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the acts of the apostles-第71部分

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have resulted in his conviction for high treason against the government。 〃We
have found this man a pestilent fellow;〃 declared the orator; 〃and a mover
of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world; and a ringleader of the
sect of the Nazarenes: who also hath gone about to profane the temple。〃
Tertullus then stated that Lysias; the commandant of the garrison at
Jerusalem; had violently taken Paul from the Jews when they were about to
judge him by their ecclesiastical law; and had thus forced them to bring the
matter before Felix。 These statements were made with the design of inducing
the procurator to deliver Paul over to the Jewish court。 All the charges
were vehemently supported by the Jews present; who made no effort to conceal
their hatred of the prisoner。

Felix had sufficient penetration to read the disposition and character of
Paul's accusers。 He knew from what motive they had flattered him; and he saw
also that they had failed to substantiate their charges against Paul。
Turning to the accused; he beckoned to him to answer for himself。 Paul
wasted no words in compliments; but simply stated that he could the more
cheerfully defend himself before Felix; since the latter had been so long a
procurator; and therefore had so good an understanding of the laws and
customs of the Jews。 Referring to the charges brought


against him; he plainly showed that not one of them was true。 He declared
that he had caused no disturbance in any part of Jerusalem; nor had he
profaned the sanctuary。 〃They neither found me in the temple disputing with
any man;〃 he said; 〃neither raising up the people; neither in the
synagogues; nor in the city: neither can they prove the things whereof they
now accuse me。〃

While confessing that 〃after the way which they call heresy〃 he had
worshiped the God of his fathers; he asserted that he had always believed
〃all things which are written in the law and in the prophets;〃 and that in
harmony with the plain teaching of the Scriptures; he held the faith of the
resurrection of the dead。 And he further declared that the ruling purpose of
his life was to 〃have always a conscience void of offense toward God; and
toward men。〃

In a candid; straightforward manner he stated the object of his visit to
Jerusalem; and the circumstances of his arrest and trial: 〃Now after many
years I came to bring alms to my nation; and offerings。 Whereupon certain
Jews from Asia found me purified in the temple; neither with multitude; nor
with tumult。 Who ought to have been here before thee; and object; if they
had aught against me。 Or else let these same here say; if they have found
any evil doing in me; while I stood before the council; except it be for
this one voice; that I cried standing among them; Touching the resurrection
of the dead I am called in question by you this day。〃

The apostle spoke with earnestness and evident sincerity; and his words
carried with them a weight of conviction。 Claudius Lysias; in his letter to
Felix; had borne a similar


testimony in regard to Paul's conduct。 Moreover; Felix himself had a better
knowledge of the Jewish religion than many supposed。 Paul's plain statement
of the facts in the case enabled Felix to understand still more clearly the
motives by which the Jews were governed in attempting to convict the apostle
of sedition and treasonable conduct。 The governor would not gratify them by
unjustly condemning a Roman citizen; neither would he give him up to them to
be put to death without a fair trial。 Yet Felix knew no higher motive than
self…interest; and he was controlled by love of praise and a desire for
promotion。 Fear of offending the Jews held him back from doing full justice
to a man whom he knew to be innocent。 He therefore decided to suspend the
trial until Lysias should be present; saying; 〃When Lysias the chief captain
shall come down; I will know the uttermost of your matter。〃

The apostle remained a prisoner; but Felix commanded the centurion who had
been appointed to keep Paul; 〃to let him have liberty;〃 and to 〃forbid none
of his acquaintance to minister or come unto him。〃

It was not long after this that Felix and his wife; Drusilla; sent for Paul
in order that in a private interview they might hear from him 〃concerning
the faith in Christ。〃 They were willing and even eager to listen to these
new truths truths which they might never hear again and which; if
rejected; would prove a swift witness against them in the day of God。

Paul regarded this as a God…given opportunity; and faithfully


he improved it。 He knew that he stood in the presence of one who had power
to put him to death or to set him free; yet he did not address Felix and
Drusilla with praise or flattery。 He knew that his words would be to them a
savor of life or of death; and; forgetting all selfish considerations; he
sought to arouse them to a sense of their peril。

The apostle realized that the gospel had a claim upon whoever might listen
to his words; that one day they would stand either among the pure and holy
around the great white throne; or with those to whom Christ would say;
〃Depart from Me; ye that work iniquity。〃 Matthew 7:
23。 He knew that he must meet every one of his hearers
before the tribunal of heaven and must there render an account; not only for
all that he had said and done; but for the motive and spirit of his words
and deeds。

So violent and cruel had been the course of Felix that few had ever before
dared even to intimate to him that his character and conduct were not
faultless。 But Paul had no fear of man。 He plainly declared his faith in
Christ; and the reasons for that faith; and was thus led to speak
particularly of those virtues essential to Christian character; but of which
the haughty pair before him were so strikingly destitute。

He held up before Felix and Drusilla the character of GodHis
righteousness; justice; and equity; and the nature of His law。 He clearly
showed that it is man's duty to live a life of sobriety and temperance;
keeping the passions under the control of reason; in conformity to God's
law; and preserving the physical and mental powers in a healthy condition。


He declared that there would surely come a day of judgment when all would be
rewarded according to the deeds done in the body; and when it would be
plainly revealed that wealth; position; or titles are powerless to gain for
man the favor of God or to deliver him from the results of sin。 He showed
that this life is man's time of preparation for the future life。 Should he
neglect present privileges and opportunities he would suffer an eternal
loss; no new probation would be given him。

Paul dwelt especially upon the far…reaching claims of God's law。 He showed
how it extends to the deep secrets of man's moral nature and throws a flood
of light upon that which has been concealed from the sight and knowledge of
men。 What the hands may do or the tongue may utter what the outer life
revealsbut imperfectly shows man's moral character。 The law searches his
thoughts; motives; and purposes。 The dark passions that lie hidden from the
sight of men; the jealousy; hatred; lust; and ambition; the evil deeds
meditated upon in the dark recesses of the soul; yet never executed for want
of opportunityall these God's law condemns。

Paul endeavored to direct the minds of his hearers to the one great
Sacrifice for sin。 He pointed to the sacrifices that were shadows of good
things to come; and then presented Christ as the antitype of all those
ceremoniesthe object to which they pointed as the only source of life and
hope for fallen man。 Holy men of old were saved by faith in the blood of
Christ。 As they saw the dying agonies of


the sacrificial victims they looked across the gulf of ages to the Lamb of
God that was to take away the sin of the world。

God justly claims the love and obedience of all His creatures。 He has given
them in His law a perfect standard of right。 But many forget their Maker and
choose to follow their own way in opposition to His will。 They return enmity
for love that is as high as heaven and as broad as the universe。 God cannot
lower the requirements of His law to meet the standard of wicked men;
neither can man in his own power meet the demands of the law。 Only by faith
in Christ can the sinner be cleansed from guilt and be enabled to render
obedience to the law of his Maker。

Thus Paul; the prisoner; urged the claims of the divine law upon Jew and
Gentile; and presented Jesus; the despised Nazarene; as the Son of God; the
world's Redeemer。

The Jewish princess well understood the sacred character of that law which
she had so shamelessly transgressed; but her prejudice against the Man of
Calvary steeled her heart against the word of life。 But Felix had never
before listened to the truth; and as the Spirit of God sent conviction to
his soul; he became deeply agitated。 Conscience; now aroused; made her voice
heard; and Felix felt t
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