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the acts of the apostles-第70部分

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drink till they had killed Paul。 And they were more than forty which had
made this conspiracy。〃 Here was a fast such as the Lord through Isaiah had
condemneda fast 〃for strife and debate; and to smite with the fist of
wickedness。〃 Isaiah 58:4。

The conspirators 〃came to the chief priests and elders; and said; We have
bound ourselves under a great curse; that we will eat nothing until we have
slain Paul。 Now therefore


ye with the council signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto
you tomorrow; as though ye would inquire something more perfectly concerning
him: and we; or ever he come near; are ready to kill him。〃

Instead of rebuking this cruel scheme; the priests and rulers eagerly agreed
to it。 Paul had spoken the truth when he compared Ananias to a whited

But God interposed to save the life of His servant。 Paul's sister's son;
hearing of the 〃lying in wait〃 of the assassins; 〃went and entered into the
castle; and told Paul。 Then Paul called one of the centurions unto him; and
said; Bring this young man unto the chief captain: for he hath a certain
thing to tell him。 So he took him; and brought him to the chief captain; and
said; Paul the prisoner called me unto him; and prayed me to bring this
young man unto thee; who hath something to say unto thee。〃

Claudius Lysias received the youth kindly; and taking him aside; asked;
〃What is that thou hast to tell me?〃 The youth replied: 〃The Jews have
agreed to desire thee that thou wouldest bring down Paul tomorrow into the
council; as though they would inquire somewhat of him more perfectly。 But do
not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than
forty men; which have bound themselves with an oath; that they will neither
eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they ready; looking for
a promise from thee。〃

〃The chief captain then let the young man depart; and charged him; See thou
tell no man that thou hast showed these things to me。〃


Lysias at once decided to transfer Paul from his jurisdiction to that of
Felix the procurator。 As a people; the Jews were in a state of excitement
and irritation; and tumults were of frequent occurrence。 The continued
presence of the apostle in Jerusalem might lead to consequences dangerous to
the city and even to the commandant himself。 He therefore 〃called unto him
two centurions; saying; Make ready two hundred soldiers to go to Caesarea;
and horsemen threescore and ten; and spearmen two hundred; at the third hour
of the night; and provide them beasts; that they may set Paul on; and bring
him safe unto Felix the governor。〃

No time was to be lost in sending Paul away。 〃The soldiers; as it was
commanded them; took Paul; and brought him by night to Antipatris。〃 From
that place the horsemen went on with the prisoner to Caesarea; while the
four hundred soldiers returned to Jerusalem。

The officer in charge of the detachment delivered his prisoner to Felix;
also presenting a letter with which he had been entrusted by the chief

〃Claudius Lysias unto the most excellent governor Felix sendeth greeting。
This man was taken of the Jews; and should have been killed of them: then
came I with an army; and rescued him; having understood that he was a Roman。
And when I would have known the cause wherefore they accused him; I brought
him forth into their council: whom I perceived to be accused of questions of
their law; but to have nothing laid to his charge worthy of death or of
bonds。 And when it was told me how that the Jews laid wait for the man; I
sent straightway to thee; and gave commandment


to his accusers also to say before thee what they had against him。

After reading the communication; Felix inquired to what province the
prisoner belonged; and being informed that he was of Cilicia; said: 〃I will
hear thee 。 。 。 when thine accusers are also come。 And he commanded him to
be kept in Herod's judgment hall。〃

The case of Paul was not the first in which a servant of God had found among
the heathen an asylum from the malice of the professed people of Jehovah。 In
their rage against Paul the Jews had added another crime to the dark
catalogue which marked the history of that people。 They had still further
hardened their hearts against the truth and had rendered their doom more

Few realize the full meaning of the words that Christ spoke when; in the
synagogue at Nazareth; He announced Himself as the Anointed One。 He declared
His mission to comfort; bless; and save the sorrowing and the sinful; and
then; seeing that pride and unbelief controlled the hearts of His hearers;
He reminded them that in time past God had turned away from His chosen
people because of their unbelief and rebellion; and had manifested Himself
to those in heathen lands who had not rejected the light of heaven。 The
widow of Sarepta and Naaman the Syrian had lived up to all the light they
had; hence they were accounted more righteous than God's chosen people who
had backslidden from Him and had sacrificed principle to convenience and
worldly honor。


Christ told the Jews at Nazareth a fearful truth when He declared that with
backsliding Israel there was no safety for the faithful messenger of God。
They would not know his worth or appreciate his labors。 While the Jewish
leaders professed to have great zeal for the honor of God and the good of
Israel; they were enemies of both。 By precept and example they were leading
the people farther and farther from obedience to Godleading them where He
could not be their defense in the day of trouble。

The Saviour's words of reproof to the men of Nazareth applied; in the case
of Paul; not only to the unbelieving Jews; but to his own brethren in the
faith。 Had the leaders in the church fully surrendered their feeling of
bitterness toward the apostle; and accepted him as one specially called of
God to bear the gospel to the Gentiles; the Lord would have spared him to
them。 God had not ordained that Paul's labors should so soon end; but He did
not work a miracle to counteract the train of circumstances to which the
course of the leaders in the church at Jerusalem had given rise。

The same spirit is still leading to the same results。 A neglect to
appreciate and improve the provisions of divine grace has deprived the
church of many a blessing。 How often would the Lord have prolonged the work
of some faithful minister; had his labors been appreciated! But if the
church permits the enemy of souls to pervert the understanding; so that they
misrepresent and misinterpret the words and acts of the servant of Christ;
if they allow themselves to stand in his way and hinder his usefulness; the


sometimes removes from them the blessing which He gave。

Satan is constantly working through his agents to dishearten and destroy
those whom God has chosen to accomplish a great and good work。 They may be
ready to sacrifice even life itself for the advancement of the cause of
Christ; yet the great deceiver will suggest to their brethren doubts
concerning them which; if entertained; would undermine confidence in their
integrity of character; and thus cripple their usefulness。 Too often he
succeeds in bringing upon them; through their own brethren; such sorrow of
heart that God graciously interposes to give His persecuted servants rest。
After the hands are folded upon the pulseless breast; when the voice of
warning and encouragement is silent; then the obdurate may be aroused to see
and prize the blessings they have cast from them。 Their death may accomplish
that which their life has failed to do。


                              Chapter 39

                              The Trial at Caesarea

Five days after Paul's arrival at Caesarea his accusers came from Jerusalem;
accompanied by Tertullus; an orator whom they had engaged as their counsel。
The case was granted a speedy hearing。 Paul was brought before the assembly;
and Tertullus 〃began to accuse him。〃 Judging that flattery would have more
influence upon the Roman governor than the simple statements of truth and
justice; the wily orator began his speech by praising Felix: 〃Seeing that by
thee we enjoy great quietness; and that very worthy deeds are done unto his
nation by thy providence; we accept it always; and in all places; most noble
Felix; with all thankfulness。〃

Tertullus here descended to barefaced falsehood; for the character of Felix
was base and contemptible。 It was said of him;that 〃in the practice of all
kinds of lust and cruelty; he exercised the power of a king with the temper
of a slave。〃


Tacitus; History; ch。 5; par。 9。 Those who heard Tertullus knew that his
flattering words were untrue; but their desire to secure the condemnation of
Paul was stronger than their love of truth。

In his speech; Tertullus charged Paul with crimes which; if proved; would
have resulted in his conviction for high treason against
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