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the acts of the apostles-第85部分

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or condemn their pleasure…loving course。 They are offended by the plain
words of the faithful servants of Christ and choose teachers who praise and
flatter them。 And among professing ministers there are those who preach the
opinions of men instead of the word of God。 Unfaithful to their trust; they
lead astray those who look to them for spiritual guidance。

In the precepts of His holy law; God has given a perfect rule of life; and
He has declared that until the close of time this law; unchanged in a single
jot or tittle; is to maintain its claim upon human beings。 Christ came to
magnify the law and make it honorable。 He showed that it is based upon the
broad foundation of love to God and love to man; and that obedience to its
precepts comprises the whole duty of man。 In His own life He gave an example
of obedience to the law of God。 In the Sermon on the Mount He showed how its
requirements extend beyond the outward acts and take cognizance of the
thoughts and intents of the heart。

The law; obeyed; leads men to deny 〃ungodliness and worldly lusts;〃 and to
〃live soberly; righteously; and godly; in this present world。〃 Titus 2:12。
But the enemy of all righteousness has taken the world captive and has led
men and women to disobey the law。 As Paul foresaw; multitudes have turned
from the plain; searching truths of God's word and have chosen teachers who
present to them the fables they desire。 Many among both ministers and people
are trampling under their feet the commandments of God。 Thus the Creator of
the world is insulted; and Satan laughs in triumph at the success of his


With the growing contempt for God's law there is an increasing distaste for
religion; an increase of pride; love of pleasure; disobedience to parents;
and self…indulgence; and thoughtful minds everywhere are anxiously
inquiring; What can be done to correct these alarming evils? The answer is
found in Paul's exhortation to Timothy; 〃Preach the word。〃 In the Bible are
found the only safe principles of action。 It is a transcript of the will of
God; an expression of divine wisdom。 It opens to man's understanding the
great problems of life; and to all who heed its precepts it will prove an
unerring guide; keeping them from wasting their lives in misdirected effort。

God has made known His will; and it is folly for man to question that which
has gone out of His lips。 After Infinite Wisdom has spoken; there can be no
doubtful questions for man to settle; no wavering possibilities for him to
adjust。 All that is required of him is a frank; earnest concurrence in the
expressed will of God。 Obedience is the highest dictate of reason as well as
of conscience。

Paul continued his charge: 〃Watch thou in all things; endure afflictions; do
the work of an evangelist; make full proof of thy ministry。〃 Paul was about
to finish his course; and he desired Timothy to take his place; guarding the
church from the fables and heresies by which the enemy; in various ways;
would endeavor to lead them from the simplicity of the gospel。 He admonished
him to shun all temporal pursuits and entanglements that would prevent him
from giving himself wholly to his work for God; to endure with cheerfulness
the opposition; reproach; and persecution


to which his faithfulness would expose him; to make full proof of his
ministry by employing every means within his reach of doing good to those
for whom Christ died。

Paul's life was an exemplification of the truths he taught; and herein lay
his power。 His heart was filled with a deep; abiding sense of his
responsibility; and he labored in close communion with Him who is the
fountain of justice; mercy; and truth。 He clung to the cross of Christ as
his only guarantee of success。 The love of the Saviour was the undying
motive that upheld him in his conflicts with self and in his struggles
against evil as in the service of Christ he pressed forward against the
unfriendliness of the world and the opposition of his enemies。

What the church needs in these days of peril is an army of workers who; like
Paul; have educated themselves for usefulness; who have a deep experience in
the things of God; and who are filled with earnestness and zeal。 Sanctified;
self…sacrificing men are needed; men who will not shun trial and
responsibility; men who are brave and true; men in whose hearts Christ is
formed 〃the hope of glory;〃 and who with lips touched with holy fire will
〃preach the word。〃 For want of such workers the cause of God languishes; and
fatal errors; like a deadly poison; taint the morals and blight the hopes of
a large part of the human race。

As the faithful; toilworn standard…bearers are offering up their lives for
the truth's sake; who will come forward to take their place? Will our young
men accept the holy trust at the hands of their fathers? Are they preparing
to fill the vacancies made by the death of the faithful? Will the


apostle's charge be heeded; the call to duty be heard; amidst the
incitements to selfishness and ambition that allure the youth?

Paul concluded his letter with personal messages to different ones and again
repeated the urgent request that Timothy come to him soon; if possible
before the winter。 He spoke of his loneliness; caused by the desertion of
some of his friends and the necessary absence of others; and lest Timothy
should hesitate; fearing that the church at Ephesus might need his labors;
Paul stated that he had already dispatched Tychicus to fill the vacancy。

After speaking of the scene of his trial before Nero; the desertion of his
brethren; and the sustaining grace of a covenant…keeping God; Paul closed
his letter by commending his beloved Timothy to the guardianship of the
Chief Shepherd; who; though the undershepherds might be stricken down; would
still care for His flock。


                              Chapter 50

                              Condemned to Die

During Paul's final trial before Nero; the emperor had been so strongly
impressed with the force of the apostle's words that he deferred the
decision of the case; neither acquitting nor condemning the accused servant
of God。 But the emperor's malice against Paul soon returned。 Exasperated by
his inability to check the spread of the Christian religion; even in the
imperial household; he determined that as soon as a plausible pretext could
be found; the apostle should be put to death。 Not long afterward Nero
pronounced the decision that condemned Paul to a martyr's death。 Inasmuch as
a Roman citizen could not be subjected to torture; he was sentenced to be

Paul was taken in a private manner to the place of execution。 Few spectators
were allowed to be present; for his persecutors; alarmed at the extent of
his influence; feared that converts might be won to Christianity by the
scenes of his death。 But even the hardened soldiers who attended him


listened to his words and with amazement saw him cheerful and even joyous in
the prospect of death。 To some who witnessed his martyrdom; his spirit of
forgiveness toward his murderers and his unwavering confidence in Christ
till the last; proved a savor of life unto life。 More than one accepted the
Saviour whom Paul preached; and erelong fearlessly sealed their faith with
their blood。

Until his latest hour the life of Paul testified to the truth of his words
to the Corinthians: 〃God; who commanded the light to shine out of darkness;
hath shined in our hearts; to give the light of the knowledge of the glory
of God in the face of Jesus Christ。 But we have this treasure in earthen
vessels; that the excellency of the power may be of God; and not of us。 We
are troubled on every side; yet not distressed; we are perplexed; but not in
despair; persecuted; but not forsaken; cast down; but not destroyed; always
bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus; that the life also of
Jesus might be made manifest in our body。〃
2 Corinthians 4:6…10。 His sufficiency was not in himself; but
in the presence and agency of the divine Spirit that filled his soul and
brought every thought into subjection to the will of Christ。 The prophet
declares; 〃Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace; whose mind is stayed on
Thee: because he trusteth in Thee。〃 Isaiah 26:3。 The heaven…born peace
expressed on Paul's countenance won many a soul to the gospel。

Paul carried with him the atmosphere of heaven。 All who associated with him
felt the influence of his union


with Christ。 The fact that his own life exemplified the truth he proclaimed;
gave convincing power to his preaching。 Here lies the power of truth。 The
unstudied; unconscious influence of a holy life is the most convincing
sermon that can be given in favor of Christianity。 Argument; even when
unanswerable; may provoke only opposition; but a godly example has a power
that it is impossible wholly to resist。
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