gladness of heart because of the good work wrought
in them: 〃Though I made you sorry with a letter; I do not repent; though I
did repent。〃 When tortured by the fear that his words would be despised; he
had sometimes regretted that he had written so decidedly and severely。 〃Now
I rejoice;〃 he continued; 〃not that ye were made sorry; but that ye sorrowed
to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner; that ye might
receive damage by us in nothing。 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to
salvation not to be repented of。〃 That repentance which is produced by the
influence of divine grace upon the heart will lead to confession and
forsaking of sin。 Such were the fruits which the apostle declared had been
seen in the lives of the Corinthian believers。 〃What


carefulness it wrought in you; yea; what clearing of yourselves; yea; what
indignation; yea; what fear; yea; what vehement desire; yea; what zeal。〃

For some time Paul had been carrying a burden of soul for the churchesa
burden so heavy that he could scarcely endure it。 False teachers had sought
to destroy his influence among the believers and to urge their own doctrines
in the place of gospel truth。 The perplexities and discouragements with
which Paul was surrounded are revealed in the words; 〃We were pressed out of
measure; above strength; insomuch that we despaired even of life。〃

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