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the acts of the apostles-第77部分

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joint heir with His Son。


Among those who gave their hearts to God through the labors of Paul in Rome
was Onesimus; a pagan slave who had wronged his master; Philemon; a
Christian believer in Colosse; and had escaped to Rome。 In the kindness of
his heart; Paul sought to relieve the poverty and distress of the wretched
fugitive and then endeavored to shed the light of truth into his darkened
mind。 Onesimus listened to the words of life; confessed his sins; and was
converted to the faith of Christ。

Onesimus endeared himself to Paul by his piety and sincerity; no less than
by his tender care for the apostle's comfort; and his zeal in promoting the
work of the gospel。 Paul saw in him traits of character that would render
him a useful helper in missionary labor; and he counseled him to return
without delay to Philemon; beg his forgiveness; and plan for the future。 The
apostle promised to hold himself responsible for the sum of which Philemon
had been robbed。 Being about to dispatch Tychicus with letters to various
churches in Asia Minor; he sent Onesimus with him。 It was a severe test for
this servant thus to deliver himself up to the master he had wronged; but he
had been truly converted; and he did not turn aside from his duty。

Paul made Onesimus the bearer of a letter to Philemon; in which; with his
usual tact and kindness; the apostle pleaded the cause of the repentant
slave and expressed a desire to retain his services in the future。 The
letter began with an affectionate greeting to Philemon as a friend and
fellow laborer:


〃Grace to you; and peace; from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ。 I
thank my God; making mention of thee always in my prayers; hearing of thy
love and faith; which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus; and toward all
saints; that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the
acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus。〃 The
apostle reminded Philemon that every good purpose and trait of character
which he possessed was due to the grace of Christ; this alone made him
different from the perverse and the sinful。 The same grace could make the
debased criminal a child of God and a useful laborer in the gospel。

Paul might have urged upon Philemon his duty as a Christian; but he chose
rather the language of entreaty: 〃As Paul the aged; and now also a prisoner
of Jesus Christ; I beseech thee for my son Onesimus; whom I have begotten in
my bonds; which in time past was to thee unprofitable; but now profitable to
thee and to me。〃

The apostle asked Philemon; in view of the conversion of Onesimus; to
receive the repentant slave as his own child; showing him such affection
that he would choose to dwell with his former master; 〃not now as a servant;
but above a servant; a brother beloved。〃 He expressed his desire to retain
Onesimus as one who could minister to him in his bonds as Philemon himself
would have done; though he did not desire his services unless Philemon
should of his own accord set the slave free。

The apostle well knew the severity which masters exercised toward their
slaves; and he knew also that Philemon


was greatly incensed because of the conduct of his servant。 He tried to
write to him in a way that would arouse his deepest and tenderest feelings
as a Christian。 The conversion of Onesimus had made him a brother in the
faith; and any punishment inflicted on this new convert would be regarded by
Paul as inflicted on himself。

Paul voluntarily proposed to assume the debt of Onesimus in order that the
guilty one might be spared the disgrace of punishment; and might again enjoy
the privileges he had forfeited。 〃If thou count me therefore a partner;〃 he
wrote to Philemon; 〃receive him as myself。 If he hath wronged thee;or oweth
thee aught; put that on mine account; I Paul have written it with mine own
hand; I will repay it。〃

How fitting an illustration of the love of Christ for the repentant sinner!
The servant who had defrauded his master had nothing with which to make
restitution。 The sinner who has robbed God of years of service has no means
of canceling the debt。 Jesus interposes between the sinner and God; saying;
I will pay the debt。 Let the sinner be spared; I will suffer in his stead。

After offering to assume the debt of Onesimus; Paul reminded Philemon how
greatly he himself was indebted to the apostle。 He owed him his own self;
since God had made Paul the instrument of his conversion。 Then; in a tender;
earnest appeal; he besought Philemon that as he had by his liberalities
refreshed the saints; so he would refresh the spirit of the apostle by
granting him this cause of rejoicing。 〃Having confidence in thy obedience;〃


added; 〃I wrote unto thee; knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say。〃

Paul's letter to Philemon shows the influence of the gospel upon the
relation between master and servant。 Slave…holding was an established
institution throughout the Roman Empire; and both masters and slaves were
found in most of the churches for which Paul labored。 In the cities; where
slaves often greatly outnumbered the free population; laws of terrible
severity were regarded as necessary to keep them in subjection。 A wealthy
Roman often owned hundreds of slaves; of every rank; of every nation; and of
every accomplishment。 With full control over the souls and bodies of these
helpless beings; he could inflict upon them any suffering he chose。 If one
of them in retaliation or self…defense ventured to raise a hand against his
owner; the whole family of the offender might be inhumanly sacrificed。 The
slightest mistake; accident; or carelessness was often punished without

Some masters; more humane than others; were more indulgent toward their
servants; but the vast majority of the wealthy and noble; given up without
restraint to the indulgence of lust; passion; and appetite; made their
slaves the wretched victims of caprice and tyranny。 The tendency of the
whole system was hopelessly degrading。

It was not the apostle's work to overturn arbitrarily or suddenly the
established order of society。 To attempt this would be to prevent the
success of the gospel。 But he taught principles which struck at the very
foundation of slavery and which; if carried into effect; would surely


the whole system。 〃Where the Spirit of the Lord is; there is liberty;〃 he
declared。 2 Corinthians 3:17。 When converted; the slave became a member of
the body of Christ; and as such was to be loved and treated as a brother; a
fellow heir with his master to the blessings of God and the privileges of
the gospel。 On the other hand; servants were to perform their duties; 〃not
with eyeservice; as men pleasers; but as the servants of Christ; doing the
will of God from the heart。〃 Ephesians 6:6。

Christianity makes a strong bond of union between master and slave; king and
subject; the gospel minister and the degraded sinner who has found in Christ
cleansing from sin。 They have been washed in the same blood; quickened by
the same Spirit; and they are made one in Christ Jesus。


                              Chapter 44

                              Caesar's Household

The gospel has ever achieved its greatest success among the humbler classes。
〃Not many wise men after the flesh; not many mighty; not many noble; are
called。〃 1 Corinthians 1:26。 It could not be expected that Paul; a poor and
friendless prisoner; would be able to gain the attention of the wealthy and
titled classes of Roman citizens。 To them vice presented all its glittering
allurements and held them willing captives。 But from among the toilworn;
want…stricken victims of their oppression; even from among the poor slaves;
many gladly listened to the words of Paul and in the faith of Christ found a
hope and peace that cheered them under the hardships of their lot。

Yet while the apostle's work began with the humble and the lowly; its
influence extended until it reached the very palace of the emperor。

Rome was at this time the metropolis of the world。 The haughty Caesars were
giving laws to nearly every nation


upon the earth。 King and courtier were either ignorant of the humble
Nazarene or regarded Him with hatred and derision。 And yet in less than two
years the gospel found its way from the prisoner's lowly home into the
imperial halls。 Paul is in bonds as an evildoer; but 〃the word of God is not
bound。〃 2 Timothy 2:9。

In former years the apostle had publicly proclaimed the faith of Christ with
winning power; and by signs and miracles he had given unmistakable evidence
of its divine character。 With noble firmness he had risen up before the
sages of Greece and by his knowledge and eloquence had put to silence the
arguments of proud philosophy。 With undaunted courage he had stood before
kings and governors; and reasoned of righteousness; temperance; and judgment
to come; until the haughty rulers trembled as if already 
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