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the acts of the apostles-第86部分

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that it is impossible wholly to resist。

The apostle lost sight of his own approaching sufferings in his solicitude
for those whom he was about to leave to cope with prejudice; hatred; and
persecution。 The few Christians who accompanied him to the place of
execution he endeavored to strengthen and encourage by repeating the
promises given for those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake。 He
assured them that nothing would fail of all that the Lord had spoken
concerning His tried and faithful children。 For a little season they might
be in heaviness through manifold temptations; they might be destitute of
earthly comforts; but they could encourage their hearts with the assurance
of God's faithfulness; saying; 〃I know whom I have believed; and am
persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him。〃 2
Timothy 1:12。 Soon the night of trial and suffering would end; and then
would dawn the glad morning of peace and perfect day。

The apostle was looking into the great beyond; not with uncertainty or
dread; but with joyous hope and longing expectation。 As he stands at the
place of martyrdom he sees not the sword of the executioner or the earth so
soon to


receive his blood; he looks up through the calm blue heaven of that summer
day to the throne of the Eternal。

This man of faith beholds the ladder of Jacob's vision; representing Christ;
who has connected earth with heaven; and finite man with the infinite God。
His faith is strengthened as he calls to mind how patriarchs and prophets
have relied upon the One who is his support and consolation; and for whom he
is giving his life。 From these holy men who from century to century have
borne testimony for their faith; he hears the assurance that God is true。
His fellow apostles; who; to preach the gospel of Christ; went forth to meet
religious bigotry and heathen superstition; persecution; and contempt; who
counted not their lives dear unto themselves that they might bear aloft the
light of the cross amidst the dark mazes of infidelitythese he hears
witnessing to Jesus as the Son of God; the Saviour of the world。 From the
rack; the stake; the dungeon; from dens and caves of the earth; there falls
upon his ear the martyr's shout of triumph。 He hears the witness of
steadfast souls; who; though destitute; afflicted; tormented; yet bear
fearless; solemn testimony for the faith; declaring; 〃I know whom I have
believed。〃 These; yielding up their lives for the faith; declare to the
world that He in whom they have trusted is able to save to the uttermost。

Ransomed by the sacrifice of Christ; washed from sin in His blood; and
clothed in His righteousness; Paul has the witness in himself that his soul
is precious in the sight of his Redeemer。 His life is hid with Christ in
God; and he is


persuaded that He who has conquered death is able to keep that which is
committed to His trust。 His mind grasps the Saviour's promise; 〃I will raise
him up at the last day。〃 John 6:40。 His thoughts and hopes are centered on
the second coming of his Lord。 And as the sword of the executioner descends
and the shadows of death gather about the martyr; his latest thought springs
forward; as will his earliest in the great awakening; to meet the
Life…giver; who shall welcome him to the joy of the blest。

Well…nigh a score of centuries have passed since Paul the aged poured out
his blood as a witness for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus
Christ。 No faithful hand recorded for the generations to come the last
scenes in the life of this holy man; but Inspiration has preserved for us
his dying testimony。 Like a trumpet peal his voice has rung out through all
the ages since; nerving with his own courage thousands of witnesses for
Christ and wakening in thousands of sorrow…stricken hearts the echo of his
own triumphant joy: 〃I am now ready to be offered; and the time of my
departure is at hand。 I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course;
I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
righteousness; which the Lord; the righteous Judge; shall give me at that
day: and not to me only; but unto all them also that love His appearing。〃
2 Timothy 4:6…8。


                              Chapter 51

                              A Faithful Undershepherd

Little mention is made in the book of Acts of the later work of the apostle
Peter。 During the busy years of ministry that followed the outpouring of the
Spirit on the Day of Pentecost; he was among those who put forth untiring
efforts to reach the Jews who came to Jerusalem to worship at the time of
the annual festivals。

As the number of believers multiplied in Jerusalem and in other places
visited by the messengers of the cross; the talents possessed by Peter
proved of untold value to the early Christian church。 The influence of his
testimony concerning Jesus of Nazareth extended far and wide。 Upon him had
been laid a double responsibility。 He bore positive witness concerning the
Messiah before unbelievers; laboring earnestly for their conversion; and at
the same time he did a special work for believers; strengthening them in the
faith of Christ。


It was after Peter had been led to self…renunciation and entire reliance
upon divine power; that he received his call to act as an undershepherd。
Christ had said to Peter; before his denial of Him; 〃When thou art
converted; strengthen thy brethren。〃 Luke 22:32。 These words were
significant of the wide and effectual work which this apostle was to do in
the future for those who should come to the faith。 For this work; Peter's
own experience of sin and suffering and repentance had prepared him。 Not
until he had learned his weakness; could he know the believer's need of
dependence on Christ。 Amid the storm of temptation he had come to understand
that man can walk safely only as in utter self…distrust he relies upon the

At the last meeting of Christ with His disciples by the sea; Peter; tested
by the thrice…repeated question; 〃Lovest thou Me?〃 (John 21:15…17); had been
restored to his place among the Twelve。 His work had been appointed him; he
was to feed the Lord's flock。 Now; converted and accepted; he was not only
to seek to save those without the fold; but was to be a shepherd of the

Christ mentioned to Peter only one condition of service 〃Lovest thou Me?〃
This is the essential qualification。 Though Peter might possess every other;
yet without the love of Christ he could not be a faithful shepherd over the
flock of God。 Knowledge; benevolence; eloquence; zeal all are essential in
the good work; but without the love of Christ in the heart; the work of the
Christian minister is a failure。


The love of Christ is not a fitful feeling; but a living principle; which is
to be made manifest as an abiding power in the heart。 If the character and
deportment of the shepherd is an exemplification of the truth he advocates;
the Lord will set the seal of His approval to the work。 The shepherd and the
flock will become one; united by their common hope in Christ。

The Saviour's manner of dealing with Peter had a lesson for him and his
brethren。 Although Peter had denied his Lord; the love which Jesus bore him
had never faltered。 And as the apostle should take up the work of
ministering the word to others; he was to meet the transgressor with
patience; sympathy; and forgiving love。 Remembering his own weakness and
failure; he was to deal with the sheep and lambs committed to his care as
tenderly as Christ had dealt with him。

Human beings; themselves given to evil; are prone to deal untenderly with
the tempted and the erring。 They cannot read the heart; they know not its
struggle and its pain。 Of the rebuke that is love; of the blow that wounds
to heal; of the warning that speaks hope; they have need to learn。

Throughout his ministry; Peter faithfully watched over the flock entrusted
to his care; and thus proved himself worthy of the charge and responsibility
given him by the Saviour。 Ever he exalted Jesus of Nazareth as the Hope of
Israel; the Saviour of mankind。 He brought his own life under the discipline
of the Master Worker。 By every means within his power he sought to educate
the believers for active service。 His godly example and untiring activity


inspired many young men of promise to give themselves wholly to the work of
the ministry。 As time went on; the apostle's influence as an educator and
leader increased; and while he never lost his burden to labor especially for
the Jews; yet he bore his testimony in many lands and strengthened the faith
of multitudes in the gospel。

In the later years of his ministry; Peter was inspired to write to the
believers 〃scattered throughout Pontus; Galatia; Cappadocia; Asia; and
Bithynia。〃 His letters were the means of reviving the courage and
strengthening the faith of those who were enduring trial and affliction; and
of renewing to good 
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