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the acts of the apostles-第73部分

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against them the rage of those who; while claiming to be righteous; trample
upon the law of God。 It will require the firmest trust; the most heroic
purpose; to hold fast the faith once delivered to the saints。

God desires His people to prepare for the soon…coming


crisis。 Prepared or unprepared; they must all meet it; and those only who
have brought their lives into conformity to the divine standard; will stand
firm at that time of test and trial。 When secular rulers unite with
ministers of religion to dictate in matters of conscience; then it will be
seen who really fear and serve God。 When the darkness is deepest; the light
of a godlike character will shine the brightest。 When every other trust
fails; then it will be seen who have an abiding trust in Jehovah。 And while
the enemies of truth are on every side; watching the Lord's servants for
evil; God will watch over them for good。 He will be to them as the shadow of
a great rock in a weary land。


                              Chapter 41

                              〃Almost Thou Persuadest Me〃

Paul had appealed to Caesar; and Festus could not do otherwise than send him
to Rome。 But some time passed before a suitable ship could be found; and as
other prisoners were to be sent with Paul; the consideration of their cases
also occasioned delay。 This gave Paul opportunity to present the reasons of
his faith before the principal men of Caesarea; and also before King Agrippa
II; the last of the Herods。

〃After certain days King Agrippa and Bernice came unto Caesarea to salute
Festus。 And when they had been there many days; Festus declared Paul's cause
unto the king; saying; There is a certain man left in bonds by Felix: about
whom; when I was at Jerusalem; the chief priests and the elders of the Jews
informed me; desiring to have judgment against him。〃 He outlined the
circumstances that led to the prisoner's appeal to Caesar; telling of Paul's
recent trial before him; and saying that the Jews had brought against


Paul no accusation such as he had supposed they would bring; but 〃certain
questions 。 。 。 of their own superstition; and of one Jesus; which was dead;
whom Paul affirmed to be alive。〃

As Festus told his story; Agrippa became interested and said; 〃I would also
hear the man myself。〃 In harmony with his wish; a meeting was arranged for
the following day。 〃And on the morrow; when Agrippa was come; and Bernice;
with great pomp; and was entered into the place of hearing; with the chief
captains; and principal men of the city; at Festus' commandment Paul was
brought forth。〃

In honor of his visitors; Festus had sought to make this an occasion of
imposing display。 The rich robes of the procurator and his guests; the
swords of the soldiers; and the gleaming armor of their commanders; lent
brilliancy to the scene。

And now Paul; still manacled; stood before the assembled company。 What a
contrast was here presented! Agrippa and Bernice possessed power and
position; and because of this they were favored by the world。 But they were
destitute of the traits of character that God esteems。 They were
transgressors of His law; corrupt in heart and life。 Their course of action
was abhorred by heaven。

The aged prisoner; chained to his soldier guard; had in his appearance
nothing that would lead the world to pay him homage。 Yet in this man;
apparently without friends or wealth or position; and held a prisoner for
his faith in the Son of God; all heaven was interested。 Angels were his
attendants。 Had the glory of one of those shining messengers


flashed forth; the pomp and pride of royalty would have paled; king and
courtiers would have been stricken to the earth; as were the Roman guards at
the sepulcher of Christ。

Festus himself presented Paul to the assembly with the words: 〃King Agrippa;
and all men which are here present with us; ye see this man; about whom all
the multitude of the Jews have dealt with me; both at Jerusalem; and also
here; crying that he ought not to live any longer。 But when I found that he
had committed nothing worthy of death; and that he himself hath appealed to
Augustus; I have determined to send him。 Of whom I have no certain thing to
write unto my lord。 Wherefore I have brought him forth before you; and
specially before thee; O King Agrippa; that; after examination had; I might
have somewhat to write。 For it seemeth to me unreasonable to send a
prisoner; and not withal to signify the crimes laid against him。〃

King Agrippa now gave Paul liberty to speak for himself。 The apostle was not
disconcerted by the brilliant display or the high rank of his audience; for
he knew of how little worth are worldly wealth and position。 Earthly pomp
and power could not for a moment daunt his courage or rob him of his

〃I think myself happy; King Agrippa;〃 he declared; 〃because I shall answer
for myself this day before thee touching all the things whereof I am accused
of the Jews: especially because I know thee to be expert in all customs and
questions which are among the Jews: wherefore I beseech thee to hear me


Paul related the story of his conversion from stubborn unbelief to faith in
Jesus of Nazareth as the world's Redeemer。 He described the heavenly vision
that at first had filled him with unspeakable terror; but afterward proved
to be a source of the greatest consolationa revelation of divine glory; in
the midst of which sat enthroned He whom he had despised and hated; whose
followers he was even then seeking to destroy。 From that hour Paul had been
a new man; a sincere and fervent believer in Jesus; made such by
transforming mercy。

With clearness and power Paul outlined before Agrippa the leading events
connected with the life of Christ on earth。 He testified that the Messiah of
prophecy had already appeared in the person of Jesus of Nazareth。 He showed
how the Old Testament Scriptures had declared that the Messiah was to appear
as a man among men; and how in the life of Jesus had been fulfilled every
specification outlined by Moses and the prophets。 For the purpose of
redeeming a lost world; the divine Son of God had endured the cross;
despising the shame; and had ascended to heaven triumphant over death and
the grave。

Why; Paul reasoned; should it seem incredible that Christ should rise from
the dead? Once it had thus seemed to him; but how could he disbelieve that
which he himself had seen and heard? At the gate of Damascus he had verily
looked upon the crucified and risen Christ; the same who had walked the
streets of Jerusalem; died on Calvary; broken the bands of death; and
ascended to heaven。 As verily as had Cephas; James; John; or any others of
the disciples; he


had seen and talked with Him。 The Voice had bidden him proclaim the gospel
of a risen Saviour; and how could he disobey? In Damascus; in Jerusalem;
throughout all Judea; and in the regions afar off; he had borne witness of
Jesus the Crucified; showing all classes 〃that they should repent and turn
to God; and do works meet for repentance。

〃For these causes;〃 the apostle declared; 〃the Jews caught me in the temple;
and went about to kill me。 Having therefore obtained help of God; I continue
unto this day; witnessing both to small and great; saying none other things
than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: that Christ
should suffer; and that He should be the first that should rise from the
dead; and should show light unto the people; and to the Gentiles。〃

The whole company had listened spellbound to Paul's account of his wonderful
experiences。 The apostle was dwelling upon his favorite theme。 None who
heard him could doubt his sincerity。 But in the full tide of his persuasive
eloquence he was interrupted by Festus; who cried out; 〃Paul; thou art
beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad。〃

The apostle replied; 〃I am not mad; most noble Festus; but speak forth the
words of truth and soberness。 For the king knoweth of these things; before
whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these thing are
hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner。〃 Then; turning to
Agrippa; he addressed him directly; 〃King Agrippa; believest thou the
prophets? I know that thou believest。〃


Deeply affected; Agrippa for the moment lost sight of his surroundings and
the dignity of his position。 Conscious only of the truths which he had
heard; seeing only the humble prisoner standing before him as God's
ambassador; he answered involuntarily; 〃Almost thou persuadest me to be a

Earnestly the apostle made answer; 〃I would to God; that not only thou; but
also all that hear me this day; were both almost; and altogether such as I
am;〃 adding; as he raised his fettered hands; 〃except these bonds。〃

Festus; Agrippa; and Bernice might in justice have worn the fetters that
bound the apostle。 All were guilty of grievous crimes。 These offend
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