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the acts of the apostles-第58部分

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said; It is more blessed to give than to receive。〃 〃He which soweth
sparingly;〃 he wrote to the Corinthians; 〃shall reap also sparingly; and he
which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully。 Every man according as
he purposeth in his heart; so let him give;


not grudgingly; or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver。〃 Acts
20:35; 2 Corinthians 9:6; 7。

Nearly all the Macedonian believers were poor in this world's goods; but
their hearts were overflowing with love for God and His truth; and they
gladly gave for the support of the gospel。 When general collections were
taken up in the Gentile churches for the relief of the Jewish believers; the
liberality of the converts in Macedonia was held up as an example to other
churches。 Writing to the Corinthian believers; the apostle called their
attention to 〃the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia; how
that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their
deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality。 For to their
power; 。 。 。 yea; and beyond their power they were willing of themselves;
praying us with much entreaty that we would receive the gift; and take upon
us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints。〃 2 Corinthians 8:1…4。

The willingness to sacrifice on the part of the Macedonian believers came as
a result of wholehearted consecration。 Moved by the Spirit of God; they
〃first gave their own selves to the Lord〃 (2 Corinthians 8:5); then they
were willing to give freely of their means for the support of the gospel。 It
was not necessary to urge them to give; rather; they rejoiced in the
privilege of denying themselves even of necessary things in order to supply
the needs of others。 When the apostle would have restrained them; they
importuned him to accept their offering。 In their simplicity and integrity;


and in their love for the brethren; they gladly denied self; and thus
abounded in the fruit of benevolence。

When Paul sent Titus to Corinth to strengthen the believers there; he
instructed him to build up that church in the grace of giving; and in a
personal letter to the believers he also added his own appeal。 〃As ye abound
in everything;〃 he pleaded; 〃in faith; and utterance; and knowledge; and in
all diligence; and in your love to us; see that ye abound in this grace
also;〃 〃Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness
to will; so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have。 For
if there be first a willing mind; it is accepted according to that a man
hath; and not according to that he hath not。〃 〃And God is able to make all
grace abound toward you; that ye; always having all sufficiency in all
things; may abound to every good work: 。 。 。 。 being enriched in everything
to all bountifulness; which causeth through us thanksgiving to God。〃 2
Corinthians 8:7; 11; 12; 9:8…11。

Unselfish liberality threw the early church into a transport of joy; for the
believers knew that their efforts were helping to send the gospel message to
those in darkness。 Their benevolence testified that they had not received
the grace of God in vain。 What could produce such liberality but the
sanctification of the Spirit? In the eyes of believers and unbelievers it
was a miracle of grace。

Spiritual prosperity is closely bound up with Christian liberality。 The
followers of Christ should rejoice in the privilege of revealing in their
lives the beneficence of their


Redeemer。 As they give to the Lord they have the assurance that their
treasure is going before them to the heavenly courts。 Would men make their
property secure? Let them place it in the hands that bear the marks of the
crucifixion。 Would they enjoy their substance? Let them use it to bless the
needy and suffering。 Would they increase their possessions? Let them heed
the divine injunction; 〃Honor the Lord with thy substance; and with the
first fruits of all thine increase: so shall thy barns be filled with
plenty; and thy presses shall burst out with new wine。〃 Proverbs 3:9; 10。
Let them seek to retain their possessions for selfish purposes; and it will
be to their eternal loss。 But let their treasure be given to God; and from
that moment it bears His inscription。 It is sealed with His immutability。

God declares; 〃Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters。〃 Isaiah 32:20。 A
continual imparting of God's gifts wherever the cause of God or the needs of
humanity demand our aid; does not tend to poverty。 〃There is that
scattereth; and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is
meet; but it tendeth to poverty。〃 Proverbs 11:24。 The sower multiplies his
seed by casting it away。 So it is with those who are faithful in
distributing God's gifts。 By imparting they increase their blessings。 〃Give;
and it shall be given unto you;〃 God has promised; 〃good measure; pressed
down; and shaken together; and running over; shall men give into your
bosom。〃 Luke 6:38。


                              Chapter 33

                              Laboring Under Difficulties

While Paul was careful to set before his converts the plain teaching of
Scripture regarding the proper support of the work of God; and while he
claimed for himself as a minister of the gospel the 〃power to forbear
working〃 (1 Corinthians 9:6) at secular employment as a means of
self…support; yet at various times during his ministry in the great centers
of civilization he wrought at a handicraft for his own maintenance。

Among the Jews physical toil was not thought strange or degrading。 Through
Moses the Hebrews had been instructed to train their children to industrious
habits; and it was regarded as a sin to allow the youth to grow up in
ignorance of physical labor。 Even though a child was to be educated for holy
office; a knowledge of practical life was thought essential。 Every youth;
whether his parents were rich or poor; was taught some trade。 Those parents
who neglected to provide such a training for their children were looked upon
as departing from the instruction of the


Lord。 In accordance with this custom; Paul had early learned the trade of

Before he became a disciple of Christ; Paul had occupied a high position and
was not dependent upon manual labor for support。 But afterward; when he had
used all his means in furthering the cause of Christ; he resorted at times
to his trade to gain a livelihood。 Especially was this the case when he
labored in places where his motives might have been misunderstood。

It is at Thessalonica that we first read of Paul's working with his hands in
self…supporting labor while preaching the word。 Writing to the church of
believers there; he reminded them that he 〃might have been burdensome〃 to
them; and added: 〃Ye remember; brethren; our labor and travail: for laboring
night and day; because we would not be chargeable unto any of you; we
preached unto you the gospel of God。〃
1 Thessalonians 2:6; 9。 And again; in his second epistle to
them; he declared that he and his fellow laborer while with them had not
eaten 〃any man's bread for nought。〃 Night and day we worked; he wrote; 〃that
we might not be chargeable to any of you: not because we have not power; but
to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us。〃 2 Thessalonians 3:8;

At Thessalonica Paul had met those who refused to work with their hands。 It
was of this class that he afterward wrote: 〃There are some which walk among
you disorderly; working not at all; but are busybodies。 Now them that are
such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ; that


with quietness they work; and eat their own bread。〃 While laboring in
Thessalonica; Paul had been careful to set before such ones a right example。
〃Even when we were with you;〃 he wrote; 〃this we commanded you; that if any
would not work; neither should he eat。〃 Verses 11; 12; 10。

In every age Satan has sought to impair the efforts of God's servants by
introducing into the church a spirit of fanaticism。 Thus it was in Paul's
day; and thus it was in later centuries during the time of the Reformation。
Wycliffe; Luther; and many others who blessed the world by their influence
and their faith; encountered the wiles by which the enemy seeks to lead into
fanaticism overzealous; unbalanced; and unsanctified minds。 Misguided souls
have taught that the attainment of true holiness carries the mind above all
earthly thoughts and leads men to refrain wholly from labor。 Others; taking
extreme views of certain texts of Scripture; have taught that it is a sin to
workthat Christians should take no thought concerning the temporal welfare
of themselves or their families; but should devote their lives wholly to
spiritual things。 The teaching and example of the apostle Paul are a rebuke
to such extreme views。

Paul was not wholly dependent upon the labor of his hands for support while
at Thessalonica。 Referring later to his experiences in that city; he wrote
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