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the acts of the apostles-第57部分

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the wants of the needy。 For special occasions there were freewill offerings。
At the harvest and the vintage; the first fruits of the fieldcorn; wine;
and oilwere consecrated as an offering to the Lord。 The gleanings and the
corners of the field were reserved for the poor。 The first fruits of the
wool when the sheep were shorn; of the grain when the wheat was threshed;
were set apart for God。 So also were the first…born of all animals; and a
redemption price was paid for the first…born son。 The first fruits were to
be presented before the Lord at the sanctuary and were then devoted to the
use of the priests。

By this system of benevolence the Lord sought to teach Israel that in
everything He must be first。 Thus they were reminded that God was the
proprietor of their fields; their flocks; and their herds; that it was He
who sent them the sunshine and the rain that developed and ripened the
harvest。 Everything that they possessed was His; they were but the stewards
of His goods。

It is not God's purpose that Christians; whose privileges far exceed those
of the Jewish nation; shall give less freely than they gave。 〃Unto
whomsoever much is given;〃 the Saviour declared; 〃of him shall be much
required。〃 Luke 12:48。 The liberality required of the Hebrews was largely to
benefit their own nation; today the work of God extends


over all the earth。 In the hands of His followers; Christ has placed the
treasures of the gospel; and upon them He has laid the responsibility of
giving the glad tidings of salvation to the world。 Surely our obligations
are much greater than were those of ancient Israel。

As God's work extends; calls for help will come more and more frequently。
That these calls may be answered; Christians should heed the command; 〃Bring
ye all the tithes into the storehouse; that there may be meat in Mine
house。〃 Malachi 3:10。 If professing Christians would faithfully bring to God
their tithes and offerings; His treasury would be full。 There would then be
no occasion to resort to fairs; lotteries; or parties of pleasure to secure
funds for the support of the gospel。

Men are tempted to use their means in self…indulgence; in the gratification
of appetite; in personal adornment; or in the embellishment of their homes。
For these objects many church members do not hesitate to spend freely and
even extravagantly。 But when asked to give to the Lord's treasury; to carry
forward His work in the earth; they demur。 Perhaps; feeling that they cannot
well do otherwise; they dole out a sum far smaller than they often spend for
needless indulgence。 They manifest no real love for Christ's service; no
earnest interest in the salvation of souls。 What marvel that the Christian
life of such ones is but a dwarfed; sickly existence!

He whose heart is aglow with the love of Christ will regard it as not only a
duty; but a pleasure; to aid in the


advancement of the highest; holiest work committed to man the work of
presenting to the world the riches of goodness; mercy; and truth。

It is the spirit of covetousness which leads men to keep for gratification
of self means that rightfully belong to God; and this spirit is as abhorrent
to Him now as when through His prophet He sternly rebuked His people;
saying; 〃Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me。 But ye say; Wherein have
we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings。 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye
have robbed Me; even this whole nation。〃 Malachi 3:8; 9。

The spirit of liberality is the spirit of heaven。 This spirit finds its
highest manifestation in Christ's sacrifice on the cross。 In our behalf the
Father gave His only…begotten Son; and Christ; having given up all that He
had; then gave Himself; that man might be saved。 The cross of Calvary should
appeal to the benevolence of every follower of the Saviour。 The principle
there illustrated is to give; give。 〃He that saith he abideth in Him ought
himself also so to walk; even as He walked。〃 1 John 2:6。

On the other hand; the spirit of selfishness is the spirit of Satan。 The
principle illustrated in the lives of worldlings is to get; get。 Thus they
hope to secure happiness and ease; but the fruit of their sowing is misery
and death。

Not until God ceases to bless His children will they cease to be under bonds
to return to Him the portion that He claims。 Not only should they render the
Lord the portion that belongs to Him; but they should bring also to His


treasury; as a gratitude offering; a liberal tribute。 With joyful hearts
they should dedicate to the Creator the first fruits of their
bountiestheir choicest possessions; their best and holiest service。 Thus
they will gain rich blessings。 God Himself will make their souls like a
watered garden whose waters fail not。 And when the last great harvest is
gathered in; the sheaves that they are enabled to bring to the Master will
be the recompense of their unselfish use of the talents lent them。

God's chosen messengers; who are engaged in aggressive labor; should never
be compelled to go a warfare at their own charges; unaided by the
sympathetic and hearty support of their brethren。 It is the part of church
members to deal liberally with those who lay aside their secular employment
that they may give themselves to the ministry。 When God's ministers are
encouraged; His cause is greatly advanced。 But when; through the selfishness
of men; their rightful support is withheld; their hands are weakened; and
often their usefulness is seriously crippled。

The displeasure of God is kindled against those who claim to be His
followers; yet allow consecrated workers to suffer for the necessities of
life while engaged in active ministry。 These selfish ones will be called to
render an account; not only for the misuse of their Lord's money; but for
the depression and heartache which their course has brought upon His
faithful servants。 Those who are called to the work of the ministry; and at
the call of duty give up all to engage in God's service; should receive for
their self…sacrificing


efforts wages sufficient to support themselves and their families。

In the various departments of secular labor; mental and physical; faithful
workmen can earn good wages。 Is not the work of disseminating truth; and
leading souls to Christ; of more importance than any ordinary business? And
are not those who faithfully engage in this work justly entitled to ample
remuneration? By our estimate of the relative value of labor for moral and
for physical good; we show our appreciation of the heavenly in contrast with
the earthly。

That there may be funds in the treasury for the support of the ministry; and
to meet the calls for assistance in missionary enterprises; it is necessary
that the people of God give cheerfully and liberally。 A solemn
responsibility rests upon ministers to keep before the churches the needs of
the cause of God and to educate them to be liberal。 When this is neglected;
and the churches fail to give for the necessities of others; not only does
the work of the Lord suffer; but the blessing that should come to believers
is withheld。

Even the very poor should bring their offerings to God。 They are to be
sharers of the grace of Christ by denying self to help those whose need is
more pressing than their own。 The poor man's gift; the fruit of self…denial;
comes up before God as fragrant incense。 And every act of self…sacrifice
strengthens the spirit of beneficence in the giver's heart; allying him more
closely to the One who was rich; yet for our sakes became poor; that we
through His poverty might be rich。


The act of the widow who cast two mitesall that she hadinto the
treasury; is placed on record for the encouragement of those who; struggling
with poverty; still desire by their gifts to aid the cause of God。 Christ
called the attention of the disciples to this woman; who had given 〃all her
living。〃 Mark 12:44。 He esteemed her gift of more value than the large
offerings of those whose alms did not call for self…denial。 From their
abundance they had given a small portion。 To make her offering; the widow
had deprived herself of even the necessities of life; trusting God to supply
her needs for the morrow。 Of her the Saviour declared; 〃Verily I say unto
you; That this poor widow hath cast more in; than all they which have cast
into the treasury。〃 Verse 43。 Thus He taught that the value of the gift is
estimated not by the amount; but by the proportion that is given and the
motive that actuates the giver。

The apostle Paul in his ministry among the churches was untiring in his
efforts to inspire in the hearts of the new converts a desire to do large
things for the cause of God。 Often he exhorted them to the exercise of
liberality。 In speaking to the elders of Ephesus of his former labors among
them; he said; 〃I have showed you all things; how that so laboring ye ought
to support the weak; and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus; how He
said; It is more blessed to give than to receive。〃 〃He which soweth
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