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the acts of the apostles-第90部分

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heard much that pertained to the kingdom of God。 〃We have not followed
cunningly devised fables;〃 he reminded the believers; 〃when we made known
unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; but were
eyewitnesses of His majesty。 For He received from God the Father honor and
glory; when there came such a voice to Him from the excellent glory; This is
My beloved Son; in whom I am well pleased。 And this voice which came from
heaven we heard; when we were with Him in the holy mount。〃

Yet convincing as was this evidence of the certainty of the believers' hope;
there was another still more convincing in the witness of prophecy; through
which the faith of all might be confirmed and securely anchored。 〃We have
also;〃 Peter declared; 〃a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well
that ye take heed; as unto a light that shineth in a dark place; until the
day dawn; and the daystar arise


in your hearts: knowing this first; that no prophecy of the Scripture is of
any private interpretation。 For the prophecy came not in old time by the
will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy

While exalting the 〃sure word of prophecy〃 as a safe guide in times of
peril; the apostle solemnly warned the church against the torch of false
prophecy; which would be uplifted by 〃false teachers;〃 who would privily
bring in 〃damnable heresies; even denying the Lord。〃 These false teachers;
arising in the church and accounted true by many of their brethren in the
faith; the apostle compared to 〃wells without water; clouds that are carried
with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever。〃 〃The
latter end is worse with them;〃 he declared; 〃than the beginning。 For it had
been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness; than; after
they have known it; to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them。〃

Looking down through the ages to the close of time; Peter was inspired to
outline conditions that would exist in the world just prior to the second
coming of Christ。 〃There shall come in the last days scoffers;〃 he wrote;
〃walking after their own lusts; and saying; Where is the promise of His
coming? for since the fathers fell asleep; all things continue as they were
from the beginning of the creation。〃 But 〃when they shall say; Peace and
safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them。〃 1 Thessalonians 5:3。 Not
all; however; would be ensnared by the enemy's devices。 As the end of all
things earthly should approach; there


would be faithful ones able to discern the signs of the times。 While a large
number of professing believers would deny their faith by their works; there
would be a remnant who would endure to the end。

Peter kept alive in his heart the hope of Christ's return; and he assured
the church of the certain fulfillment of the Saviour's promise; 〃If I go and
prepare a place for you; I will come again; and receive you unto Myself。〃
John 14:3。 To the tried and faithful ones the coming might seem long
delayed; but the apostle assured them: 〃The Lord is not slack concerning His
promise; as some men count slackness; but is long…suffering to usward; not
willing that any should perish; but that all should come to repentance。 But
the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the
heavens shall pass away with a great noise; and the elements shall melt with
fervent heat; the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned

〃Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved; what manner of
persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness; looking for
and hasting unto the coming of the day of God; wherein the heavens being on
fire shall be dissolved; and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
Nevertheless we; according to His promise; look for new heavens and a new
earth; wherein dwelleth righteousness。

〃Wherefore; beloved; seeing that ye look for such things; be diligent that
ye may be found of Him in peace; without spot; and blameless。 And account
that the long…suffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved
brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written


unto you。 。 。 。 Ye therefore; beloved; seeing ye know these things before;
beware lest ye also; being led away with the error of the wicked; fall from
your own steadfastness。 But grow in grace; and in the knowledge of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ。〃

In the providence of God; Peter was permitted to close his ministry in Rome;
where his imprisonment was ordered by the emperor Nero about the time of
Paul's final arrest。 Thus the two veteran apostles; who for many years had
been widely separated in their labors; were to bear their last witness for
Christ in the world's metropolis; and upon its soil to shed their blood as
the seed of a vast harvest of saints and martyrs。

Since his reinstatement after his denial of Christ; Peter had unflinchingly
braved danger and had shown a noble courage in preaching a crucified; risen;
and ascended Saviour。 As he lay in his cell he called to mind the words that
Christ had spoken to him: 〃Verily; verily; I say unto thee; When thou wast
young; thou girdedst thyself; and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when
thou shalt be old; thou shalt stretch forth thy hands; and another shall
gird thee; and carry thee whither thou wouldest not。〃 John 21:18。 Thus Jesus
had made known to the disciple the very manner of his death; and even
foretold the stretching of his hands upon the cross。

Peter; as a Jew and a foreigner; was condemned to be scourged and crucified。
In prospect of this fearful death; the apostle remembered his great sin in
denying Jesus in the hour of His trial。 Once so unready to acknowledge the


cross; he now counted it a joy to yield up his life for the gospel; feeling
only that; for him who had denied his Lord; to die in the same manner as his
Master died was too great an honor。 Peter had sincerely repented of that sin
and had been forgiven by Christ; as is shown by the high commission given
him to feed the sheep and lambs of the flock。 But he could never forgive
himself。 Not even the thought of the agonies of the last terrible scene
could lessen the bitterness of his sorrow and repentance。 As a last favor he
entreated his executioners that he might be nailed to the cross with his
head downward。 The request was granted; and in this manner died the great
apostle Peter。


                              Chapter 53

                              John the Beloved

John is distinguished above the other apostles as 〃the disciple whom Jesus
loved。〃 John 21:20。 He seems to have enjoyed to a pre…eminent degree the
friendship of Christ; and he received many tokens of the Saviour's
confidence and love。 He was one of the three permitted to witness Christ's
glory upon the mount of transfiguration and His agony in Gethsemane; and it
was to his care that our Lord confided His mother in those last hours of
anguish upon the cross。

The Saviour's affection for the beloved disciple was returned with all the
strength of ardent devotion。 John clung to Christ as the vine clings to the
stately pillar。 For his Master's sake he braved the dangers of the judgment
hall and lingered about the cross; and at the tidings that Christ had risen;
he hastened to the sepulcher; in his zeal out…stripping even the impetuous

The confiding love and unselfish devotion manifested in the life and
character of John present lessons of untold value


to the Christian church。 John did not naturally possess the loveliness of
character that his later experience revealed。 By nature he had serious
defects。 He was not only proud; self…assertive; and ambitious for honor; but
impetuous; and resentful under injury。 He and his brother were called 〃sons
of thunder。〃 Evil temper; the desire for revenge; the spirit of criticism;
were all in the beloved disciple。 But beneath all this the divine Teacher
discerned the ardent; sincere; loving heart。 Jesus rebuked this
self…seeking; disappointed his ambitions; tested his faith。 But He revealed
to him that for which his soul longedthe beauty of holiness; the
transforming power of love。

The defects in John's character came strongly to the front on several
occasions during his personal association with the Saviour。 At one time
Christ sent messengers before Him into a village of the Samaritans;
requesting the people to prepare refreshments for Him and His disciples。 But
when the Saviour approached the town; He appeared to be desirous of passing
on toward Jerusalem。 This aroused the envy of the Samaritans; and instead of
inviting Him to tarry with them; they withheld the courtesies which they
would have given to a common wayfarer。 Jesus never urges His presence upon
any; and the Samaritans lost the blessing which would have been granted them
had they solicited Him to be their guest。

The disciples knew that it was the purp
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