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the acts of the apostles-第62部分

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to tell others of the Saviour; who gave Himself to bring to human beings the
riches of eternal life。 His highest desire is not to lay up treasure in this
world; but to bring to the attention of the indifferent and the disloyal the
realities of eternity。 He may be asked to engage in enterprises which
promise large worldly gain; but to such temptations he returns the answer;
〃What shall it profit a man; if he shall gain the whole world; and lose his
own soul?〃 Mark 8:36。

Satan presented this inducement to Christ; knowing that if He accepted it;
the world would never be ransomed。 And under different guises he presents
the same temptation to God's ministers today; knowing that those who are
beguiled by it will be false to their trust。

It is not God's will that His ministers should seek to be rich。 Regarding
this; Paul wrote to Timothy: 〃The love of money is the root of all evil:
which while some coveted after; they have erred from the faith; and pierced
themselves through with many sorrows。 But thou; O man of God; flee these
things; and follow after righteousness; godliness; faith;


love; patience; meekness。〃 By example as well as by precept; the ambassador
for Christ is to 〃charge them that are rich in this world; that they be not
high…minded; nor trust in uncertain riches; but in the living God; who
giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good; that they be rich
in good works; ready to distribute; willing to communicate; laying up in
store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come; that they
may lay hold on eternal life。〃
1 Timothy 6:10; 11; 17…19。

The experiences of the apostle Paul and his instruction regarding the
sacredness of the minister's work are a source of help and inspiration to
those engaged in the gospel ministry。 Paul's heart burned with a love for
sinners; and he put all his energies into the work of soul winning。 There
never lived a more self…denying; persevering worker。 The blessings he
received he prized as so many advantages to be used in blessing others。 He
lost no opportunity of speaking of the Saviour or of helping those in
trouble。 From place to place he went; preaching the gospel of Christ and
establishing churches。 Wherever he could find a hearing; he sought to
counteract wrong; and to turn the feet of men and women into the path of

Paul did not forget the churches that he had established。 After making a
missionary tour; he and Barnabas retraced their steps and visited the
churches they had raised up; choosing from them men whom they could train to
unite in proclaiming the gospel。

This feature of Paul's work contains an important lesson


for ministers today。 The apostle made it a part of his work to educate young
men for the office of the ministry。 He took them with him on his missionary
journeys; and thus they gained an experience that later enabled them to fill
positions of responsibility。 When separated from them; he still kept in
touch with their work; and his letters to Timothy and to Titus are evidences
of how deep was his desire for their success。

Experienced workers today do a noble work when; instead of trying to carry
all the burdens themselves; they train younger workers and place burdens on
their shoulders。

Paul never forgot the responsibility resting on him as a minister of Christ;
or that if souls were lost through unfaithfulness on his part; God would
hold him accountable。 〃Whereof I am made a minister;〃 he declared of the
gospel; 〃according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you;
to fulfill the word of God; even the mystery which hath been hid from ages
and from generations; but now is made manifest to His saints: to whom God
would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the
Gentiles; which is Christ in you; the hope of glory: whom we preach; warning
every man; and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every
man perfect in Christ Jesus: whereunto I also labor; striving according to
His working; which worketh in me mightily。〃 Colossians 1:25…29。

These words present before the worker for Christ a high attainment; yet this
attainment all can reach who; putting themselves under the control of the
Great Teacher; learn


daily in the school of Christ。 The power at God's command is limitless; and
the minister who in his great need shuts himself in with the Lord may be
assured that he will receive that which will be to his hearers a savor of
life unto life。

Paul's writings show that the gospel minister should be an example of the
truths that he teaches; 〃giving no offense in anything; that the ministry be
not blamed。〃 Of his own work he has left us a picture in his letter to the
Corinthian believers: 〃In all things approving ourselves as the ministers of
God; in much patience; in afflictions; in necessities; in distresses; in
stripes; in imprisonments; in tumults; in labors; in watchings; in fastings;
but pureness; by knowledge; by long suffering; by kindness; by the Holy
Ghost; by love unfeigned; by the word of truth; by the power of God; by the
armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left; by honor and
dishonor; by evil report and good report: as deceivers; and yet true; as
unknown; and yet well known; as dying; and; behold; we live; as chastened;
and not killed; as sorrowful; yet alway rejoicing; as poor; yet making many
rich。〃 2 Corinthians 6:3; 4…10。

To Titus he wrote: 〃Young men likewise exhort to be sober…minded。 In all
things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing
uncorruptness; gravity; sincerity; sound speech; that cannot be condemned;
that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed; having no evil thing to
say of you。〃 Titus 2:6…8。

There is nothing more precious in the sight of God than His ministers; who
go forth into the waste places of the earth to sow the seeds of truth;
looking forward to the


harvest。 None but Christ can measure the solicitude of His servants as they
seek for the lost。 He imparts His Spirit to them; and by their efforts souls
are led to turn from sin to righteousness。

God is calling for men who are willing to leave their farms; their business;
if need be their families; to become missionaries for Him。 And the call will
be answered。 In the past there have been men who; stirred by the love of
Christ and the needs of the lost; have left the comforts of home and the
society of friends; even that of wife and children; to go into foreign
lands; among idolaters and savages; to proclaim the message of mercy。 Many
in the attempt have lost their lives; but others have been raised up to
carry on the work。 Thus step by step the cause of Christ has progressed; and
the seed sown in sorrow has yielded a bountiful harvest。 The knowledge of
God has been widely extended and the banner of the cross planted in heathen

For the conversion of one sinner the minister should tax his resources to
the utmost。 The soul that God has created and Christ has redeemed is of
great value because of the possibilities before it; the spiritual advantages
that have been granted it; the capabilities that it may possess if vitalized
by the word of God; and the immortality it may gain through the hope
presented in the gospel。 And if Christ left the ninety and nine that He
might seek and save one lost sheep; can we be justified in doing less? Is
not a neglect to work as Christ worked; to sacrifice as He sacrificed; a
betrayal of sacred trusts; an insult to God?


The heart of the true minister is filled with an intense longing to save
souls。 Time and strength are spent; toilsome effort is not shunned; for
others must hear the truths that brought to his own soul such gladness and
peace and joy。 The Spirit of Christ rests upon him。 He watches for souls as
one that must give an account。 With his eyes fixed on the cross of Calvary;
beholding the uplifted Saviour; relying on His grace; believing that He will
be with him until the end; as his shield; his strength; his efficiency; he
works for God。 With invitations and pleadings; mingled with the assurances
of God's love; he seeks to win souls to Jesus; and in heaven he is numbered
among those who are 〃called; and chosen; and faithful。〃 Revelation 17:14。


                              Chapter 35

                              Salvation to the Jews

After many unavoidable delays; Paul at last reached Corinth; the scene of so
much anxious labor in the past; and for a time the object of deep
solicitude。 He found that many of the early believers still regarded him
with affection as the one who had first borne to them the light of the
gospel。 As he greeted these disciples and saw the evidences of their
fidelity and zeal he rejoiced that his work in Corinth had not been in vain。

The Corinthian believers; once so prone to lose sight of their high calling
in Christ; had developed strength of Christian character。 Their w
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