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the acts of the apostles-第74部分

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bound the apostle。 All were guilty of grievous crimes。 These offenders had
that day heard the offer of salvation through the name of Christ。 One; at
least; had been almost persuaded to accept the grace and pardon offered。 But
Agrippa put aside the proffered mercy; refusing to accept the cross of a
crucified Redeemer。

The king's curiosity was satisfied; and; rising from his seat; he signified
that the interview was at an end。 As the assembly dispersed; they talked
among themselves; saying; 〃This man doeth nothing worthy of death or of

Though Agrippa was a Jew; he did not share the bigoted zeal and blind
prejudice of the Pharisees。 〃This man;〃 he said to Festus; 〃might have been
set at liberty; if he had not appealed unto Caesar。〃 But the case had been
referred to that higher tribunal; and it was now beyond the jurisdiction of
either Festus or Agrippa。


                              Chapter 42

                              The Voyage and Shipwreck

At last Paul was on his way to Rome。 〃When it was determined;〃 Luke writes;
〃that we should sail into Italy; they delivered Paul and certain other
prisoners unto one named Julius; a centurion of Augustus' band。 And entering
into a ship of Adramyttium; we launched; meaning to sail by the coasts of
Asia; one Aristarchus; a Macedonian of Thessalonica; being with us。〃

In the first century of the Christian Era traveling by sea was attended with
peculiar hardship and peril。 Mariners directed their course largely by the
position of the sun and stars; and when these did not appear; and there were
indications of storm; the owners of vessels were fearful of venturing into
the open sea。 During a portion of the year; safe navigation was almost

The apostle Paul was now called upon to endure the trying experiences that
would fall to his lot as a prisoner in chains during the long and tedious
voyage to Italy。 One


circumstance greatly lightened the hardship of his lothe was permitted the
companionship of Luke and Aristarchus。 In his letter to the Colossians he
afterward referred to the latter as his 〃fellow prisoner〃 (Colossians 4:10);
but it was from choice that Aristarchus shared Paul's bondage; that he might
minister to him in his afflictions。

The voyage began prosperously。 The following day they cast anchor in the
harbor of Sidon。 Here Julius; the centurion; 〃courteously entreated Paul;〃
and being informed that there were Christians in the place; 〃gave him
liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself。〃 This permission was
greatly appreciated by the apostle; who was in feeble health。

Upon leaving Sidon; the ship encountered contrary winds; and being driven
from a direct course; its progress was slow。 At Myra; in the province of
Lycia; the centurion found a large Alexandrian ship; bound for the coast of
Italy; and to this he immediately transferred his prisoners。 But the winds
were still contrary; and the ship's progress was difficult。 Luke writes;
〃When we had sailed slowly many days; and scarce were come over against
Cnidus; the wind not suffering us; we sailed under Crete; over against
Salmone; and; hardly passing it; came unto a place which is called the Fair

At Fair Havens they were compelled to remain for some time; waiting for
favoring winds。 Winter was approaching rapidly; 〃sailing was now dangerous;〃
and those in charge of the vessel had to give up hope of reaching their
destination before the season for travel by sea should be


closed for the year。 The only question now to be decided was; whether to
remain at Fair Havens; or attempt to reach a more favorable place in which
to winter。

This question was earnestly discussed; and was finally referred by the
centurion to Paul; who had won the respect of both sailors and soldiers。 The
apostle unhesitatingly advised remaining where they were。 〃I perceive;〃 he
said; 〃that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage; not only of the
lading and ship; but also of our lives。〃 But 〃the master and the owner of
the ship;〃 and the majority of passengers and crew; were unwilling to accept
this counsel。 Because the haven in which they had anchored 〃was not
commodious to winter in; the more part advised to depart thence also; if by
any means they might attain to Phenice; and there to winter; which is an
haven of Crete; and lieth toward the southwest and northwest。〃

The centurion decided to follow the judgment of the majority。 Accordingly;
〃when the south wind blew softly;〃 they set sail from Fair Havens; in the
hope that they would soon reach the desired harbor。 〃But not long after
there arose 。 。 。 a tempestuous wind;〃 〃the ship was caught; and could not
bear up into the wind。〃

Driven by the tempest; the vessel neared the small island of Clauda; and
while under its shelter the sailors made ready for the worst。 The lifeboat;
their only means of escape in case the ship should founder; was in tow and
liable to be dashed in pieces any moment。 Their first work was to hoist this
boat on board。 All possible precautions were then


taken to strengthen the ship and prepare it to withstand the tempest。 The
scant protection afforded by the little island did not avail them long; and
soon they were again exposed to the full violence of the storm。

All night the tempest raged; and notwithstanding the precautions that had
been taken; the vessel leaked。 〃The next day they lightened the ship。〃 Night
came again; but the wind did not abate。 The storm…beaten ship; with its
shattered mast and rent sails; was tossed hither and thither by the fury of
the gale。 Every moment it seemed that the groaning timbers must give way as
the vessel reeled and quivered under the tempest's shock。 The leak increased
rapidly; and passengers and crew worked continually at the pumps。 There was
not a moment's rest for any on board。 〃The third day;〃 writes Luke; 〃we cast
out with our own hands the tackling of the ship。 And when neither sun nor
stars in many days appeared; and no small tempest lay on us; all hope that
we should be saved was then taken away。〃

For fourteen days they drifted under a sunless and starless heaven。 The
apostle; though himself suffering physically; had words of hope for the
darkest hour; a helping hand in every emergency。 He grasped by faith the arm
of Infinite Power; and his heart was stayed upon God。 He had no fears for
himself; he knew that God would preserve him to witness at Rome for the
truth of Christ。 But his heart yearned with pity for the poor souls around
him; sinful; degraded; and unprepared to die。 As he earnestly pleaded with
God to spare their lives; it was revealed to him that his prayer was


Taking advantage of a lull in the tempest; Paul stood forth on the deck and;
lifting up his voice; said: 〃Sirs; ye should have hearkened unto me; and not
have loosed from Crete; and to have gained this harm and loss。 And now I
exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life
among you; but of the ship。 For there stood by me this night the angel of
God; whose I am; and whom I serve; saying; Fear not; Paul; thou must be
brought before Caesar: and; lo; God hath given thee all them that sail with
thee。 Wherefore; sirs; be of good cheer: for I believe God; that it shall be
even as it was told me。 Howbeit we must be cast upon a certain island。〃

At these words; hope revived。 Passengers and crew roused from their apathy。
There was much yet to be done; and every effort within their power must be
put forth to avert destruction。

It was on the fourteenth night of tossing on the black; heaving billows;
that 〃about midnight〃 the sailors; hearing the sound of breakers; 〃deemed
that they drew near to some country; and sounded; and found it twenty
fathoms: and when they had gone a little further; they sounded again; and
found it fifteen fathoms。 Then fearing;〃 Luke writes; 〃lest we should have
fallen upon rocks; they cast four anchors out of the stern; and wished for
the day。〃

At break of day the outlines of the stormy coast were dimly visible; but no
familiar landmarks could be seen。 So gloomy was the outlook that the heathen
sailors; losing all courage; 〃were about to flee out of the ship;〃 and
feigning to make preparations for casting 〃anchors out of the


foreship;〃 they had already let down the lifeboat; when Paul; perceiving
their base design; said to the centurion and the soldiers; 〃Except these
abide in the ship; ye cannot be saved。〃 The soldiers immediately 〃cut off
the ropes of the boat; and let her fall off〃 into the sea。

The most critical hour was still before them。 Again the apostle spoke words
of encouragement; and entreated all; both sailors and passengers; to take
some food; saying; 〃This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried and
continued fasting; having taken nothing。 Wherefore I pray you to take some
meat: for this is for your health: for there shall not a hair fall from the
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