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the acts of the apostles-第66部分

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passing on to Troas to await him there。 The Philippians were the most loving
and truehearted of the apostle's converts; and during the eight days of the
feast he enjoyed peaceful and happy communion with them。

Sailing from Philippi; Paul and Luke reached their companions at Troas five
days later; and remained for seven days with the believers in that place。

Upon the last evening of his stay the brethren 〃came together to break
bread。〃 The fact that their beloved teacher was about to depart; had called
together a larger company than usual。 They assembled in an 〃upper chamber〃
on the third story。 There; in the fervency of his love and solicitude for
them; the apostle preached until midnight。

In one of the open windows sat a youth named Eutychus。 In this perilous
position he went to sleep and fell to the court below。 At once all was alarm
and confusion。 The youth was taken up dead; and many gathered about him with
cries and mourning。 But Paul; passing through the frightened company;
embraced him and offered up an earnest prayer that God would restore the
dead to life。 His petition was granted。 Above the sound of mourning and
lamentation the apostle's voice was heard; saying; 〃Trouble not yourselves;
for his life is in him。〃 With rejoicing the believers again assembled in the
upper chamber。 They partook of the Communion; and then Paul 〃talked a long
while; even till break of day。〃

The ship on which Paul and his companions were to continue their journey;
was about to sail; and the brethren hastened on board。 The apostle himself;
however; chose to take the nearer route by land between Troas and Assos;


his companions at the latter city。 This gave him a short season for
meditation and prayer。 The difficulties and dangers connected with his
coming visit to Jerusalem; the attitude of the church there toward him and
his work; as well as the condition of the churches and the interests of the
gospel work in other fields; were subjects of earnest; anxious thought; and
he took advantage of this special opportunity to seek God for strength and

As the travelers sailed southward from Assos; they passed the city of
Ephesus; so long the scene of the apostle's labors。 Paul had greatly desired
to visit the church there; for he had important instruction and counsel to
give them。 But upon consideration he determined to hasten on; for he
desired; 〃if it were possible for him; to be at Jerusalem the Day of
Pentecost。〃 On arriving at Miletus; however; about thirty miles from
Ephesus; he learned that it might be possible to communicate with the church
before the ship should sail。 He therefore immediately sent a message to the
elders; urging them to hasten to Miletus; that he might see them before
continuing his journey。

In answer to his call they came; and he spoke to them strong; touching words
of admonition and farewell。 〃Ye know;〃 he said; 〃from the first day that I
came into Asia; after what manner I have been with you at all seasons;
serving the Lord with all humility of mind; and with many tears; and
temptations; which befell me by the lying in wait of the Jews: and how I
kept back nothing that was profitable unto you; but have showed you; and
have taught you publicly; and from house to house; testifying both to


the Jews; and also to the Greeks; repentance toward God; and faith toward
our Lord Jesus Christ。〃

Paul had ever exalted the divine law。 He had shown that in the law there is
no power to save men from the penalty of disobedience。 Wrongdoers must
repent of their sins and humble themselves before God; whose just wrath they
have incurred by breaking His law; and they must also exercise faith in the
blood of Christ as their only means of pardon。 The Son of God had died as
their sacrifice and had ascended to heaven to stand before the Father as
their advocate。 By repentance and faith they might be freed from the
condemnation of sin and through the grace of Christ be enabled henceforth to
render obedience to the low of God。

〃And now; behold;〃 Paul continued; 〃I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem;
not knowing the things that shall befall me there: save that the Holy Ghost
witnesseth in every city; saying that bonds and afflictions abide me。 But
none of these things move me; neither count I my life dear unto myself; so
that I might finish my course with joy; and the ministry; which I have
received of the Lord Jesus; to testify the gospel of the grace of God。 And
now; behold; I know that ye all; among whom I have gone preaching the
kingdom of God; shall see my face no more。〃

Paul had no designed to bear this testimony; but; while he was speaking; the
Spirit of Inspiration came upon him; confirming his fears that this would be
his last meeting with his Ephesian brethren。

〃Wherefore I take you to record this day; that I am pure from the blood of
all men。 For I have not shunned to declare


unto you all the counsel of God。〃 No fear of giving offense; no desire for
friendship or applause; could lead Paul to withhold the words that God had
given him for their instruction; warning; or correction。 From His servants
today God requires fearlessness in preaching the word and in carrying out
its precepts。 The minister of Christ is not to present to the people only
those truths that are the most pleasing; while he withholds others that
might cause them pain。 He should watch with deep solicitude the development
of character。 If he sees that any of his flock are cherishing sin he must as
a faithful shepherd give them from God's word the instruction that is
applicable to their case。 Should he permit them in their self…confidence to
go on unwarned; he would be held responsible for their souls。 The pastor who
fulfills his high commission must give his people faithful instruction on
every point of the Christian faith; showing them what they must be and do in
order to stand perfect in the day of God。 He only who is a faithful teacher
of the truth will at the close of his work be able to say with Paul; 〃I am
pure from the blood of all men。〃

〃Take heed therefore unto yourselves;〃 the apostle admonished his brethren;
〃and to all the flock; over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you
overseers; to feed the church of God; which He hath purchased with His own
blood。〃 If ministers of the gospel were to bear constantly in mind the fact
that they are dealing with the purchase of the blood of Christ; they would
have a deeper sense of the importance of their work。 They are to take heed
to themselves and to their flock。 Their own example is to illustrate


and enforce their instructions。 As teachers of the way of life they should
give no occasion for the truth to be evil spoken of。 As representatives of
Christ they are to maintain the honor of His name。 By their devotion; their
purity of life; their godly conversation; they are to prove themselves
worthy of their high calling。

The dangers that would assail the church at Ephesus were revealed to the
apostle。 〃I know this;〃 he said; 〃that after my departing shall grievous
wolves enter in among you; not sparing the flock。 Also of your own selves
shall men arise; speaking perverse things; to draw away disciples after
them。〃 Paul trembled for the church as; looking into the future; he saw the
attacks which she must suffer from both external and internal foes。 With
solemn earnestness he bade his brethren guard vigilantly their sacred
trusts。 For an example he pointed them to his own unwearied labors among
them: 〃Therefore watch; and remember; that by the space of three years I
ceased not to warn everyone night and day with tears。

〃And now; brethren;〃 he continued; 〃I commend you to God; and to the word of
His grace; which is able to build you up; and to give you an inheritance
among all them which are sanctified。 I have coveted no man's silver; or
gold; or apparel。〃 Some of the Ephesian brethren were wealthy; but Paul had
never sought personal benefit from them。 It was no part of his message to
call attention to his own wants。 〃These hands;〃 he declared; 〃have
ministered unto my necessities; and to them that were with me。〃 Amidst his
arduous labors and extensive journeys for the cause of Christ; he was


able; not only to supply his own wants; but to spare something for the
support of his fellow laborers and the relief of the worthy poor。 This he
accomplished only by unremitting diligence and the closest economy。 Well
might he point to his own example as he said; 〃I have showed you all things;
how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak; and to remember the words
of the Lord Jesus; how He said; It is more blessed to give than to receive。

〃And when he had thus spoken; he kneeled down; and prayed with them all。 And
they all wept sore; and fell on Paul's neck; and kissed him; sorrowing most
of all for the words which he spake; that they should see his face no more。
And they accompanied him unto the ship。〃

From Miletu
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