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the acts of the apostles-第68部分

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now; notwithstanding the lack of sympathy shown him by some; he found
comfort in the consciousness that he had done his duty in encouraging in his
converts a spirit of loyalty; generosity; and brotherly love; as revealed on
this occasion in the liberal contributions which he was enabled to place
before the Jewish elders。

After the presentation of the gifts; Paul 〃declared particularly what things
God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry。〃 This recital of facts
brought to the hearts of all; even of those who had been doubting; the
conviction that the blessing of heaven had accompanied his labors。 〃When
they heard it; they glorified the Lord。〃 They felt


that the methods of labor pursued by the apostle bore the signet of Heaven。
The liberal contributions lying before them added weight to the testimony of
the apostle concerning the faithfulness of the new churches established
among the Gentiles。 The men who; while numbered among those who were in
charge of the work at Jerusalem; had urged that arbitrary measures of
control be adopted; saw Paul's ministry in a new light and were convinced
that their own course had been wrong; that they had been held in bondage by
Jewish customs and traditions; and that the work of the gospel had been
greatly hindered by their failure to recognize that the wall of partition
between Jew and Gentile had been broken down by the death of Christ。

This was the golden opportunity for all the leading brethren to confess
frankly that God had wrought through Paul; and that at times they had erred
in permitting the reports of his enemies to arouse their jealousy and
prejudice。 But instead of uniting in an effort to do justice to the one who
had been injured; they gave him counsel which showed that they still
cherished a feeling that Paul should be held largely responsible for the
existing prejudice。 They did not stand nobly in his defense; endeavoring to
show the disaffected ones where they were wrong; but sought to effect a
compromise by counseling him to pursue a course which in their opinion would
remove all cause for misapprehension。

〃Thou seest; brother;〃 they said; in response to his testimony; 〃how many
thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the
law: and they are


informed of thee; that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the
Gentiles to forsake Moses; saying that they ought not to circumcise their
children; neither to walk after the customs。 What is it therefore? the
multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come。
Do therefore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on
them; them take; and purify thyself with them; and be at charges with them;
that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things; whereof
they were informed concerning thee; are nothing; but that thou thyself also
walkest orderly; and keepest the law。 As touching the Gentiles which
believe; we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing; save
only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols; and from blood;
and from strangled; and from fornication。〃

The brethren hoped that Paul; by following the course suggested; might give
a decisive contradiction to the false reports concerning him。 They assured
him that the decision of the former council concerning the Gentile converts
and the ceremonial law; still held good。 But the advice now given was not
consistent with that decision。 The Spirit of God did not prompt this
instruction; it was the fruit of cowardice。 The leaders of the church in
Jerusalem knew that by non…conformity to the ceremonial law; Christians
would bring upon themselves the hatred of the Jews and expose themselves to
persecution。 The Sanhedrin was doing its utmost to hinder the progress of
the gospel。 Men were chosen by this body to follow up the apostles;
especially Paul; and in


every possible way to oppose their work。 Should the believers in Christ be
condemned before the Sanhedrin as breakers of the law; they would suffer
swift and severe punishment as apostates from the Jewish faith。

Many of the Jews who had accepted the gospel still cherished a regard for
the ceremonial law and were only too willing to make unwise concessions;
hoping thus to gain the confidence of their countrymen; to remove their
prejudice; and to win them to faith in Christ as the world's Redeemer。 Paul
realized that so long as many of the leading members of the church at
Jerusalem should continue to cherish prejudice against him; they would work
constantly to counteract his influence。 He felt that if by any reasonable
concession he could win them to the truth he would remove a great obstacle
to the success of the gospel in other places。 But he was not authorized of
God to concede as much as they asked。

When we think of Paul's great desire to be in harmony with his brethren; his
tenderness toward the weak in the faith; his reverence for the apostles who
had been with Christ; and for James; the brother of the Lord; and his
purpose to become all things to all men so far as he could without
sacrificing principlewhen we think of all this; it is less surprising that
he was constrained to deviate from the firm; decided course that he had
hitherto followed。 But instead of accomplishing the desired object; his
efforts for conciliation only precipitated the crisis; hastened his
predicted sufferings; and resulted in separating him from his brethren;


depriving the church of one of its strongest pillars; and bringing sorrow to
Christian hearts in every land。

On the following day Paul began to carry out the counsel of the elders。 The
four men who were under the Nazarite vow (Numbers 6); the term of which had
nearly expired; were taken by Paul into the temple; 〃to signify the
accomplishment of the days of purification; until that an offering should be
offered for every one of them。〃 Certain costly sacrifices for purification
were yet to be offered。

Those who advised Paul to take this step had not fully considered the great
peril to which he would thus be exposed。 At this season; Jerusalem was
filled with worshipers from many lands。 As; in fulfillment of the commission
given him by God; Paul had borne the gospel to the Gentiles; he had visited
many of the world's largest cities; and he was well known to thousands who
from foreign parts had come to Jerusalem to attend the feast。 Among these
were men whose hearts were filled with bitter hatred for Paul; and for him
to enter the temple on a public occasion was to risk his life。 For several
days he passed in and out among the worshipers; apparently unnoticed; but
before the close of the specified period; as he was talking with a priest
concerning the sacrifices to be offered; he was recognized by some of the
Jews from Asia。

With the fury of demons they rushed upon him; crying; 〃Men of Israel; help:
This is the man; that teacheth all men everywhere against the people; and
the law; and this place。〃 And as the people responded to the call for help;


another accusation was added〃and further brought Greeks also into the
temple; and hath polluted this holy place。〃

By the Jewish law it was a crime punishable with death for an uncircumcised
person to enter the inner courts of the sacred edifice。 Paul had been seen
in the city in company with Trophimus; an Ephesian; and it was conjectured
that he had brought him into the temple。 This he had not done; and being
himself a Jew; his act in entering the temple was no violation of the law。
But though the charge was wholly false; it served to arouse the popular
prejudice。 As the cry was taken up and borne through the temple courts; the
throngs gathered there were thrown into wild excitement。 The news quickly
spread through Jerusalem; 〃and all the city was moved; and the people ran

That an apostate from Israel should presume to profane the temple at the
very time when thousands had come there from all parts of the world to
worship; excited the fiercest passions of the mob。 〃They took Paul; and drew
him out of the temple: and forthwith the doors were shut。〃

〃As they went about to kill him; tidings came unto the chief captain of the
band; that all Jerusalem was in an uproar。〃 Claudius Lysias well knew the
turbulent elements with which he had to deal; and he 〃immediately took
soldiers and centurions; and ran down unto them: and when they saw the chief
captain and the soldiers; they left beating of Paul。〃 Ignorant of the cause
of the tumult; but seeing that the rage of the multitude was directed
against Paul; the Roman captain concluded that he must be a certain Egyptian


rebel of whom he had heard; who had thus far escaped capture。 He therefore
〃took him; and commanded him to be bound with two chains; and demanded who
he was; and what he had done。〃 At once many voices were raised in loud and
angry accusation; 〃some cried one thing; some another; among t
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