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the acts of the apostles-第61部分

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watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at My
mouth; and warn them from Me。 When I say unto the wicked; O wicked man; thou
shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked


from his way; that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will
I require at thine hand。 Nevertheless; if thou warn the wicked of his way to
turn from it; 。 。 。 thou hast delivered thy soul。〃 Ezekiel 33:7…9。

The words of the prophet declare the solemn responsibility of those who are
appointed as guardians of the church of God; stewards of the mysteries of
God。 They are to stand as watchmen on the walls of Zion; to sound the note
of alarm at the approach of the enemy。 Souls are in danger of falling under
temptation; and they will perish unless God's ministers are faithful to
their trust。 If for any reason their spiritual senses become so benumbed
that they are unable to discern danger; and through their failure to give
warning the people perish; God will require at their hands the blood of
those who are lost。

It is the privilege of the watchmen on the walls of Zion to live so near to
God; and to be susceptible to the impressions of His Spirit; that He can
work through them to tell men and women of their peril and point them to the
place of safety。 Faithfully are they to warn them of the sure result of
transgression; and faithfully are they to safeguard the interests of the
church。 At no time may they relax their vigilance。 Theirs is a work
requiring the exercise of every faculty of the being。 In trumpet tones their
voices are to be lifted; and never are they to sound one wavering; uncertain
note。 Not for wages are they to labor; but because they cannot do otherwise;
because they realize that there is a woe upon them if they fail to preach
the gospel。 Chosen


of God; sealed with the blood of consecration; they are to rescue men and
women from impending destruction。

The minister who is a co…worker with Christ will have a deep sense of the
sacredness of his work and of the toil and sacrifice required to perform it
successfully。 He does not study his own ease or convenience。 He is forgetful
of self。 In his search for the lost sheep he does not realize that he
himself is weary; cold; and hungry。 He has but one object in viewthe
saving of the lost。

He who serves under the bloodstained banner of Immanuel will have that to do
which will call for heroic effort and patient endurance。 But the soldier of
the cross stands unshrinkingly in the forefront of the battle。 As the enemy
presses the attack against him; he turns to the stronghold for aid; and as
he brings to the Lord the promises of the word; he is strengthened for the
duties of the hour。 He realizes his need of strength from above。 The
victories that he gains do not lead to self exaltation; but cause him to
lean more and more heavily on the Mighty One。 Relying upon that Power; he is
enabled to present the message of salvation so forcibly that it vibrates in
other minds。

He who teaches the word must himself live in conscious; hourly communion
with God through prayer and a study of His word; for here is the source of
strength。 Communion with God will impart to the minister's efforts a power
greater than the influence of his preaching。 Of this power he must not allow
himself to be deprived。 With an earnestness that cannot be denied; he must
plead with God to strengthen and fortify him for duty and trial; and to
touch his lips


with living fire。 All too slight is the hold that Christ's ambassadors often
have upon eternal realities。 If men will walk with God; He will hide them in
the cleft of the Rock。 Thus hidden; they can see God; even as Moses saw Him。
By the power and light that He imparts they can comprehend more and
accomplish more than their finite judgment had seemed possible。

Satan's craft is most successfully used against those who are depressed。
When discouragement threatens to overwhelm the minister; let him spread out
before God his necessities。 It was when the heavens were as brass over Paul
that he trusted most fully in God。 More than most men; he knew the meaning
of affliction; but listen to his triumphant cry as; beset by temptation and
conflict; his feet press heavenward: 〃Our light affliction; which is but for
a moment; worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
while we look not at the things which are seen; but at the things which are
not seen。〃 2 Corinthians 4:17; 18。 Paul's eyes were ever fastened on the
unseen and eternal。 Realizing that he was fighting against supernatural
powers; he placed this dependence on God; and in this lay his strength。 It
is by seeing Him who is invisible that strength and vigor of soul are gained
and the power of earth over mind and character is broken。

A pastor should mingle freely with the people for whom he labors; that by
becoming acquainted with them he may know how to adapt his teaching to their
needs。 When a minister has preached a sermon; his work has but just begun。
There is personal work for him to do。 He should visit the


people in their homes; talking and praying with them in earnestness and
humility。 There are families who will never be reached by the truths of
God's word unless the stewards of His grace enter their homes and point them
to the higher way。 But the hearts of those who do this work must throb in
unison with the heart of Christ。

Much is comprehended in the command; 〃Go out into the highways and hedges;
and compel them to come in; that My house may be filled。〃 Luke 14:23。 Let
ministers teach the truth in families; drawing close to those for whom they
labor; and as they thus co…operate with God; He will clothe them with
spiritual power。 Christ will guide them in their work; giving them words to
speak that will sink deep into the hearts of the listeners。 It is the
privilege of every minister to be able to say with Paul; 〃I have not shunned
to declare unto you all the counsel of God。〃 〃I kept back nothing that was
profitable unto you; but have showed you; and have taught you publicly; and
from house to house;。。。 repentance toward God; and faith toward our Lord
Jesus Christ。〃 Acts 20:27; 20; 21。

The Saviour went from house to house; healing the sick; comforting the
mourners; soothing the afflicted; speaking peace to the disconsolate。 He
took the little children in His arms and blessed them; and spoke words of
hope and comfort to the weary mothers。 With unfailing tenderness and
gentleness He met every form of human woe and affliction。 Not for Himself
but for others did He labor。 He was the servant of all。 It was His meat and
drink to bring hope and strength to all with whom He came in contact。 And as


men and women listened to the truths that fell from His lips; so different
from the traditions and dogmas taught by the rabbis; hope sprang up in their
hearts。 In His teaching there was an earnestness that sent His words home
with convicting power。

God's ministers are to learn Christ's method of laboring; that they may
bring from the storehouse of His word that which will supply the spiritual
needs of those for whom they labor。 Thus only can they fulfill their trust。
The same Spirit that dwelt in Christ as He imparted the instruction He was
constantly receiving; is to be the source of their knowledge and the secret
of their power in carrying on the Saviour's work in the world。

Some who have labored in the ministry have failed of attaining success
because they have not given their undivided interest to the Lord's work。
Ministers should have no engrossing interests aside from the great work of
leading souls to the Saviour。 The fishermen whom Christ called; straightway
left their nets and followed Him。 Ministers cannot do acceptable work for
God and at the same time carry the burden of large personal business
enterprises。 Such a division of interest dims their spiritual perception。
The mind and heart are occupied with earthly things; and the service of
Christ takes a second place。 They seek to shape their work for God by their
circumstances; instead of shaping circumstances to meet the demands of God。

The energies of the minister are all needed for his high calling。 His best
powers belong to God。 He should not engage in speculation or in any other
business that would


turn him aside from his great work。 〃No man that warreth;〃 Paul declared;
〃entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him
who hath chosen him to be a soldier。〃 2 Timothy 2:4。 Thus the apostle
emphasized the minister's need of unreserved consecration to the Master's
service。 The minister who is wholly consecrated to God refuses to engage in
business that would hinder him from giving himself fully to his sacred
calling。 He is not striving for earthly honor or riches; his one purpose is
to tell others of the Saviour; who gave Himself to bring to human beings the
riches of eternal life。 His highest desire
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